Worked Example to Add Rules to Data Validation Reports

This example demonstrates how to add a validation rule to the Data Validation Report extract definition. Before making changes to the extract, you select a legislative data group. When you submit your changes for a new rule, that validation is available for that legislative

  • Run Payroll Data Validation Report

  • Run Worker Validation Report

This table summarizes the key decisions for this scenario.

Decisions to Consider

In This Example

Which data group does the new validation belong in?

Person Details

Based on the level at which you need the validation, you must create the records and data elements in the appropriate data group.

What type of validation are you adding?

A rule to check whether each person's Person Address Line 1 attribute has no value. If there is no value, the report displays an error message.

Before You Start

  1. Ensure that a database item exists that retrieves the value to be validated. The contexts required by the database item are provided by the block level to which you can add the validation. In this example, a database item must exist for the person address line 1 attribute.

Create Validation

  1. In the Data Exchange work area, select Extract Definitions.

  2. Search for and select the extract definition to edit:

    1. In the Type list, select Full Profile.

    2. Select your legislative data group, for example UK LDG.

    3. Click Search.

    4. In the search results, click Data Validation Report.

  3. On the Extract Definitions page, click Switch Layout.

  4. In the Session Effective Date field, enter 01/01/0001.

  5. Add a detail record as shown here:

    1. Select Person Details under the Data Group node.

    2. In the Records section, click Create.

      Ensure that the Session Effective Date is 01/01/0001.

    3. Complete the fields in the Create Extract Record section as shown in this table.






      Person Address Details


      Detail record

      Process Type

      Fast Formula

    4. Click Save.

  6. Add the database item attribute:

    1. In the Extract Attributes section, click Create

    2. Complete the fields as shown in this table. This table lists the fields and the respective values for the extract attributes.




      Person Address Line 1 Attribute

      Tag Name

      Person_Address_Line 1_Attribute

      Short Code

      Person Address Line 1


      This value displays in the validation message in the report. For example, for the global null check rule, the following validation message displays: A value for the attribute Person Address Line 1 is required.

      Start Date


      End Date


      Data Type



      Database item group

      Database Item Group

      Person Address Line 1

      Output Label

      Person Address Line 1

      Output Column


    3. Click Save and Close.

  7. Create another attribute for the validation rule:

    1. In the Extract Attributes section, click Create

    2. Complete the fields as shown in this table. This table lists the fields and the respective values for the validation rule.




      Person Address Line 1 Rule

      Tag Name



      Enter this value exactly.

      Short Code

      Person Address Line 1 Rule


      The short code must include the short code of the database item attribute you created followed by a space and the suffix: Rule. The short code is case-sensitive.

      Start Date


      End Date


      Data Type





      Global Null Check Rule

      Output Label

      Person Address Line 1 Rule

      Output Column


      Results Display Option

      Summary and detail

    3. Click Save and Close.

  8. In the Actions menu, select Generate Formula.

  9. In the Actions menu, select Compile Formula.

  10. Click the Extract Execution Tree node and verify that all formulas are compiled.

  11. Click Submit.