Common Mistakes in Formulas

Here are some common mistakes that occur while using formulas:

Sample 1

Common mistakes while using formulas

Mistake description

Callout Description
1 Ensure that you include all the relevant DB items within the change context scope. Not including them within the changed scope leads to inconsistent results.
2 Ensure that you increment or initialize the index
3 Ensure that you enter correct return variable names for certain formula types instead of specific variable names.

Sample 2

Common mistakes while using formulas

Mistake description

Callout Description
1 Benefits funtions returns amounts and dates in character format. Ensure that you convert values to date and numbers.

Sample 3

Common mistakes while using formulas

Mistake description

Callout Description
1 When you use array DB items, you need not use the below functions, as the array DB items allow you to access other enrollment details like original enrollment dates and, benefit amounts.

Sample 4

Common mistakes while using formulas

Mistake description

Callout Description
1 Ensure tht you don't have unsused DB items and varables in your formula. They can throw errors at run time, requiring you to recompile formulas.
2 Use canonical date formats while initializing date variables to avoid date format related errors at runtime.

Sample 5

Common mistakes while using formulas

Mistake description

Callout Description
1 DB items don't return enrolled plan or option names when enrollments begin from a later date in future due to first of next month or other similar coverage codes.
2 Manipulate the effective date as per your needs and enclose the above WHILE loop within the change context call.

Sample 6

Common mistakes while using formulas

Mistake description

Callout Description
1 DB items are available for formulas based on data partitioning and formula context usages. So not all formulas can access all DB items. In this example, BEN_PBB_VAL DB item is not available to coverage calculation formula type. We recommend that you use Enterprise level formulas within Benefits. Don't set LDG while creating formulas.
2 Ensure that the called function is executable before you call the function.
3 Use the extract rule which has access to BEN_PBB_VAL DB item.