Determine whether a person is scheduled to work that day using this fast formula. For example, use it to show an attestation that warns the person that they weren’t scheduled to work today.

This formula uses an array to process time card data. It isn't associated with any delivered advanced time category rule templates.


A time category includes the formula as an advanced condition. An attestation set with an attestation that appears when a person reports time on a day they aren't scheduled to work includes the time category.

The person reporting time is scheduled to work the Regular shift (8:00a to 2:00p) on days 1, 2, 4, and 5. They aren't scheduled to work on day 3.

Day Web Clock Events Time Entry Output Attestation

In: 8:02a

Out: 2:01p

8:02a to 2:01p False None

In: 8:03a

Out: 1:58p

8:03a to 1:58p False None


(current day)

In: 8:01a 8:01a True A question about working extra hours appears.