Determine whether the reported In or Out time is before or after the scheduled time, plus or minus the grace period using this fast formula. For example, use it to display an attestation that warns of a schedule deviation.

This formula uses an array to process time card data. It isn't associated with any delivered advanced time category rule templates.


Name Type Description
PAYTYPES_TO_VALIDATE Fixed text List of comma-separated payroll time types that identify the reported time to compare with the schedule. If blank or equal to null, the formula uses all payroll time types.


The formula output is True if the reported time doesn’t match the scheduled time and is outside the grace period.


A time category includes the formula as an advanced condition. An attestation set with an attestation that appears when the formula finds a schedule deviation includes the time category.

The person reporting time is scheduled to work the Morning shift (6a to 11a), which has these limits:

  • Grace period: 5 minutes
  • Start early and late, and end early and late periods: 30 minutes
Day Web Clock Events Time Entry Output Attestation

In: 6:02a

Out: 11:05a

6:02a to 11:05a False None

In: 6:11a

Out: 11:05a

6:11a to 11:05a True A question about schedule deviation appears because the start time is after the scheduled start plus the grace period.

In: 6:05a

Out: 11:15a

6:05a to 11:15a True A question about schedule deviation appears because the end time is after the scheduled end plus the grace period.

In: 5:13a

Out: 11:01a

5:13a to 11:05a True A question about schedule deviation appears because the start time is before the scheduled start minus the grace period and the start early period.

In: 5:50a

Out: 11:05a

5:50a to 11:05a True A question about schedule deviation appears because the start time is before the scheduled start minus the grace period.