This fast formula compares the reported time with a specific category of public holidays attached to the person's assigned schedule.

If the reported time is on a qualifying holiday, then the person gets a holiday premium payroll time type. This template uses an array processing formula. It isn't associated with any delivered time calculation rule templates.

If the person should also receive a premium for hours worked over some defined threshold value, you must use a separate threshold premium rule.


Name Type Description
WORKED_TIME_CONDITION Time category Time category that identifies the time entries to compare with the public holiday category of entries associated with the person's schedule
OVRD_PUB_HOLIDAY_CATEGORY Value set Category of public holiday entries associated with the person's schedule to compare with the time entries identified by the specified time category


Name Output Group Time Attribute Description
OUT_MEASURE_ARY_UNDER 1 Measure Calculated hours that aren't on a public holiday
OUT_MEASURE_ARY_OVER 2 Measure Calculated hours that are on a public holiday


This formula gets a list of holidays for the given public holiday category and time card period. It assigns all time entries that don't match a public holiday date to the OUT_MEASURE_ARY_UNDER measure. It assigns any time entries that do match to the measure OUT_MEASURE_ARY_OVER measure.


Scenario: You don't include a payroll time type for calculated hours under the threshold because you want to use those of the reported time entries. You add a payroll time type output for calculated hours over the threshold to use instead of the reported time type.

Example: You create a rule with your template where the time category is All Pay Time Types. For calculated hours over the threshold, the payroll time type is Overtime. Thursday and Friday are public holidays (PH).

Day Payroll Time Type Reported Time Calculated Time
Mon Regular 8h 8h
Tue Regular 8h 8h
Wed Regular 9h 8h
Overtime NA 1h
Thu (PH) Regular 8h 0h
Overtime NA 8h
Fri (PH) Regular 8h 0h
Overtime NA 8h
Sat Regular 8h 8h