Set Up a Lookup Code to Control the Rules for Data Validation Reports

Use the delivered ORA_HRX_GLB_VALIDATION_OBJECTS lookup type to set up a lookup code that you can use to control a validation for the Data Validation Report.

You can then use this lookup code to add multiple country tags to a validation. Alternately, you can remove a previously added country tag from the lookup code, if the validation is no more valid for the country.


If you don't tag a country, the application doesn't trigger any validation.

To create a lookup code:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance area, select the HCM Extract Lookups task.

  2. Search for and select HCM Extract Lookups.

  3. Click Create.

  4. Enter these lookup code details.



    Lookup Code

    Enter a lookup code suitable for the attribute or entity to be validated. If you want to use the Oracle delivered formula for mandatory attribute validation, enter suffix as >MC n the lookup code, for example CST_PERSON_ADDRESS_LINE 1>MC.

    Display Sequence

    Enter a unique value for the lookup code. It is recommended to use a sequence number, between 201 to 500, for the user-defined lookup codes.

    Start Date

    Enter 01/01/0001.

    End Date

    Enter 12/31/4712.


    Enter a suitable meaning for the lookup code, for example, Person Address Line 1 Check.


    Enter a suitable description, for example, Person Address Line 1 Check.


    Tag an appropriate country or countries, for which the validation is to be performed. For example, +FR.


    If no Tag is set up, the application doesn't perform the validation for any country.

  5. Click Save.