This time calculation rule fast formula is associated with the delivered rule templates Daily Threshold with Absences AP Template and Weekly Threshold with Absences AP Template.

It compares the total daily or period hours identified by the time category, which might include absence time, with the threshold value. It converts hours over the threshold to a single payroll time type. It leaves hours under the threshold as the same payroll time type or converts them to a new, single payroll time type. This formula uses an array to process time data.


Name Type Description
WORKED_TIME_CONDITION Time category Time category that identifies the time entries to use to determine the hours under and over the thresholds
DEFINED_LIMIT Fixed number Number of hours marking the daily or weekly threshold
RESTRICTED_ABSENCE_TYPE1 Fixed text First absence type attribute to identify
RESTRICTED_ABSENCE_TYPE2 Fixed text Optional second absence type attribute to identify
RESTRICTED_ABSENCE_TYPE3 Fixed text Optional third absence type attribute to identify
RESTRICTED_ALL_ABSENCE_Y Fixed text Maintain all absence entries


Name Output Group Time Attribute Description
MEASURE_ UNDER 1 Measure Calculated hours under the daily or weekly threshold
MEASURE_ OVER 2 Measure Calculated hours over the daily or weekly threshold


Compares the total hours identified by the time category, which might include absence time, for the day or with the threshold value. The function converts hours over the threshold to a single payroll time type attribute. For hours under the threshold, it either keeps the attribute or converts the attribute to a new payroll time type attribute.


Scenario: You don't include a payroll time type for calculated hours under the threshold because you want to use those of the reported time entries. You add a payroll time type output for calculated hours over the threshold to use instead of the reported time type. Also, Sick and Jury Duty are payroll time attributes instead of absence time attributes.

You create a rule with your template where the weekly threshold is 40 hours and the time category is All Payroll Time Types. Calculations include the vacation absence type and the payroll time type for calculated hours over the threshold is Overtime.

Example 1: The person's hours total to 48 for the time card period when it includes absence time.

  • If your rule execution type is Update, then on Friday, the rule splits the calculated hours. It keeps the hours under the 40-hour threshold associated with the reported payroll time type. It associates the calculated hours over the threshold with the Overtime payroll time type.
  • If your rule execution type is Create, the rule keeps all calculated hours associated with the existing payroll time types. It then creates a new time entry for the hours over the threshold and associates it with the Overtime payroll time type.
Day Payroll Time Type Reported Time Calculated (Update) Calculated (Create)
Mon Vacation 8h 8h 8h
Tue thru Thu Regular 10h 10h 10h
Fri Regular 10h 2h 10h
Overtime NA 8h 0h
OT Differential NA 0h 8h

Example 2: The person's hours total to 48 for the time card period when it includes absence time.

  • If your rule execution type is Update, the rule splits the calculated hours. It keeps the hours under the 40-hour threshold associated with the reported payroll time type. It associates the calculated hours over the threshold with the Overtime payroll time type. Because update calculation rules can only create additional overtime entries on nonabsence days, the rule enters the calculated overtime on Thursday.
  • If your rule execution type is Create, the rule keeps all calculated hours associated with the existing payroll time types. It then creates a new time entry for the hours over the threshold and associates it with the Overtime payroll time type.
Day Payroll Time Type Reported Time Calculated (Update) Calculated (Create)
Mon thru Wed Regular 10h 10h 10h
Thu Regular 10h 2h 10h
Overtime NA 8h 0h
Fri Vacation 8h 8h 8h
OT Differential NA 0h 8h