This fast formula is associated with the delivered rule template Shift Premium Template. It compares the total daily or period hours identified by the time category with the threshold value.

It converts hours over the threshold to a single payroll time type. It leaves hours under the threshold as the same payroll time type or converts them to a new, single payroll time type.


Name Type Description
PREM_START_TIME Time HH:MM Start time of the premium shift in a 24-hour format, such as 18:00 instead of 6:00p
PREM_STOP_TIME Time HH:MM End time of the premium shift in a 24-hour format, such as 23:30 instead of 11:30p
WORKED_TIME_CONDITION Time category Time category that identifies the time entries to use to determine the hours that qualify for premium pay


Name Output Group Time Attribute Description
OUT_MEASURE_UNDER 1 Measure Calculated based hours
OUT_MEASURE_OVER 2 Measure Calculated premium hours


Compares the start and end time for the detailed entries identified by the time category that are within the defined time range. Time entries that fall within the defined time range get an additional time attribute. This formula requires start and end time entries. The calculation splits hours entries that span midnight and the calculated hours appear separately on each day. The summation level is set to Detailed.


Scenario: You don't include a payroll time type for calculated hours under the threshold because you want to use those of the reported time entries. You add a payroll time type output for calculated hours over the threshold to use instead of the reported time type. You create a rule with your template where the premium shift starts at 6:00 PM, ends at 12:00 AM, with a time category of All Payroll Time Types.

Example1: The person doesn't work any evening hours, so doesn't qualify for the shift premium.

Day Payroll Time Type Reported Time Calculated Time
Mon thru Fri Regular 8a to 4p 8h

Example 2: The person works evening hours that qualify for the shift premium.

Day Payroll Time Type Reported Time Calculated Time
Mon Regular 4p to 12a 8h
Premium NA 6h
Tue Regular 2p to 10p 8h
Premium NA 4h
Wed Regular 10a to 6p 8h
Fri Regular 9p to 5a 8h
Premium NA 3h