Hiring Manager (Abstract Role)

Individual who can hire candidates to complete their team.

Role Hierarchy

The Hiring Manager abstract role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.

  • Hiring Manager
    • Access Recruiting Activity Center

    • Manage Candidate Pool

    • Recruiting Transaction Analysis

    • Use REST Service - Guided Journey Responses

    • Use REST Service - Guided Journeys Read Only

    • Use REST Service - HCM Countries List of Values

    • Use REST Service - Recruiting Lists of Values

    • Use REST Service - Workers List of Values

    • Use REST Service - Workforce Structure List of Values

    • Use User Details Service

    • View Job Offer

    • View Job Offer Other Compensation

    • View Job Offer Salary

    • View Job Requisition

    • View Non-Restricted Candidate Job Application


This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Hiring Manager abstract role.

Duty Role Description

Access Recruiting Activity Center

Access the recruiting activity center duty role.

Recruiting Transaction Analysis

Analyses Recruiting transactional information

Use REST Service - Workers List of Values

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Workers list of values REST Service.

View Job Offer

Views job offer.

View Job Offer Other Compensation

Views job offer other compensation.

View Job Offer Salary

Views job offer salary.

Aggregate Privileges

This table lists aggregate privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the Hiring Manager abstract role.

Aggregate Privilege Description

Manage Candidate Pool

Allows to manage candidate pools.

Use REST Service - Guided Journey Responses

Allows the user to call all methods associated with the Guided Journey Responses REST service.

Use REST Service - Guided Journeys Read Only

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Guided Journeys REST service.

Use REST Service - HCM Countries List of Values

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the HCM Countries list of values REST Service.

Use REST Service - Recruiting Lists of Values

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Recruiting lists of values REST Services.

Use REST Service - Workforce Structure List of Values

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Workforce Structure list of values REST Services.

Use User Details Service

Creates or updates users during person synchronizations.

View Job Requisition

Views job requisition.

View Non-Restricted Candidate Job Application

Allows to view candidate job applications not on restricted phases.


This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Hiring Manager abstract role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege Privilege Description

Access Recruiting Activity Center

Access the recruiting activity center duty role.

Access Recruiting Activity Center

Allow access to the recruiting activity center.

Access Recruiting Activity Center

Access the recruiting activity center duty role.

Use REST Service - Job Applications

Allows the user to call all methods associated with the Recruiting job applications REST Service.

Access Recruiting Activity Center

Access the recruiting activity center duty role.

Use REST Service - Job Offers

Allows the user to call all methods associated with the Recruiting job offers REST Service.

Access Recruiting Activity Center

Access the recruiting activity center duty role.

Use REST Service - Job Requisitions

Allows the user to call all methods associated with the Recruiting job requisitions REST Service.

Hiring Manager

Individual who can hire candidates to complete their team.

Access HCM Common Components

Allows access to HCM common components.

Hiring Manager

Individual who can hire candidates to complete their team.

Access My Candidate Interviews and Feedback

Allows users to access their candidate interviews and feedback.

Hiring Manager

Individual who can hire candidates to complete their team.

Access to Hiring as Manager

Allows access to Hiring as a Manager.

Hiring Manager

Individual who can hire candidates to complete their team.

Add Candidate to Job Requisition

Allows to add the candidate to the job requisition.

Hiring Manager

Individual who can hire candidates to complete their team.

Create or Update Candidate

Allows to create or update candidate files.

Hiring Manager

Individual who can hire candidates to complete their team.

Initiate Job Offer

Allows to create the job offer.

Hiring Manager

Individual who can hire candidates to complete their team.

Initiate Job Requisition Using Blank Requisition

Allows to create the job requisition using a blank requisition with no values.

Hiring Manager

Individual who can hire candidates to complete their team.

Initiate Job Requisition Using Existing Requisition

Allows to create the job requisition based on an existing requisition.

Hiring Manager

Individual who can hire candidates to complete their team.

Initiate Job Requisition Using Job

Allows to create the job requisition based on a job.

Hiring Manager

Individual who can hire candidates to complete their team.

Initiate Job Requisition Using Position

Allows to create the job requisition based on a position.

Hiring Manager

Individual who can hire candidates to complete their team.

Initiate Job Requisition Using Template

Allows to create the job requisition based on a requisition template.

Hiring Manager

Individual who can hire candidates to complete their team.

Interact with Candidate

Allows to interact with the candidate.

Hiring Manager

Individual who can hire candidates to complete their team.

Manage Job Requisition Interview Schedule

Allows to create or update interview schedules for job requisition.

Hiring Manager

Individual who can hire candidates to complete their team.

Manage Job Requisition Questionnaire Request

Allows to manage the list of questionnaires associated with a job requisition.

Hiring Manager

Individual who can hire candidates to complete their team.

Manage Recruiting QR Codes

Allows management of Recruiting QR Codes.

Hiring Manager

Individual who can hire candidates to complete their team.

Manage Scheduled Processes

Allows managment of Scheduled Processes

Hiring Manager

Individual who can hire candidates to complete their team.

Move Candidate Job Applications

Allows to change the candidate job application phase and status.

Hiring Manager

Individual who can hire candidates to complete their team.

Post Job Requisition to Company Career Site

Allows to post the job requisition.

Hiring Manager

Individual who can hire candidates to complete their team.

Update Email Created from Template

Allows to update the content of the email created from a template before sending it.

Hiring Manager

Individual who can hire candidates to complete their team.

Update Person Address for Recruiting

Allows user to update the external candidate address for Recruiting. This applies to Recruiting Redwood Experience only.

Hiring Manager

Individual who can hire candidates to complete their team.

Update Person Email for Recruiting

Allows user to update the external candidate email for Recruiting. This applies to Recruiting Redwood Experience only.

Hiring Manager

Individual who can hire candidates to complete their team.

Update Person Phone for Recruiting

Allows user to update the external candidate phone for Recruiting. This applies to Recruiting Redwood Experience only.

Hiring Manager

Individual who can hire candidates to complete their team.

Use REST Service - Address Lists of Values

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Address list of values REST Services.

Hiring Manager

Individual who can hire candidates to complete their team.

Use REST Service - Content Items List of Values

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Content Items list of values REST Service.

Hiring Manager

Individual who can hire candidates to complete their team.

Use REST Service - Questionnaire Lists of Values

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the questionnaire lists of values REST services

Hiring Manager

Individual who can hire candidates to complete their team.

Use Recruiting

Allows to view the progress panel in job requisitions, candidate job applications and job offers.

Hiring Manager

Individual who can hire candidates to complete their team.

View Completed Job Requisition Questionnaire

Allows to review the completed job requisition questionnaire.

Hiring Manager

Individual who can hire candidates to complete their team.

View Employment Screening Results

Allows to view the job application employment screening results page.

Hiring Manager

Individual who can hire candidates to complete their team.

View Notification Details

Allows product specific notification details.

Hiring Manager

Individual who can hire candidates to complete their team.

View Recommended Candidates

Allows viewing recommended candidates for a job requisition and sorting job applications using recommended ranking.

Hiring Manager

Individual who can hire candidates to complete their team.

View Trading Community Common Setup

Allows viewing of common setup data through web services.

Use REST Service - Workers List of Values

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Workers list of values REST Service.

Use REST Service - Workers List of Values

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Workers list of values REST Service.

View Job Offer

Views job offer.

View Job Offer

Allows to access the job offer page.

View Job Offer Other Compensation

Views job offer other compensation.

View Job Offer Other Compensation

Allows to view the job offer other compensation within the job offer page.

View Job Offer Salary

Views job offer salary.

View Job Offer Salary

Allows to view the job offer salary within the job offer page.

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Hiring Manager abstract role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Reference Territory

A Hiring Manager can choose application reference territory for countries in their country security profile

Role: Use REST Service - HCM Countries List of Values

Privilege: Choose Application Reference Territory (Data)

Resource: Application Reference Territory

Assignment Grade

A Hiring Manager can choose assignment grade for all grades in the enterprise

Role: Hiring Manager

Privilege: Choose Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

Assignment Grade

A Hiring Manager can choose assignment grade for all grades in the enterprise

Role: Use REST Service - Workforce Structure List of Values

Privilege: Choose Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

Assignment Grade

A Hiring Manager can report assignment grade for all grades in the enterprise

Role: Recruiting Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

Assignment Grade Ladder

A Hiring Manager can report assignment grade ladder for all grades in the enterprise

Role: Recruiting Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Assignment Grade Ladder (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade Ladder

Business Unit

A Hiring Manager can choose business unit for business units in their organization security profile

Role: Hiring Manager

Privilege: Choose Business Unit Organization (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Business Unit

A Hiring Manager can choose business unit organization for business units in their organization security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Workforce Structure List of Values

Privilege: Choose Business Unit Organization (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Candidate Pool

A Hiring Manager can choose candidate pool for candidate pools for which they are owner

Role: Use REST Service - Recruiting Lists of Values

Privilege: Choose Candidate Pool (Data)

Resource: Candidate Pool

Candidate Pool

A Hiring Manager can manage candidate pool for candidate pools for which they are owner

Role: Manage Candidate Pool

Privilege: Manage Candidate Pool (Data)

Resource: Candidate Pool

Candidate Pool

A Hiring Manager can report candidate pool for candidate pools for which they are owner

Role: Recruiting Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Candidate Pool (Data)

Resource: Candidate Pool


A Hiring Manager can choose department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: Hiring Manager

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department


A Hiring Manager can choose department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Workforce Structure List of Values

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department


A Hiring Manager can report department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: Recruiting Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Department (Data)

Resource: Department

Employment Screening Results

A Hiring Manager can report employment screening results for all employment screening results

Role: Recruiting Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Employment Screening Results (Data)

Resource: Employment Screening Results

Guided Journey Response

A Hiring Manager can manage guided journey response for guided journey responses that i have provided

Role: Use REST Service - Guided Journey Responses

Privilege: Manage Guided Journey Response (Data)

Resource: Guided Journey Response

Guided Journey Response

A Hiring Manager can view guided journey response for guided journey responses that i have provided

Role: Use REST Service - Guided Journey Responses

Privilege: View Guided Journey Response (Data)

Resource: Guided Journey Response

HR Job

A Hiring Manager can choose hr job for all jobs in the enterprise

Role: Hiring Manager

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

HR Job

A Hiring Manager can choose hr job for all jobs in the enterprise

Role: Use REST Service - Workforce Structure List of Values

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

HR Job

A Hiring Manager can report hr job for all jobs in the enterprise

Role: Recruiting Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Job Application

A Hiring Manager can report candidate job application for unrestricted job applications for the job requisitions and job offers i can see

Role: Recruiting Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Candidate Job Application (Data)

Resource: Job Application

Job Application

A Hiring Manager can view candidate job application for unrestricted job applications for the job requisitions and job offers i can see

Role: View Non-Restricted Candidate Job Application

Privilege: View Candidate Job Application (Data)

Resource: Job Application

Job Offer

A Hiring Manager can report job offer for job offers for which i am part of the job offer team

Role: Recruiting Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Job Offer (Data)

Resource: Job Offer

Job Offer

A Hiring Manager can report job offer for job offers seen by my subordinates

Role: Recruiting Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Job Offer (Data)

Resource: Job Offer

Job Offer

A Hiring Manager can report job offer other compensation for job offers for which i am part of the job offer team

Role: Recruiting Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Job Offer Other Compensation (Data)

Resource: Job Offer

Job Offer

A Hiring Manager can report job offer other compensation for job offers seen by my subordinates

Role: Recruiting Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Job Offer Other Compensation (Data)

Resource: Job Offer

Job Offer

A Hiring Manager can report job offer salary for job offers for which i am part of the job offer team

Role: Recruiting Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Job Offer Salary (Data)

Resource: Job Offer

Job Offer

A Hiring Manager can report job offer salary for job offers seen by my subordinates

Role: Recruiting Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Job Offer Salary (Data)

Resource: Job Offer

Job Offer

A Hiring Manager can view job offer for job offers on which i am part of the job offer team

Role: View Job Offer

Privilege: View Job Offer (Data)

Resource: Job Offer

Job Offer

A Hiring Manager can view job offer for job offers seen by my subordinates

Role: View Job Offer

Privilege: View Job Offer (Data)

Resource: Job Offer

Job Offer

A Hiring Manager can view job offer other compensation for job offers on which i am part of the job offer team

Role: View Job Offer Other Compensation

Privilege: View Job Offer Other Compensation (Data)

Resource: Job Offer

Job Offer

A Hiring Manager can view job offer other compensation for job offers seen by my subordinates

Role: View Job Offer Other Compensation

Privilege: View Job Offer Other Compensation (Data)

Resource: Job Offer

Job Offer

A Hiring Manager can view job offer salary for job offers on which i am part of the job offer team

Role: View Job Offer Salary

Privilege: View Job Offer Salary (Data)

Resource: Job Offer

Job Offer

A Hiring Manager can view job offer salary for job offers seen by my subordinates

Role: View Job Offer Salary

Privilege: View Job Offer Salary (Data)

Resource: Job Offer

Job Requisition

A Hiring Manager can report job requisition for job requisitions in their job requisition security profile

Role: Recruiting Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Job Requisition (Data)

Resource: Job Requisition

Job Requisition

A Hiring Manager can view job requisition for job requisitions in their job requisition security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Recruiting Lists of Values

Privilege: View Job Requisition (Data)

Resource: Job Requisition

Job Requisition

A Hiring Manager can view job requisition for job requisitions in their job requisition security profile

Role: View Job Requisition

Privilege: View Job Requisition (Data)

Resource: Job Requisition


A Hiring Manager can view journey for journeys to which they have been granted access

Role: Use REST Service - Guided Journeys Read Only

Privilege: View Journey (Data)

Resource: Journey

Legal Employer

A Hiring Manager can choose legal employer for legal employers in their organization security profile

Role: Hiring Manager

Privilege: Choose Legal Employer (Data)

Resource: Legal Employer

Legal Employer

A Hiring Manager can choose legal employer for legal employers in their organization security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Workforce Structure List of Values

Privilege: Choose Legal Employer (Data)

Resource: Legal Employer

Legal Employer

A Hiring Manager can report legal employer for legal employers in their organization security profile

Role: Recruiting Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Legal Employer (Data)

Resource: Legal Employer


A Hiring Manager can choose location for all locations in the enterprise

Role: Hiring Manager

Privilege: Choose Location (Data)

Resource: Location


A Hiring Manager can choose location for all locations in the enterprise

Role: Use REST Service - Workforce Structure List of Values

Privilege: Choose Location (Data)

Resource: Location


A Hiring Manager can report location for all locations in the enterprise

Role: Recruiting Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Location (Data)

Resource: Location


A Hiring Manager can choose organization for organizations in their organization security profile

Role: Hiring Manager

Privilege: Choose Recruiting Organization (Data)

Resource: Organization


A Hiring Manager can choose recruiting organization for organizations in their security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Recruiting Lists of Values

Privilege: Choose Recruiting Organization (Data)

Resource: Organization

Payroll Statutory Unit

A Hiring Manager can choose payroll statutory unit for payroll statutory units in their organization security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Workforce Structure List of Values

Privilege: Choose Payroll Statutory Unit (Data)

Resource: Payroll Statutory Unit

Person Address

A Hiring Manager can report person address for recruiting for all external candidates

Role: Recruiting Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Person Address for Recruiting (Data)

Resource: Person Address

Person Address

A Hiring Manager can view person address for all external candidates

Role: Hiring Manager

Privilege: View Person Address for Recruiting (Data)

Resource: Person Address

Person Detail

A Hiring Manager can choose person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Workers List of Values

Privilege: Choose Person (Data)

Resource: Person Detail

Person Email

A Hiring Manager can report person email for recruiting for email addresses of all external candidates and work email addresses of all internal candidates

Role: Recruiting Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Person Email for Recruiting (Data)

Resource: Person Email

Person Email

A Hiring Manager can view person email for email addresses of all external candidates and work email addresses of all internal candidates

Role: Hiring Manager

Privilege: View Person Email for Recruiting (Data)

Resource: Person Email

Person Phone

A Hiring Manager can report person phone for recruiting for phone numbers of all external candidates and work phone numbers of all internal candidates

Role: Recruiting Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Person Phone for Recruiting (Data)

Resource: Person Phone

Person Phone

A Hiring Manager can view person phone for phone numbers of all external candidates and work phone numbers of all internal candidates

Role: Hiring Manager

Privilege: View Person Phone for Recruiting (Data)

Resource: Person Phone

Person Type

A Hiring Manager can view person type for person types in their person security profile

Role: View Job Offer

Privilege: View Person Type (Data)

Resource: Person Type


A Hiring Manager can choose position for positions in their position security profile

Role: Hiring Manager

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position


A Hiring Manager can choose position for positions in their position security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Workforce Structure List of Values

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position


A Hiring Manager can report position for positions in their position security profile

Role: Recruiting Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Position (Data)

Resource: Position

Public Person

A Hiring Manager can choose public person for persons and assignments in their public person and assignment security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Workers List of Values

Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Public Person

A Hiring Manager can view person deferred for persons and assignments in their public person and assignment security profile

Role: Use User Details Service

Privilege: View Person Deferred (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Tax Reporting Unit

A Hiring Manager can choose tax reporting unit for tax reporting units in their organization security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Workforce Structure List of Values

Privilege: Choose Tax Reporting Unit (Data)

Resource: Tax Reporting Unit


A Hiring Manager can search worker for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Job Offer

Privilege: Search Worker (Data)

Resource: Worker