This fast formula is associated with the delivered rule template Variable Day Threshold Template. It compares the total hours identified by the time category for the variable day with the threshold value.

It converts hours over the threshold to a single payroll time type. It leaves hours under the threshold as the same payroll time type or converts them to a new, single payroll time type.


Name Type Description
SHIFT_START_TIME Time HH:MM Start time of the first shift of the variable day in a 24-hour format
BREAK_LENGTH_MIN Fixed number Minimum nonworked time, in minutes, between consecutive entries
DEFINED_LIMIT Fixed number Number of hours marking the threshold for the variable day
WORKED_TIME_CONDITION Time category Time category that identifies the time entries to total for the variable and compare with the defined limit


Name Output Group Time Attribute Description
OUT_MEASURE_UNDER 1 Measure Calculated based hours
OUT_MEASURE_OVER 2 Measure Calculated premium hours


The function compares the total variable day hours identified by the time category with the threshold value. It coverts hours over the threshold to a single payroll time type attribute. For hours under the threshold, it either keeps the attribute or converts the attribute to a new payroll time type attribute. The function defines the variable day by the start time of the first entry after a specified time. The day calculation considers all entries from the first time entry time until just before the same time on the next day, unless the person got an insufficient break during the variable day. If the person did get an insufficient break, the function includes entries after the same time on the next day, in the overtime calculation for the first day. This formula requires start and end time entries. The calculation splits hours entries that span midnight and the calculated hours appear separately on each day. The summation level is Detailed.


Scenario: You don't include a payroll time type for calculated hours under the threshold because you want to use those of the reported time entries. You add a payroll time type output for calculated hours over the threshold to use instead of the reported time type. Also, Sick and Jury Duty are payroll time attributes instead of absence time attributes. You create a rule with your template with these parameters:

  • The new day starts with a time entry at or after 10:00p.
  • The break length minimum is 3 hours.
  • The threshold is 8 hours.
  • The time category is All Payroll Time Types.

Example 1: The time entries have more than 3 hours between them and no time entry starts before the shift start time.

Day Payroll Time Type Reported Time Calculated Time
Mon thru Fri Regular 6a to 2p 8h

Example 2: The person works an extra shift that starts an hour before the usual shift start time. This start causes the entire shift to count as part of the same variable day, thus qualifying the person for overtime.

Day Payroll Time Type Reported Time Calculated Time
Mon Regular 6a to 2p

9p to 11p

Overtime NA 2h
Tue thru Fri Regular 6a to 2p 8h

Example 3: The person works an extra shift on Tuesday. The rule considers the shift above the threshold even though it starts after the shift start time. It does this because the reported start time is only 2.5 hours after the reported end time of the previous shift.

Day Payroll Time Type Reported Time Calculated Time
Mon Regular 2p to 10p 8h
Overtime NA 3.5h
Tue Regular

12:30a to 4a

12p to 8p

Wed thru Fri Regular 12p to 8p 8h

Example 4: The person works a second shift on Tuesday that starts earlier than the shift start time. The rule adds these extra 3 hours to the 6 hours reported earlier in the day and calculates 1 hour of over time. Then, on Wednesday, the person's shift starts less than 3 hours after the end of the previous shift. So even though this is a new day, the rule calculates these hours on Tuesday, as overtime.

Day Payroll Time Type Reported Time Calculate Time
Mon Regular 12p to 8p 8h
Tue Regular

8a to 2p

8p to 11p

Overtime NA 8h
Wed Regular 1a to 8a 0h