Human Capital Management Application Administrator (Job Role)

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Role Hierarchy

The Human Capital Management Application Administrator job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.

  • Human Capital Management Application Administrator
    • Absence Implementation

    • Access HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates

    • Access Journey Console

    • Application World Reference Administration

    • Attachments User
      • CRM Stage Write

    • Benefits Management Implementer
      • Benefits Elections
        • Use REST Service - Person Benefit Balances

      • Benefits Setup

      • HCM Extract Definition

      • Payroll Common HCM Implementation
        • Employee Bank Account Management

        • Manage Fast Formula

        • Manage HCM Rates

        • Manage Payroll Element

        • Manage Payroll Element Entry

        • Manage Value Defined by Criteria

      • Submit a Payroll Flow

      • Submit a Payroll Process or Report

      • Use REST Service - Person Benefit Balances

      • Use REST Service - Person Benefit Groups

    • Business Process Human Taskflow Administration Duty
      • Business Process Engineering Human Taskflow Administration

    • Compare HCM Information

    • Configure Skills Settings

    • Download data from Human Capital Management file based Export

    • Functional Setups

    • Geography Administration

    • HCM Extract Definition

    • Journey Builder
      • Manage All Journey Task Groups

      • Manage All Tasks in Journey Task Library

      • Manage Guided Journeys

      • Manage Journey

      • Manage Journey Categories

      • Use REST Service - Journey Categories List of Values

      • Use REST Service - Journey Scheduled Allocations

      • Use REST Service - Learning Catalog List of Values

    • Load Data using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader

    • Manage HR Document Type

    • Manage Person Document Delivery Preferences

    • Manage Person Documentation

    • Manage Questionnaire Subscriber Access

    • Manage Schedule Generation Profiles by Schedule Administrator

    • Manage Schedules and Exceptions Assignment

    • Manage Users

    • Manage Worker Checklist

    • Manage Worker Time Entry Setup Profile

    • Manage Worker Time Processing Profile

    • Payroll Implementation
      • Employee Bank Account Management

      • Functional Setups

      • Manage Costing Details at Department Level

      • Manage Costing Details at Element Level

      • Manage Costing Details at Job Level

      • Manage Costing Details at Location Level

      • Manage Costing Details at Payment Source Level

      • Manage Costing Details at Payroll Level

      • Manage Costing Details at Position Level

      • Manage Costing of Element

      • Manage Fast Formula

      • Manage HCM Rates

      • Manage Payment Method Preferences

      • Manage Payroll Element

      • Manage Payroll Element Entry

      • Manage Value Defined by Criteria

      • Payroll Common HCM Implementation
        • Employee Bank Account Management

        • Manage Fast Formula

        • Manage HCM Rates

        • Manage Payroll Element

        • Manage Payroll Element Entry

        • Manage Value Defined by Criteria

    • Payroll Implementation View
      • Manage Costing of Element

      • Manage Fast Formula

      • View Costing Details at Department Level

      • View Costing Details at Element Level

      • View Costing Details at Job Level

      • View Costing Details at Location Level

      • View Costing Details at Payment Source Level

      • View Costing Details at Payroll Level

      • View Costing Details at Position Level

      • View Payroll Element

    • Performance Management Administration
      • Compensation Eligibility Management
        • Use REST Service - Person Benefit Balances

    • Performance Management Implementation
      • Compensation Eligibility Management
        • Use REST Service - Person Benefit Balances

    • Person Configuration
      • Manage Journey

      • Use REST Service - Journey Categories List of Values

    • Review HCM Approval Transactions as Administrator

    • Submit a Payroll Flow

    • Submit a Payroll Process or Report

    • Upload data for Human Capital Management file based Import

    • Use REST Service - Guided Journey Responses

    • Use REST Service - Guided Journeys Read Only

    • Use REST Service - HR Document Types List of Values

    • Use REST Service - Payroll Rate Definition List of Values

    • Use REST Service - Payroll Reference Data Lists of Values

    • Use REST Service - Worker Assignments List of Values

    • Use REST Service - Workforce Structure List of Values

    • Use User Details Service

    • View Portrait User Account Details Card

    • Workforce Profile Administration

    • Workforce Structures Management
      • Compare HCM Information

      • Load Data using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader

      • Maintain Positions

      • Manage Departments

      • Manage Divisions

      • Manage Worker Unions

      • Request a Position Change

      • View Positions


This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Human Capital Management Application Administrator job role.

Duty Role Description

Absence Implementation

Manages absence implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Application World Reference Administration

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Benefits Elections

Manages benefits elections.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Benefits Setup

Manages benefits setup.

Business Process Engineering Human Taskflow Administration

This role grants a user the privilege to perform administrative actions in the workflow functionality via the worklist UI. A user in this role will be able to view all tasks in the system, recover errored (incorrectly assigned) tasks, create approval groups and edit task configuration / rules DT@RT UI (both AMX functionality) This is a business administrator type role. This role is granted to SOAAdmin.

CRM Stage Write

Allows uploading CRM content to stage area on content server

Compensation Eligibility Management

Manages access to benefit eligibility profiles for compensation professional.

Configure Skills Settings

Allows configuration of skills settings.

Download data from Human Capital Management file based Export

Allows to download data file exported from human capital management.

Employee Bank Account Management

Manages employee bank accounts and other payment details.

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Geography Administration

Grants privileges to set up geographies

HCM Extract Definition

Grants access to the extract definition duty.

Journey Builder

Allows users to access journey builder.

Manage Users

Creates and updates users and assigns roles to users.

Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Manages all payroll setup definitions required by other HCM products.

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Payroll Implementation View

Views complete payroll setup.

Performance Management Administration

Manages administration of performance documents.

Performance Management Implementation

Manages the setup of the performance management application.

Person Configuration

Manages person types, name formats, checklists, and document types.

Review HCM Approval Transactions as Administrator

Allows viewing of basic information for HCM approval transactions by an administrator.

Upload data for Human Capital Management file based Import

Allows to upload data file to import human capital management data.

Use REST Service - HR Document Types List of Values

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the HR document types list of values REST service. Use this duty role when granting manage access to person documentation data.

Workforce Profile Administration

Performs administrative duties for workforce talent profiles.

Workforce Structures Management

Manages positions, locations, jobs, grades, and HR organizations. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or manager typically.

Aggregate Privileges

This table lists aggregate privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the Human Capital Management Application Administrator job role.

Aggregate Privilege Description

Access HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates

Allows access to active HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader templates, allowing the user to generate spreadsheets for bulk data loading.

Access Journey Console

Allows users to access the journey console.

Compare HCM Information

Compares workers, jobs, positions, and any combinations of these objects.

Load Data using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader

Allows access to generate spreadsheets for bulk data loading using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader.

Maintain Positions

Updates and deletes positions in the user's position security profile. This role cannot create new positions.

Manage All Journey Task Groups

Allows management of all journey task groups.

Manage All Tasks in Journey Task Library

Allows management of all tasks in the journey task library.

Manage Costing Details at Department Level

Allows user to manage costing at department level using Costing Details quick action.

Manage Costing Details at Element Level

Allows user to manage costing at element level using Costing Details quick action.

Manage Costing Details at Job Level

Allows user to manage costing at job level using Costing Details quick action.

Manage Costing Details at Location Level

Allows user to manage costing at location level using Costing Details quick action.

Manage Costing Details at Payment Source Level

Allows user to manage costing at payment source level using Costing Details quick action.

Manage Costing Details at Payroll Level

Allows user to manage costing at payroll level using Costing Details quick action.

Manage Costing Details at Position Level

Allows user to manage costing at position level using Costing Details quick action.

Manage Costing of Element

Allows users to manage costing of elements.

Manage Departments

Manages departments in the user's organization security profile.

Manage Divisions

Manages divisions in the user's organization security profile.

Manage Fast Formula

Manages formula definitions used for validation and calculations.

Manage Guided Journeys

Allows management of guided journeys.

Manage HCM Rates

Manages derived rates and values defined by criteria.

Manage HR Document Type

Allows management of document types for documents of record.

Manage Journey

Allows the user to manage the journeys to which they have been granted access.

Manage Journey Categories

Allows management of journey categories.

Manage Payment Method Preferences

Allows management of payment method preferences.

Manage Payroll Element

Allows users to manage payroll elements.

Manage Payroll Element Entry

Manages the allocation and data entry of earnings and deduction elements to a person.

Manage Person Document Delivery Preferences

Allows management of document delivery preferences for person records.

Manage Person Documentation

Manages documents.

Manage Questionnaire Subscriber Access

Allows access to questionnaire subscribers to be controlled.

Manage Schedule Generation Profiles by Schedule Administrator

Allows schedule administrators to manage schedule generation profiles.

Manage Schedules and Exceptions Assignment

Manages the association of schedules to an assignment. This role is associated with the line manager or HR specialist.

Manage Value Defined by Criteria

Manages values defined by criteria.

Manage Worker Checklist

Manages checklist definitions.

Manage Worker Time Entry Setup Profile

Creates and updates an association of a layout set and time entry actions to control access to any time entries.

Manage Worker Time Processing Profile

Creates and updates an association of rule sets, a time consumer set, and time card periods to report, validate, approve, and transfer time.

Manage Worker Unions

Manages worker unions in the user's organization security profile.

Request a Position Change

Allows requesting a position change.

Submit a Payroll Flow

Allows users to run scheduled processes that are included in payroll flows. When granting this aggregate privilege to a custom role you should also grant the Submit a Payroll Process or Report aggregate privilege, ORA_PAY_PROCESS_AND_REPORT_SUBMISSION_DUTY.

Submit a Payroll Process or Report

Allows users to access the Submit a Flow action. When granting this aggregate privilege to a custom role you should also grant the Submit a Payroll Flow aggregate privilege, ORA_PAY_PAYROLL_FLOW_SUBMISSION_DUTY.

Use REST Service - Guided Journey Responses

Allows the user to call all methods associated with the Guided Journey Responses REST service.

Use REST Service - Guided Journeys Read Only

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Guided Journeys REST service.

Use REST Service - Journey Categories List of Values

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Journey Categories List of Values REST Service.

Use REST Service - Journey Scheduled Allocations

Allows the user to call all methods associated with the Journey Scheduled Allocations REST Service.

Use REST Service - Learning Catalog List of Values

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Learning Catalog List of Values REST service

Use REST Service - Payroll Rate Definition List of Values

Allows users to call the GET method associated with the payroll rate definition list of values REST Service.

Use REST Service - Payroll Reference Data Lists of Values

Allows users to call the GET method associated with the Payroll Reference Data list of values REST Services.

Use REST Service - Person Benefit Balances

Allows users to call all methods associated with the person benefit balances REST service.

Use REST Service - Person Benefit Groups

Allows users to call all methods associated with the person benefit groups REST service.

Use REST Service - Worker Assignments List of Values

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Assignments list of values REST Service.

Use REST Service - Workforce Structure List of Values

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Workforce Structure list of values REST Services.

Use User Details Service

Creates or updates users during person synchronizations.

View Costing Details at Department Level

Allows user to view costing at department level using Costing Details quick action.

View Costing Details at Element Level

Allows user to view costing at element level using Costing Details quick action.

View Costing Details at Job Level

Allows user to view costing at job level using Costing Details quick action.

View Costing Details at Location Level

Allows user to view costing at location level using Costing Details quick action.

View Costing Details at Payment Source Level

Allows user to view costing at payment source level using Costing Details quick action.

View Costing Details at Payroll Level

Allows user to view costing at payroll level using Costing Details quick action.

View Costing Details at Position Level

Allows user to view costing at position level using Costing Details quick action.

View Payroll Element

Allows users to view payroll elements.

View Portrait User Account Details Card

Views the User Account Details card in the Person Gallery.

View Positions

Views positions in the user's position security profile.


This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Human Capital Management Application Administrator job role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege Privilege Description

Absence Implementation

Manages absence implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Define Absence Plans

Allows configuration and management of manage absence plans

Absence Implementation

Manages absence implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Absence Entitlement Band

Allows configuration and management of absence entitlement bands

Absence Implementation

Manages absence implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Benefit Eligibility Profile

Allows configuration and management of eligibility profiles.

Absence Implementation

Manages absence implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Benefit Participant Enrollment Certification

Allows management of benefit participant enrollment certification.

Absence Implementation

Manages absence implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Life Event Reason

Allows benefit professionals to manage benefit life events.

Absence Implementation

Manages absence implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Person Eligibility Derived Factor

Allows benefit professionals to manage person derived eligibility factors.

Absence Implementation

Manages absence implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Run Participation Process Absence

Allows benefit professionals to evaluate absence events.

Application World Reference Administration

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Manage Application Reference Currency

Manage currencies used by applications.

Application World Reference Administration

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Manage Application Reference ISO Language

Manage ISO Languages used by applications.

Application World Reference Administration

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Manage Application Reference Industry

Manage Industries used by applications

Application World Reference Administration

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Manage Application Reference Language

Manage Languages used by applications

Application World Reference Administration

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Manage Application Reference Natural Language

Manage Natural Languages used by applications

Application World Reference Administration

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Manage Application Reference Territory

Manage Territories used by applications

Application World Reference Administration

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Manage Application Reference Timezone

Manage Timezones used by applications

Benefits Elections

Manages benefits elections.

Access Benefits and Wellness

Allows access to Benefits and Wellness

Benefits Elections

Manages benefits elections.

Maintain Designee Eligibility

Allows benefit professionals to evaluate designee eligibility.

Benefits Elections

Manages benefits elections.

Manage Open enrollment window

Allows benefit professionals to manage open enrollment window.

Benefits Elections

Manages benefits elections.

Manage Person Benefits Balance

Allows management of person benefit balances.

Benefits Elections

Manages benefits elections.

Run Online Life Events

Allows benefit professionals to evaluate online life events.

Benefits Elections

Manages benefits elections.

Run Online Open Enrollment

Allows benefit professionals to evaluate online open enrollment.

Benefits Elections

Manages benefits elections.

Search Benefit Person

Allows benefit professionals to search for benefits person.

Benefits Elections

Manages benefits elections.

View Person Life Event

Allows benefit professionals to view a person's life events.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Configure Benefit Plan Comparison Values

Allows configuration of comparison values in benefit plan comparison templates.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Configure Benefit Plans for Comparison

Allows configuration of templates for comparing benefit plans.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Define Benefit Activity Base Rate

Allows management of benefit rates.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Define Benefit Authorization

Allows definition of benefit authorization.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Define Benefit Coverage Calculation

Allows configuration and management of benefit coverage calculations.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Define Benefit Eligibility and Element Groups

Allows definition of eligibility and element groups.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Define Benefit Option

Allows configuration and management of benefit options.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Define Benefit Participant Eligibility Profile

Allows definition of benefit participant eligibility profile.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Define Benefit Plan

Allows configuration and management of setup objects needed to manage benefit plans.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Define Benefit Program Benefit Rates

Allows definition of benefit program rates.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Define Benefit Year Period

Allows definition of benefit year periods.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Define Plan Beneficiary Designation

Allows definition of plan beneficiary designation.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Define Plan Primary Care Provider

Allows definition of plan primary care provider.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Export Eligibility Profile

Allows for export of eligibility profile from current system.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Extract Work Structure Report Details

Allows management of work structure report

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Extract Worker Model Details

Allows management of worker data model

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Import Eligibility Profile

Allows for import of eligibility profile from current system.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Absence Entitlement Band

Allows configuration and management of absence entitlement bands

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Beneficiary Organization Details

Allows management of beneficiary organization details.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Benefit Balance

Allows compensation professional to configure and manage benefit balances.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Benefit Coverage Calculation

Allows management of benefit coverage calculation.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Benefit Defined Formulas

Allows management of benefit defined formulas.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Benefit Designation Detail

Allows management of dependant designation detail.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Benefit Eligibility Profile

Allows configuration and management of eligibility profiles.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Benefit Enrollment Action Type

Allows configuration and management of enrollment action items.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Benefit Group

Allows configuration and management of benefit group.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Benefit Person Benefit Group

Allows benefit professionals to manage person benefit groups.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Benefit Plan Combination Plan Type in Program

Allows management of benefit plan combination plan type in program.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Benefit Plan Events

Allows management of benefit plan events.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Benefit Plan Rates

Allows management of benefit plan rates.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Benefit Plan Type

Allows configuration and management of setup objects needed to manage benefit plan types.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Benefit Plan Type Self Service Grouping

Allows configuration and management of plan type groups for enrollment steps.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Benefit Plan in Program

Allows management of plans in programs.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Benefit Program Dependant Rules

Allows management of benefit program dependant rules.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Benefit Program Details

Allows management of benefit program details.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Benefit Programs Details

Allows configuration and management of benefit programs.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Benefit Regulatory Body

Allows configuration and management of regulations.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Benefit Reporting Group

Allows benefit professionals to manage benefit reporting groups.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Benefit Service Area

Allows benefit professionals to manage postal codes and service area used for eligibility and rate calculations.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Benefit configuration export

Allows configuration and management of plan export.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Benefit configuration import

Allows configuration and management of plan import.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Benefits Self Service Configuration

Allows benefit professionals to manage benefit self service configuration.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Dependent Certification for Program

Allows management of dependent certification for program.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Eligibility Factors

Allows management of eligibility factors.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Group Space

Allows management of group space.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Legal Entity Information

Allows benefit professionals to manage legal entity information.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Life Event Reason

Allows benefit professionals to manage benefit life events.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Person Benefits Balance

Allows management of person benefit balances.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Manage Person Eligibility Derived Factor

Allows benefit professionals to manage person derived eligibility factors.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

Use REST Service - Benefit Balances List of Values

Allows users to call the GET method associated with the benefit balances list of values REST service.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

View Benefits Self Service Configuration

Allows viewing of self service configurations.

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

View Payroll Flow Based Analytics

View Payroll Flow Based Analytics

Benefits Management Implementer

Manages benefits implementation setup using the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.

View Person Life Event

Allows benefit professionals to view a person's life events.

Benefits Setup

Manages benefits setup.

Access Benefits and Wellness

Allows access to Benefits and Wellness

Benefits Setup

Manages benefits setup.

Define Benefit Activity Base Rate

Allows management of benefit rates.

Benefits Setup

Manages benefits setup.

Define Benefit Coverage Calculation

Allows configuration and management of benefit coverage calculations.

Benefits Setup

Manages benefits setup.

Define Benefit Plan

Allows configuration and management of setup objects needed to manage benefit plans.

Benefits Setup

Manages benefits setup.

Define Benefit Program Benefit Rates

Allows definition of benefit program rates.

Benefits Setup

Manages benefits setup.

Manage Benefit Dependent Eligibility Profile

Allows management of benefit dependent eligibility profile.

Benefits Setup

Manages benefits setup.

Manage Benefit Eligibility Profile

Allows configuration and management of eligibility profiles.

Benefits Setup

Manages benefits setup.

Manage Benefit Eligibility Profile for Benefit Eligibility Object

Allows management of benefit eligibility profile for benefit eligibility object.

Benefits Setup

Manages benefits setup.

Manage Benefit Extract

Allows management of the Benefits extract process.

Benefits Setup

Manages benefits setup.

Manage Benefit Program

Allows management of benefit program.

Benefits Setup

Manages benefits setup.

Manage Benefit Program Details

Allows management of benefit program details.

Benefits Setup

Manages benefits setup.

Manage Benefit Programs Details

Allows configuration and management of benefit programs.

Benefits Setup

Manages benefits setup.

Manage Benefit Regulatory Body

Allows configuration and management of regulations.

Benefits Setup

Manages benefits setup.

Manage Benefit Reporting Group

Allows benefit professionals to manage benefit reporting groups.

Benefits Setup

Manages benefits setup.

Manage Benefit Variable Rate Profile

Allows management of benefit variable rate profile.

Benefits Setup

Manages benefits setup.

Manage Life Event Reason

Allows benefit professionals to manage benefit life events.

Benefits Setup

Manages benefits setup.

Manage Rate and Coverage User Values

Allows benefit professionals to manage benefit values that display in enrollment flows.

Benefits Setup

Manages benefits setup.

Manage User Defined Criteria

Allows benefit professionals to manage user-defined criteria.

Compensation Eligibility Management

Manages access to benefit eligibility profiles for compensation professional.

Define Benefit Authorization

Allows definition of benefit authorization.

Compensation Eligibility Management

Manages access to benefit eligibility profiles for compensation professional.

Manage Benefit Eligibility Profile

Allows configuration and management of eligibility profiles.

Compensation Eligibility Management

Manages access to benefit eligibility profiles for compensation professional.

Manage Employee Legal Disclaimer

Allows benefit professionals to manage benefit authorization.

Compensation Eligibility Management

Manages access to benefit eligibility profiles for compensation professional.

Manage Person Benefits Balance

Allows management of person benefit balances.

Compensation Eligibility Management

Manages access to benefit eligibility profiles for compensation professional.

Manage Person Eligibility Derived Factor

Allows benefit professionals to manage person derived eligibility factors.

Configure Skills Settings

Allows configuration of skills settings.

Configure Skills Settings

Allows configuration of skills settings.

Configure Skills Settings

Allows configuration of skills settings.

Use REST Service - Talent Skill Settings

Allows the user to call all methods associated with the Talent Skill Settings REST service.

Employee Bank Account Management

Manages employee bank accounts and other payment details.

Manage External Payee Payment Details

Allows management of external payee payment details.

Employee Bank Account Management

Manages employee bank accounts and other payment details.

Manage Payment Instrument Assignment

Allows creation of payment instrument assignment

Employee Bank Account Management

Manages employee bank accounts and other payment details.

Manage Third Party Bank Account

Allows update of external bank accounts.

Employee Bank Account Management

Manages employee bank accounts and other payment details.

View Third Party Bank Account

Allows viewing of external bank accounts.

Employee Bank Account Management

Manages employee bank accounts and other payment details.

View Third Party Bank Account Assignment

Allows viewing of payment instrument assignments.

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Access FSCM Integration Rest Service

Allow financials and supply chain users to access the methods associated with the Integration Rest Service.

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Load File to Interface

Allows file data load to interface tables

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Load Interface File for Import

Allows a user to load interface file for import

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Manage File Import and Export

Privilege to manage import and export of files.

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Transfer File

Allows management of file transfer from server

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Execute Setup Tasks

Allows setup task execution and searching of tasks and tasks lists.

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Review Applications Offering

Provides access to the Getting Started page.

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Review Setups Functional User Overview

Allows access to the Assigned Implementation Tasks page.

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Setup and Maintain Applications

Allows access to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Geography Administration

Grants privileges to set up geographies

Export Import Territory Geography

Not Available

Geography Administration

Grants privileges to set up geographies

Manage Trading Community Geography

Allows managing of geographic entities, such as country, state, province, and city. Allows the managing of geography hierarchy structure and validations.

Geography Administration

Grants privileges to set up geographies

Manage Trading Community Geography Lookups

Allows reviewing and defining of lookup values that provide choices related to geographies, such as address validation methods.

Geography Administration

Grants privileges to set up geographies

Run CRM Export Process

This privilege would grant a user the ability to schedule CRM object to export to a file

Geography Administration

Grants privileges to set up geographies

Run File Import Scheduler

Allows scheduling and monitoring the process that schedules file import activities.

Geography Administration

Grants privileges to set up geographies

Set Up CRM Objects for Export

This privilege would grant a user the ability to register CRM objects for Export

Geography Administration

Grants privileges to set up geographies

Set Up File Import Activity

Allows creating and maintaining import activities that contain process criteria, file mapping, and schedule to import external files containing business objects, such as customers and contacts, into staging tables.

HCM Extract Definition

Grants access to the extract definition duty.

Manage HCM Extract Definition

Allows configuration of data to be extracted and output in any generic format, such as delineated text or XML.

HCM Extract Definition

Grants access to the extract definition duty.

Manage HCM Extract Definition Report

Allows access to the extract data model when defining a report.

HCM Extract Definition

Grants access to the extract definition duty.

Manage Payroll Flow Pattern

Manage Payroll Flow Pattern

HCM Extract Definition

Grants access to the extract definition duty.

Manage Payroll Task

Manage Payroll Task

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Absence Administration Work Area

Allows access to the Absence Administration work area to administer all absence business processes.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Access Alerts Composer

Allows access to Alerts Composer.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Access Application Security Migration Services

Allows access to the web services that are used to migrate application security setup data using Functional Setup Manager.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Access HCM Common Components

Allows access to HCM common components.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Access HCM Page Configurator

Allows access to the page where administrators configure rules that control sections and fields for HCM actions, and display options for other HCM pages such as person spotlight.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Administer Sandbox

Allows administration of all sandboxes.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Apply HCM Role Provisioning Rules

Allows application of HCM role-provisioning rules.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Approve Transactions

Allows ability to approve transactions

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Assign Workers Goals Mass Process

Assign Workers Goals Mass Process

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Configure Approval Notification

Allows configuration of HCM approval notifications.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Configure Employment Settings

Allows configuration of employment-related settings.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Configure Group Compensation Batch Processes Parameters

Allows configuration of workforce compensation batch processing parameters such as the maximum number of errors allowed for each compensation batch process.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Configure HCM UI

Enables configuration options on the Administration menu and configuration of HCM pages.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Configure Interface

Allows configuration of the interface for transaction and batch processing.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Configure Seniority Dates

Allows configuration of seniority dates.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Configure Talent Review

Allows management of talent review configuration options.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Copy Personal Data to LDAP

Allows copy of worker personal data to LDAP

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Copy Personal Data to LDAP for All Users

Allows communication to Oracle Identity Management of changes to personal data for multiple active users.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Create Time Card

Allows the worker to create a new time card.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Define Compensation Plan Definition

Allows creation and configuration of workforce compensation plan design, which determines the structure of the worksheet and plan availability, for example.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Define Extra Information Type

Allows definition of extra information types.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Define Salary Basis

Allows creation of salary bases that are linked to each salary record.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Define Total Compensation Statement Setup

Allows creation and configuration of the statement structure such as the content, design, and statement period.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Define Total Compensation Statement Setup Compensation Categories

Allows creation and configuration of categories to group similar types of compensation that are displayed in a tabular format in generated statements.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Define Total Compensation Statement Setup Compensation Items

Allows creation of the lowest level of compensation detail and mapping to sources such as payroll balances or element entries.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Define Variable Compensation Plan for Individual Compensation

Allows creation of plans that are used to award off-cycle compensation to workers.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Delete HCM Stage Data and Files for Coexistence

Allows the deletion of stage data and files that result from data imports into Oracle Fusion from PeopleSoft Enterprise or Oracle E-Business Suite.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Diagnose and Correct Time Issues

Allows access to the Diagnose and Correct Time Issues scheduled process.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Edit Public Settings

Allows management of the Portrait card or card content default settings and whether they are updatable by the user.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Enter Project Unprocessed Expenditure Batch

Allows creation of project cost transactions for third-party applications in Excel or in Oracle Fusion Project Costing.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Enter Trading Community Location

Allows the invocation of location web services. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community location.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Establish Enterprise Configuration Enterprise Structures

Allows access to the enterprise structures interview process.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Establish Enterprise Configuration Job and Position Structures

Allows access to the job and position structures interview process.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Evaluate HCM Group Membership

Allows the administrator to refresh the membership of a group on a scheduled or as required basis.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Export Time Device Configuration

Allows export of configuration data to the time device.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Extract HCM Data for Coexistence

Allows creation of a data extract to export data from PeopleSoft Enterprise or Oracle E-Business Suite into Oracle Fusion

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Extract Work Structure Model Details

Allows management of work structure data model

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Extract Worker Report Details

Allows management of worker report

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Flatten HCM Position Hierarchy

Allows flattening of the HCM position hierarchy.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Generate Time Attributes in Data Dictionary

Allows generation of time attributes in workforce management data dictionary, to be available for time entry.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Generate Time Card Fields

Allows generation of time card fields from payroll time types and absence types. Time card field values will be available for time entry.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Generate Time Cards from Time Collection Devices

Allows creation of time card entries using time device events received from time collection devices.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Generate Total Compensation Statement

Allows generation of completed statement definitions that workers can access online.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Import Workers

Allows import of multiple worker records.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Initialize Position Synchronization

Allows the initialize position synchronization process to be run.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Install US Payroll Tax Calculation

Installs the US payroll Vertex tax engine.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Load Batch Data

Allows batch loading of data.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Load Canadian Geographies

Not Available

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Load Canadian Payroll Tax Information

Not Available

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Load Chinese Geographies

Load Chinese geographies from a third-party source.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Load Enterprise Configuration

Allows loading of an enterprise configuration.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Load HCM Data for Coexistence

Allows creation of a data extract to import data to Oracle Fusion from PeopleSoft Enterprise or Oracle E-Business Suite.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Load Mexican Geographies

Not Available

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Load US Geographies

Loads US geocodes provided by Vertex, or another third-party source, into the geographies table. This data is used for address validation and regional taxation.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Load US Payroll Tax Information

Loads US tax information at the federal, state, county, and city level into the DIR, such as the Vertex monthly data file. This data is used in payroll processes and reports.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Maintain Reports and Analytics Region

Allows selection of reports to appear in the Reports and Analytics region of Oracle Fusion Applications work areas.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Absence Category

Allows configuration of setup objects to manage absence categories.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Absence Certification

Allows configuration of setup objects to manage an absence certification.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Absence Plan

Allows configuration of setup objects to manage an absence plan.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Absence Reason

Allows configuration of setup objects to manage an absence reason.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Absence Types

Allows configuration of setup objects to manage absence types.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Application Attachment Category

Manage application attachment categories

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Application Attachment Entity

Manage application attachment entities

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Application Common Lookup

Not Available

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Application Descriptive Flexfield

Allows management of application descriptive flexfields.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Application Extensible Flexfield

Manage implementation of the Extensible Flexfield feature on a given entity.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

Allows management of value sets to validate the content of a flexfield segment. Value sets provide declarative validation for use in applications flexfield attributes and key segments.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Application Menu Customization

Manage application menu customizations

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Application Reference Data Set

Manage Application Reference Data set. Maintain reference data set attributes.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Application Reference Data Set Assignment

Manage Application Reference Data Set Assignments. Create and edit reference data set assignments.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Application Set-Enabled Lookup

Manage sub-type entities stored in the Application Set-Enabled Lookup entity. Lookup Types are lists of values such as Days of the Week or Yes/No which can be used to validate column values.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Application Standard Lookup

Manage sub-type entities stored in the Application Standard Lookup Values entity. Lookup Types are lists of values such as "Days of the Week" or "Yes/No" which can be used to validate columns values.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Approval Rules

Allow management of HCM Approval rules

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Assignment Status Type

Allows management of assignment status types.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Atom Feeds

Allows access to the Atom feeds management page.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Benefit Eligibility Profile

Allows configuration and management of eligibility profiles.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Best Fit Batch Process

Allows the manage best fit batch process to be run.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Calendar Event

Allows management of calendar events.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Compensation History

Allows management of payroll elements and input values that comprise a worker's compensation history.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Compensation Plan Definition

Allows configuration of plan details that are administered on a periodic basis.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Compensation Plan Global Options

Allows configuration of settings that affect all generated statements such as the default stock price used and watchlist availability.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Compensation Plan Global Options for Group Compensation

Allows configuration of settings that affect all plans such as the ability to model, notifications that are sent, the default stock price used, and watchlist availability.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Configuration of HCM Data Loader

Allows configuration of the parameters that control HCM Data Loader behavior.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Custom Time Attributes

Allows the administrator to create and maintain custom time attributes for use in time card fields and time categories.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Data Exchange Work Area

Allows management of the Data Exchange work area.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Development Goal in Goal Library

Allows management of development goals in the goal library.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Enterprise Configuration

Allows creation, editing, and deletion of enterprise configurations.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Environment Health and Safety Configuration Settings

Allows update of environment, health and safety configuration settings.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Extracts Work Area

Allows access to the Extract Maintenance work area.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Feedback Visibility

Allows management of feedback visibility.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Gallery Administration Message

Allows management of the messages that are displayed on portrait pages.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Geography Tree

Allows management of geography tree

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Goal Eligibility Profiles

Define options and business rules for eligibility profiles for Goal Management

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Goal Management Notifications

Manage Goal Management Notifications

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage HCM Availability Types

Allows management of HCM availability types.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage HCM Business Event Definitions

Allows management of HCM business event definitions.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage HCM Business Event Subscription Sets

Allows management of HCM business event subscription sets.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage HCM Business Event Types

Allows management of HCM business event types.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage HCM Electronic Signature Configurations

Allows management of electronic signatures to be used in HCM features such as Onboarding.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage HCM Extended Lookup Code

Allows management of HCM extended lookup codes.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage HCM Groups

Allows the administrator to create and maintain HCM groups of employees, for use in further application processing.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage HCM LDAP User Account Options

Allows management of HCM LDAP user account options.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage HCM Predictive Models

Provide the ability to configure predictive models and attributes.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage HCM Role Provisioning Rules

Allows management of HCM role-provisioning rules and creation of auto provisioned role requests for all users based on current role-provisioning rules.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage HCM custom objects

Allows management of HCM custom objects using the HCM data composer.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Help Content

Allows addition, modification, and maintenance of help content.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Journey Category Access

Allows management of access to journey categories.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Leave Agreements

Allows configuration of shared parental leave agreements

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Mass Updates Work Area

Allows managing all mass updates.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Mobile Application Configuration

Configure mobile application clients to enable Tap capabilities for Oracle Fusion HCM business objects.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Payroll Object Group

Defines groups of objects such as element groups and people groups.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Performance Goal Setup

Define options and business rules for setting goals

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Performance Goal in Goal Library

Allows management of performance goals in the goal library.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Person Eligibility Derived Factor

Allows benefit professionals to manage person derived eligibility factors.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Portrait Display

Allows management of the Portrait content for debugging purposes.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Progression Grade Ladder

Provides the ability to configure and manage grade ladders that support automated grade, step and salary progressions.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Questionnaire Templates

Allows creating, updating, and deleting of questionnaire templates.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Questionnaires

Allows creating, updating, and deleting of questionnaires.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Questions

Allows creating, updating, and deleting of questions that will be included in the library.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Repeating Time Periods

Allows management of repeating time periods.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Reports and Analytics

Allows access to the Reports and Analytics from Navigator Menu.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Responsibility Template

Allows management of responsibility templates.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Run Results

Allows management of run results.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Salary Range Differential

Allows to manage salary range differential.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Schedule Assignment Administration

Allows management of schedule assignments for workers.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Scheduler Profiles

Allows creation and update of an association of a line manager with labor demand values and page layout options to configure the view of planned or published schedules.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Shift Properties

Allows viewing and updating of the shift color or display name for workforce shifts.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Shifts

Allows creation and update of shifts.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage System Searches

Allows users to manage HCM system searches.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Talent Notifications

Allows management of talent management notifications.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Talent Review Content

Allows management of content used at the talent review meeting.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Time Allocations

Allows creation, editing, and duplication of time allocations.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Time Attestation Sets

Allows creating, editing and deleting time attestation sets.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Time Balance Definitions

Allow creation, editing, and duplication of positive or negative accumulation of time tracked for specific periods and updated during time processing.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Time Balance Dimensions

Allow creation, editing, and duplication of the time period and summation level for balance definitions.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Time Card Fields

Allows management of time card fields.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Time Categories

Allows management of time categories.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Time Consumer Sets

Allows management of time consumer sets.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Time Device Configuration

Allows management of time device configuration.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Time Layout Sets

Allows management of time layout sets.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Time Repository Rule Sets

Allows management of time repository rule sets.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Time Repository Rule Templates

Allows management of time repository rule templates.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Time Repository Rules

Allows management of time repository rules.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Trading Community Zones

Allows managing of geographical boundaries for a specific zone use such as Tax or Shipping based on master reference geography hierarchy data.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Volunteering Configuration

Allows administration to configure and setup Volunteering application

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Work Day Definitions

Allows management of work day definitions.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Work Pattern Templates

Allows users to manage work pattern templates and assignment rules.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Work Schedule

Allows management of work schedule definitions.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Work Shift

Allows management of shifts used in workday patterns, which are part of a work schedule.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Work Workday Pattern

Allows management of the workday patterns used in the definition of work schedules.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Manage Workforce Reputation Administration

Manage workforce reputation administration and external applications

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Map Third Party Compensation Plans

Allows mapping of third party compensation plans to individual compensation plans so that when a pending worker record is created, the appropriate plans are given to the worker.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Mass Assign Development Goals to Workers Process

Allows mass assignment of development goals to workers.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Monitor Batch Load Process

Allows monitoring of the batch load process.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Monitor Total Compensation Statement Processes

Allows viewing of statement batch process results and audit logs.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Perform HCM Approval Transaction Actions

Allows maintenance of failed transaction processes, such as recovering, withdrawing, and sending back failed processes.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Perform Worker Mass Transfer

Allows performing mass transfers for selected workers.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Populate Seniority Dates

Allows running of the process to populate seniority dates.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Process Oracle Fusion Data Extensions for Transactional Business Intelligence

Allows a process to be run that makes Oracle Fusion data extensions available to Transactional Business Intelligence.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Process Worker Prediction Data Collection

Provide the ability to Process Worker Prediction Data Collection

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Process Worker Prediction Data Mining

Provide the ability to Process Worker Prediction Data Mining

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Purge HCM Event Archive Data

Allows purging of archived data for HCM events that have expired.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Purge HCM Transaction Archive

Allows purging of archived data for HCM transactions that have expired.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Purge Total Compensation Statement

Allows purging of generated statements so they are no longer available to view.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Remove Trading Community Location

Allows the removal of locations. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community location.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Restore Trading Community Location

Not Available

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Review Archived Approval Transactions

Allows viewing of basic information for archived approval transactions.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Review Calendar Event Coverage

Allows identification of the resources covered by a particular calendar event.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Review Enterprise Configuration

Allows viewing of the summary report for an enterprise configuration.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Run Approval Transactions Archive Process

Allows scheduling of the process that archives and purges approval transactions.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Run Batch Load Job Set

Allows running of the batch load job set.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Run Employment Integrity Checks

Allows running of the process to run employment integrity checks.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Run File Import Scheduler

Allows scheduling and monitoring the process that schedules file import activities.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Run Geocode Loader

Allows running of the process to populate geocode information for addresses.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Run Global HR Processes

Allows global HR processes to be run.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Run Goals Batch Process

Allows scheduling of goals batch processes.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Run Group Compensation Batch Processes

Allows running of batch processes used to manage workforce compensation plans and cycles.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Run HCM Extract

Allows running of the extract process and submission of the write process.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Run HCM Extract Write Process

Allows running of the write process to write data in a required format and delivery type.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Run HCM Extracts Report

Allows access to the extract data model when running a report.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Run Integration Schema Population Process

Allows initialization and maintenance of the integration schema.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Run Regenerate HCM Data Security Grants Process

Allows the Regenerate HCM Data Security Grants process to be run.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Run Retrieve Latest LDAP Changes Process

Allows the Retrieve Latest LDAP Changes process to be run.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Run Salary Processes

Allows running of all salary processes that are based on rates or compensation zone.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Run Send Pending LDAP Requests Process

Allows the Send Pending LDAP Requests process to be run.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Run Trading Community Current Record Information Maintenance

Run Trading Community Current Record Information Maintenance

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Run Trading Community Geography Loader

Allows the running of the process to load geography data from external data providers.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Run Trading Community Geography Name Referencing Maintenance

Allows the running of the process to load geography data from external data providers.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Search Trading Community Location

Allows the search of locations. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community location.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Set Up File Import Activity

Allows creating and maintaining import activities that contain process criteria, file mapping, and schedule to import external files containing business objects, such as customers and contacts, into staging tables.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Set Watchlist Options

Allows specification of the Watchlist categories and items available at the site.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Synchronize Line Manager Hierarchy

Allows synchronization of the line manager hierarchy from the HCM position hierarchy.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Update Trading Community Location

Allows the update of the organization location information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community location.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Use Assignment Status Type Service

Allows the Assignment Status Type Service to be called

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Use Position lookup Service

Allows use of the position lookup service.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Use REST Service - Benefits Lists of Values

Allows users to call the GET method associated with the benefits list of values REST services.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Use REST Service - Users and Roles Lists of Values

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Users and Roles lists of values REST Services.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

View Administration Link

Privilege to view administration link in UI shell

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

View Geography Information

Not Available

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

View HCM Groups

Allows viewing of HCM group definitions.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

View Notification Details

Allows product specific notification details.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

View Payroll Flow Based Analytics

View Payroll Flow Based Analytics

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

View Trading Community Location

Allows the invocation of location web services.

Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Configures the Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources application and has access to all duty roles necessary to implement the Compensation, Workforce Deployment, and Workforce Development offerings.

Worker Mass Assignment Change

Allows management of worker mass assignment change.

Journey Builder

Allows users to access journey builder.

Manage Journey Configurations

Allows management of journey configurations.

Journey Builder

Allows users to access journey builder.

Manage Journey Integrations

Allows management of journey integrations.

Journey Builder

Allows users to access journey builder.

Manage Journey Scheduled Allocations

Allows management of journey scheduled allocations.

Journey Builder

Allows users to access journey builder.

Use REST Service - Alert Templates List of Values

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Alert Templates LOV REST service.

Manage Users

Creates and updates users and assigns roles to users.

Manage User Details

Allows management of user account information.

Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Manages all payroll setup definitions required by other HCM products.

Manage HCM User-Defined Table

Manage HCM User-Defined Table

Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Manages all payroll setup definitions required by other HCM products.

Manage Organization Payment Method

Manage organization level payment details, including the payment source bank account

Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Manages all payroll setup definitions required by other HCM products.

Manage Payroll Balance Definition

Manage Payroll Balance Definition

Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Manages all payroll setup definitions required by other HCM products.

Manage Payroll Balance Exception

Manage Payroll Balance Exception

Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Manages all payroll setup definitions required by other HCM products.

Manage Payroll Balance Group

Manage Balance Groups

Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Manages all payroll setup definitions required by other HCM products.

Manage Payroll Balance Group Usage

Manage Payroll Balance Group Usage

Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Manages all payroll setup definitions required by other HCM products.

Manage Payroll Consolidation Group

Manage Payroll Consolidation Group

Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Manages all payroll setup definitions required by other HCM products.

Manage Payroll Definition

Manage Payroll Definition

Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Manages all payroll setup definitions required by other HCM products.

Manage Payroll Element Classification

Manage Payroll Element Classification

Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Manages all payroll setup definitions required by other HCM products.

Manage Payroll Event Group

Manage Payroll Event Groups

Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Manages all payroll setup definitions required by other HCM products.

Manage Payroll Object Group

Defines groups of objects such as element groups and people groups.

Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Manages all payroll setup definitions required by other HCM products.

Manage Payroll Run Type

Manage Payroll Run Type

Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Manages all payroll setup definitions required by other HCM products.

Manage Payroll Third Parties

Allows the review or creation of third-party persons and organizations that can be associated with payment methods.

Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Manages all payroll setup definitions required by other HCM products.

Manage Payroll Third-Party Organization Payment Method

Allows management of payment methods for third-party organizations.

Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Manages all payroll setup definitions required by other HCM products.

Manage Payroll Time Definition

Manage Payroll Time Definition

Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Manages all payroll setup definitions required by other HCM products.

View Bank

Allows review of banks.

Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Manages all payroll setup definitions required by other HCM products.

View Bank Account

Allows review of bank accounts.

Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Manages all payroll setup definitions required by other HCM products.

View Bank Branch

Allows review of bank branches.

Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Manages all payroll setup definitions required by other HCM products.

View Payroll Payment Type

View Payroll Payment Type

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Configure Payroll Legislation

Configure Payroll Legislation

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage All Application Profile Values

Allows management of all application profile option settings and values at various levels to control application behavior.

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Application Common Lookup

Not Available

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Application Descriptive Flexfield

Allows management of application descriptive flexfields.

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Application Extensible Flexfield

Manage implementation of the Extensible Flexfield feature on a given entity.

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

Allows management of value sets to validate the content of a flexfield segment. Value sets provide declarative validation for use in applications flexfield attributes and key segments.

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Application Key Flexfield

Allows management of application key flexfields.

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Application Set-Enabled Lookup

Manage sub-type entities stored in the Application Set-Enabled Lookup entity. Lookup Types are lists of values such as Days of the Week or Yes/No which can be used to validate column values.

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Application Standard Lookup

Manage sub-type entities stored in the Application Standard Lookup Values entity. Lookup Types are lists of values such as "Days of the Week" or "Yes/No" which can be used to validate columns values.

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Costing of Department

Manage Costing of Department

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Costing of Job

Manage Costing of Job

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Costing of Payment Source

Manage Costing of Payment Source

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Costing of Payroll

Manage Costing of Payroll

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Costing of Position

Manage Costing of Position

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Features by Country or Territory

Allows selection of the country extension and address validation settings for each country or territory in the enterprise.

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage HCM User-Defined Table

Manage HCM User-Defined Table

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Organization Payment Method

Manage organization level payment details, including the payment source bank account

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Payroll Balance Definition

Manage Payroll Balance Definition

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Payroll Balance Exception

Manage Payroll Balance Exception

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Payroll Balance Group

Manage Balance Groups

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Payroll Balance Group Usage

Manage Payroll Balance Group Usage

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Payroll Consolidation Group

Manage Payroll Consolidation Group

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Payroll Deduction

Manage Payroll Deduction

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Payroll Deduction Card Definition

Manage Payroll Deduction Card Definition

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Payroll Deduction Group Rule

Manage Payroll Deduction Group Rules

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Payroll Deduction Range

Manage Payroll Deduction Range

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Payroll Definition

Manage Payroll Definition

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Payroll Element Classification

Manage Payroll Element Classification

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Payroll Event Group

Manage Payroll Event Groups

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Payroll Flow Pattern

Manage Payroll Flow Pattern

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Payroll Process Configuration

Manage Payroll Process Configuration

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Payroll Relationship Type Mapping

Not Available

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Payroll RetroPay Definition

Manage Payroll RetroPay Definition

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Payroll Run Type

Manage Payroll Run Type

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Payroll Task

Manage Payroll Task

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Payroll Template

Manage Payroll Template

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Payroll Third Parties

Allows the review or creation of third-party persons and organizations that can be associated with payment methods.

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Payroll Third-Party Organization Payment Method

Allows management of payment methods for third-party organizations.

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

Manage Payroll Time Definition

Manage Payroll Time Definition

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

View Bank

Allows review of banks.

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

View Bank Account

Allows review of bank accounts.

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

View Bank Branch

Allows review of bank branches.

Payroll Implementation

Manages complete payroll setup and maintenance.

View Payroll Payment Type

View Payroll Payment Type

Payroll Implementation View

Views complete payroll setup.

Manage Costing of Department

Manage Costing of Department

Payroll Implementation View

Views complete payroll setup.

Manage Costing of Job

Manage Costing of Job

Payroll Implementation View

Views complete payroll setup.

Manage Costing of Payment Source

Manage Costing of Payment Source

Payroll Implementation View

Views complete payroll setup.

Manage Costing of Payroll

Manage Costing of Payroll

Payroll Implementation View

Views complete payroll setup.

Manage Costing of Position

Manage Costing of Position

Payroll Implementation View

Views complete payroll setup.

Manage HCM User-Defined Table

Manage HCM User-Defined Table

Payroll Implementation View

Views complete payroll setup.

Manage Organization Payment Method

Manage organization level payment details, including the payment source bank account

Payroll Implementation View

Views complete payroll setup.

Manage Payroll Balance Definition

Manage Payroll Balance Definition

Payroll Implementation View

Views complete payroll setup.

Manage Payroll Balance Exception

Manage Payroll Balance Exception

Payroll Implementation View

Views complete payroll setup.

Manage Payroll Balance Group

Manage Balance Groups

Payroll Implementation View

Views complete payroll setup.

Manage Payroll Balance Group Usage

Manage Payroll Balance Group Usage

Payroll Implementation View

Views complete payroll setup.

Manage Payroll Consolidation Group

Manage Payroll Consolidation Group

Payroll Implementation View

Views complete payroll setup.

Manage Payroll Deduction

Manage Payroll Deduction

Payroll Implementation View

Views complete payroll setup.

Manage Payroll Deduction Group Rule

Manage Payroll Deduction Group Rules

Payroll Implementation View

Views complete payroll setup.

Manage Payroll Deduction Range

Manage Payroll Deduction Range

Payroll Implementation View

Views complete payroll setup.

Manage Payroll Definition

Manage Payroll Definition

Payroll Implementation View

Views complete payroll setup.

Manage Payroll Element Classification

Manage Payroll Element Classification

Payroll Implementation View

Views complete payroll setup.

Manage Payroll Event Group

Manage Payroll Event Groups

Payroll Implementation View

Views complete payroll setup.

Manage Payroll Flow Pattern

Manage Payroll Flow Pattern

Payroll Implementation View

Views complete payroll setup.

Manage Payroll Object Group

Defines groups of objects such as element groups and people groups.

Payroll Implementation View

Views complete payroll setup.

Manage Payroll Process Configuration

Manage Payroll Process Configuration

Payroll Implementation View

Views complete payroll setup.

Manage Payroll Run Type

Manage Payroll Run Type

Payroll Implementation View

Views complete payroll setup.

Manage Payroll Task

Manage Payroll Task

Payroll Implementation View

Views complete payroll setup.

Manage Payroll Third Parties

Allows the review or creation of third-party persons and organizations that can be associated with payment methods.

Payroll Implementation View

Views complete payroll setup.

Manage Payroll Third-Party Organization Payment Method

Allows management of payment methods for third-party organizations.

Payroll Implementation View

Views complete payroll setup.

Manage Payroll Time Definition

Manage Payroll Time Definition

Payroll Implementation View

Views complete payroll setup.

View Bank

Allows review of banks.

Payroll Implementation View

Views complete payroll setup.

View Bank Account

Allows review of bank accounts.

Payroll Implementation View

Views complete payroll setup.

View Bank Branch

Allows review of bank branches.

Payroll Implementation View

Views complete payroll setup.

View Payroll Payment Type

View Payroll Payment Type

Performance Management Administration

Manages administration of performance documents.

Manage Eligibility Batch Process

Allows management of the eligibility batch process to configure worker access to performance documents.

Performance Management Administration

Manages administration of performance documents.

Manage Performance Document Type

Allows management of performance document types.

Performance Management Administration

Manages administration of performance documents.

Manage Performance Evaluation Rating Target Distribution

Allows management of the performance target ratings distribution.

Performance Management Administration

Manages administration of performance documents.

Manage Performance Process Flow Definition

Allows management of process flow definitions to determine which tasks to include, and the order the tasks are performed in performance evaluations.

Performance Management Administration

Manages administration of performance documents.

Manage Performance Roles

Allows management of performance roles.

Performance Management Administration

Manages administration of performance documents.

Manage Performance Template

Allows management of performance templates used to create performance documents.

Performance Management Administration

Manages administration of performance documents.

Manage Performance Template Section

Allows management of performance template sections to determine the sections to include in the performance document template.

Performance Management Administration

Manages administration of performance documents.

Manage Performance and Potential Matrix Layout

Allows management of the performance and potential matrix layout.

Performance Management Implementation

Manages the setup of the performance management application.

Manage Eligibility Batch Process

Allows management of the eligibility batch process to configure worker access to performance documents.

Performance Management Implementation

Manages the setup of the performance management application.

Manage Performance Document Type

Allows management of performance document types.

Performance Management Implementation

Manages the setup of the performance management application.

Manage Performance Evaluation Rating Target Distribution

Allows management of the performance target ratings distribution.

Performance Management Implementation

Manages the setup of the performance management application.

Manage Performance Process Flow Definition

Allows management of process flow definitions to determine which tasks to include, and the order the tasks are performed in performance evaluations.

Performance Management Implementation

Manages the setup of the performance management application.

Manage Performance Template

Allows management of performance templates used to create performance documents.

Performance Management Implementation

Manages the setup of the performance management application.

Manage Performance Template Section

Allows management of performance template sections to determine the sections to include in the performance document template.

Performance Management Implementation

Manages the setup of the performance management application.

Manage Performance and Potential Matrix Layout

Allows management of the performance and potential matrix layout.

Person Configuration

Manages person types, name formats, checklists, and document types.

Apply Name Formats to Person Names Keywords and LDAP

Run the job set that updates person names, keywords, and LDAP when the person name format definitions have been updated.

Person Configuration

Manages person types, name formats, checklists, and document types.

Manage HR Name Format

Allows management of person-name formats.

Person Configuration

Manages person types, name formats, checklists, and document types.

Manage Person Name Style

Allows management of person name styles.

Person Configuration

Manages person types, name formats, checklists, and document types.

Manage Person Type

Allows management of person types.

Person Configuration

Manages person types, name formats, checklists, and document types.

Run Person Keyword Refresh Process

Allows running of the process to update the database of keywords used for person search.

Person Configuration

Manages person types, name formats, checklists, and document types.

Run Person Relevance Refresh Process

Allows running of the process to maintain the database of search-relevance information. This information is used to order person-search results according to their relevance to the searcher.

Person Configuration

Manages person types, name formats, checklists, and document types.

Schedule Calculate Relationship Strength

Allows scheduling of the calculate-relationship-strength process.

Person Configuration

Manages person types, name formats, checklists, and document types.

Schedule Person Keyword Crawler

Allows scheduling of the person-keyword crawler process.

Review HCM Approval Transactions as Administrator

Allows viewing of basic information for HCM approval transactions by an administrator.

Configure Approval Rules in Transaction Console

Allows configuration of approval rules in the transaction console.

Review HCM Approval Transactions as Administrator

Allows viewing of basic information for HCM approval transactions by an administrator.

Review Approval Transactions

Allows viewing of basic information for approval transactions.

Review HCM Approval Transactions as Administrator

Allows viewing of basic information for HCM approval transactions by an administrator.

Test Approval Rules

Allows the testing of HCM approval rules.

Review HCM Approval Transactions as Administrator

Allows viewing of basic information for HCM approval transactions by an administrator.

View Transaction Approval Analytics

Allows viewing of analytics in the transaction console.

Use REST Service - HR Document Types List of Values

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the HR document types list of values REST service. Use this duty role when granting manage access to person documentation data.

Use REST Service - HR Document Types List of Values

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the HR document types list of values REST service.

Workforce Profile Administration

Performs administrative duties for workforce talent profiles.

Manage Talent Education Establishment

Allows management of talent educational establishments.

Workforce Profile Administration

Performs administrative duties for workforce talent profiles.

Manage Talent Profile Content Item

Allows management of talent profile content items.

Workforce Profile Administration

Performs administrative duties for workforce talent profiles.

Manage Talent Profile Content Type

Allows management of talent profile content types.

Workforce Profile Administration

Performs administrative duties for workforce talent profiles.

Manage Talent Profile Instance Qualifier

Allows management of talent profile instance qualifiers.

Workforce Profile Administration

Performs administrative duties for workforce talent profiles.

Manage Talent Profile Rating Model

Allows management of talent profile rating models.

Workforce Profile Administration

Performs administrative duties for workforce talent profiles.

Manage Talent Profile Sources

Allows management of talent profile subscribers.

Workforce Profile Administration

Performs administrative duties for workforce talent profiles.

Manage Talent Profile Type

Allows management of talent profile types.

Workforce Profile Administration

Performs administrative duties for workforce talent profiles.

Manage Talent Profile Upgrade Mapping

Allows a user to map section attributes to upgrade to the template architecture.

Workforce Structures Management

Manages positions, locations, jobs, grades, and HR organizations. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or manager typically.

Create Job Profile

Allows user to create job profiles.

Workforce Structures Management

Manages positions, locations, jobs, grades, and HR organizations. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or manager typically.

Create Position

Allows creation of positions.

Workforce Structures Management

Manages positions, locations, jobs, grades, and HR organizations. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or manager typically.

Create Position Profile

Allows user to create position profiles.

Workforce Structures Management

Manages positions, locations, jobs, grades, and HR organizations. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or manager typically.

Manage Application Tree

Manage application trees and tree versions

Workforce Structures Management

Manages positions, locations, jobs, grades, and HR organizations. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or manager typically.

Manage Application Tree Label

Manage application tree labels

Workforce Structures Management

Manages positions, locations, jobs, grades, and HR organizations. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or manager typically.

Manage Assignment Flexfield Mapping

Allows mapping of workforce structures' flexfields to a worker's assignment flexfields.

Workforce Structures Management

Manages positions, locations, jobs, grades, and HR organizations. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or manager typically.

Manage Assignment Grade

Allows management of grades.

Workforce Structures Management

Manages positions, locations, jobs, grades, and HR organizations. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or manager typically.

Manage Assignment Grade Ladder

Allows management of grade ladders.

Workforce Structures Management

Manages positions, locations, jobs, grades, and HR organizations. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or manager typically.

Manage Assignment Grade Rate

Allows management of grade rates.

Workforce Structures Management

Manages positions, locations, jobs, grades, and HR organizations. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or manager typically.

Manage Collective Agreements

Allows management of collective agreements.

Workforce Structures Management

Manages positions, locations, jobs, grades, and HR organizations. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or manager typically.

Manage Department Tree

Allows management of department hierarchies

Workforce Structures Management

Manages positions, locations, jobs, grades, and HR organizations. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or manager typically.

Manage Disability Organization

Allows management of disability organizations.

Workforce Structures Management

Manages positions, locations, jobs, grades, and HR organizations. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or manager typically.

Manage Enterprise

Allows management of enterprises.

Workforce Structures Management

Manages positions, locations, jobs, grades, and HR organizations. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or manager typically.

Manage Enterprise HCM Information

Allows management of HCM related information defined at the enterprise level.

Workforce Structures Management

Manages positions, locations, jobs, grades, and HR organizations. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or manager typically.

Manage HCM Position Hierarchy

Allows management of the HCM position hierarchy.

Workforce Structures Management

Manages positions, locations, jobs, grades, and HR organizations. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or manager typically.

Manage HR Job

Allows management of jobs.

Workforce Structures Management

Manages positions, locations, jobs, grades, and HR organizations. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or manager typically.

Manage HR Job Family

Allows management of job families.

Workforce Structures Management

Manages positions, locations, jobs, grades, and HR organizations. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or manager typically.

Manage Legislative Data Group

Allows management of legislative data group

Workforce Structures Management

Manages positions, locations, jobs, grades, and HR organizations. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or manager typically.

Manage Location

Allows management of locations.

Workforce Structures Management

Manages positions, locations, jobs, grades, and HR organizations. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or manager typically.

Manage Organization Tree

Allows management of organization hierarchies

Workforce Structures Management

Manages positions, locations, jobs, grades, and HR organizations. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or manager typically.

Manage Position Tree

Allows management of position hierarchies

Workforce Structures Management

Manages positions, locations, jobs, grades, and HR organizations. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or manager typically.

Manage Reporting Establishment

Allows management of reporting establishments.

Workforce Structures Management

Manages positions, locations, jobs, grades, and HR organizations. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or manager typically.

Manage Workforce Structures Work Area

Allows access to the Work Structures Management work area.

Workforce Structures Management

Manages positions, locations, jobs, grades, and HR organizations. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or manager typically.

Mass Create Departments

Allows mass creation of departments.

Workforce Structures Management

Manages positions, locations, jobs, grades, and HR organizations. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or manager typically.

Mass Create Divisions

Allows mass creation of divisions.

Workforce Structures Management

Manages positions, locations, jobs, grades, and HR organizations. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or manager typically.

Mass Create Jobs

Allows mass creation of jobs.

Workforce Structures Management

Manages positions, locations, jobs, grades, and HR organizations. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or manager typically.

Mass Create Legal Entity HCM Information

Allows mass creation of legal entity HCM information.

Workforce Structures Management

Manages positions, locations, jobs, grades, and HR organizations. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or manager typically.

Mass Create Locations

Allows mass creation of locations.

Workforce Structures Management

Manages positions, locations, jobs, grades, and HR organizations. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or manager typically.

Mass Create Reporting Establishments

Allows mass creation of reporting establishments.

Workforce Structures Management

Manages positions, locations, jobs, grades, and HR organizations. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or manager typically.

Request a New Position

Allows requesting a new position.

Workforce Structures Management

Manages positions, locations, jobs, grades, and HR organizations. This role does not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist or manager typically.

Use REST Service - Job Requisition Templates List of Values

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the job requisition template lists of values REST Services.

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Human Capital Management Application Administrator job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Attachment Category

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can delete application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Geography Administration

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

Application Attachment Category

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage application attachment category for all hcm applications data

Role: Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Privilege: Manage Application Attachment Category (Data)

Resource: Application Attachment Category

Application Attachment Category

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can read application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Geography Administration

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

Application Attachment Category

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can update application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Geography Administration

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

Application Attachment Entity

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage application attachment entity for all hcm applications data

Role: Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Privilege: Manage Application Attachment Entity (Data)

Resource: Application Attachment Entity

Application Objects

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage application objects for the journey application object

Role: Manage Guided Journeys

Privilege: Manage Application Objects (Data)

Resource: Application Objects

Application Objects

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage application objects for the journey category application object

Role: Manage Journey Categories

Privilege: Manage Application Objects (Data)

Resource: Application Objects

Application Objects

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage application objects for the journey, journey category and worker journey application objects

Role: Manage Journey

Privilege: Manage Application Objects (Data)

Resource: Application Objects

Application Objects

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage application objects for the questionnaire subscriber application object

Role: Manage Questionnaire Subscriber Access

Privilege: Manage Application Objects (Data)

Resource: Application Objects

Assignment Grade

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose assignment grade for all grades in the enterprise

Role: Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Privilege: Choose Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

Assignment Grade

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose assignment grade for all grades in the enterprise

Role: Use REST Service - Workforce Structure List of Values

Privilege: Choose Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

Assignment Grade

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage assignment grade for all grades in the enterprise

Role: Workforce Structures Management

Privilege: Manage Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

Assignment Grade

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage assignment grade for all reference data sets in the enterprise

Role: Workforce Structures Management

Privilege: Manage Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

Assignment Grade Ladder

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage assignment grade ladder for all grades in the enterprise

Role: Workforce Structures Management

Privilege: Manage Assignment Grade Ladder (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade Ladder

Assignment Grade Rate

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage assignment grade rate for all grades in the enterprise

Role: Workforce Structures Management

Privilege: Manage Assignment Grade Rate (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade Rate

Benefit Covered Dependent

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage benefit eligible dependent for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Benefits Elections

Privilege: Manage Benefit Eligible Dependent (Data)

Resource: Benefit Covered Dependent

Benefit Electable Choice

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage benefit electable choice for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Benefits Elections

Privilege: Manage Benefit Electable Choice (Data)

Resource: Benefit Electable Choice

Benefit Eligible Dependent

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage benefit eligible dependent for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Benefits Elections

Privilege: Manage Benefit Eligible Dependent (Data)

Resource: Benefit Eligible Dependent

Benefit Eligible Person

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage benefit eligible person for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Benefits Elections

Privilege: Manage Benefit Eligible Person (Data)

Resource: Benefit Eligible Person

Benefit Participant Enrollment Result

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can review benefit participant enrollment result for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Benefits Elections

Privilege: Review Benefit Participant Enrollment Result (Data)

Resource: Benefit Participant Enrollment Result

Benefit Person Benefit Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage benefit person benefit group for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Benefits Setup

Privilege: Manage Benefit Person Benefit Group (Data)

Resource: Benefit Person Benefit Group

Benefit Person Benefit Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage benefit person benefit group for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Person Benefit Groups

Privilege: Manage Benefit Person Benefit Group (Data)

Resource: Benefit Person Benefit Group

Benefit Person Benefit Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view person benefit group for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Person Benefit Groups

Privilege: View Person Benefit Group (Data)

Resource: Benefit Person Benefit Group

Benefit Relation

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage benefit relation for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Benefits Elections

Privilege: Manage Benefit Relation (Data)

Resource: Benefit Relation

Business Unit

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose business unit for business units in their organization security profile

Role: Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Privilege: Choose Business Unit Organization (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Business Unit

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose business unit organization for business units in their organization security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Workforce Structure List of Values

Privilege: Choose Business Unit Organization (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Checklist Role Maps

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view journey template for others for journey templates which allow them to view assigned journeys for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Manage Worker Checklist

Privilege: View Journey Template for Others (Data)

Resource: Checklist Role Maps

Checklist Role Maps

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view journey template for self for journey templates which allow them to view their own assigned journeys

Role: Manage Worker Checklist

Privilege: View Journey Template for Self (Data)

Resource: Checklist Role Maps

Country Structure File Import Activity

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view country structure file import activity object type for all country structure file import activities of object type country structure

Role: Geography Administration

Privilege: View Country Structure File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Country Structure File Import Activity

Country Structure File Import Mapping

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view country structure file import mapping object type for all country structure file import mappings of object type country structure

Role: Geography Administration

Privilege: View Country Structure File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Country Structure File Import Mapping

Country Structure File Import Object

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view country structure file import object type for all country structure file import objects of object type country structure

Role: Geography Administration

Privilege: View Country Structure File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Country Structure File Import Object


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: Manage Costing Details at Department Level

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: Manage Schedule Generation Profiles by Schedule Administrator

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Workforce Structure List of Values

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: View Costing Details at Department Level

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage department for all reference data sets in the enterprise

Role: Manage Departments

Privilege: Manage Department (Data)

Resource: Department


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: Manage Departments

Privilege: Manage Department (Data)

Resource: Department


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: Manage Departments

Privilege: View Department (Data)

Resource: Department


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage division for divisions in their organization security profile

Role: Manage Divisions

Privilege: Manage Division (Data)

Resource: Division

Fast Formula

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Fast Formula

Privilege: Manage Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: Fast Formula

Fast Formula

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Fast Formula

Privilege: View Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: Fast Formula

Fast Formula

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: Fast Formula

Fast Formula Context

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Fast Formula

Privilege: Manage Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: Fast Formula Context

Fast Formula Context

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Fast Formula

Privilege: View Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: Fast Formula Context

Fast Formula Context

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: Fast Formula Context

Fast Formula Function

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Fast Formula

Privilege: Manage Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: Fast Formula Function

Fast Formula Function

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Fast Formula

Privilege: View Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: Fast Formula Function

Fast Formula Function

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: Fast Formula Function

Fast Formula Global

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Fast Formula

Privilege: Manage Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: Fast Formula Global

Fast Formula Global

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Fast Formula

Privilege: View Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: Fast Formula Global

Fast Formula Global

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: Fast Formula Global

Fast Formula Route

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Fast Formula

Privilege: Manage Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: Fast Formula Route

Fast Formula Route

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Fast Formula

Privilege: View Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: Fast Formula Route

Fast Formula Route

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: Fast Formula Route

Fast Formula Type Context Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Fast Formula

Privilege: Manage Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: Fast Formula Type Context Usage

Fast Formula Type Context Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Fast Formula

Privilege: View Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: Fast Formula Type Context Usage

Fast Formula Type Context Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: Fast Formula Type Context Usage

Fast Formula User Entity

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Fast Formula

Privilege: Manage Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: Fast Formula User Entity

Fast Formula User Entity

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Fast Formula

Privilege: View Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: Fast Formula User Entity

Fast Formula User Entity

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: Fast Formula User Entity

File Export Batch

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view file export batch for all export batches

Role: Geography Administration

Privilege: View File Export Batch (Data)

Resource: File Export Batch

File Export Object

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage export unit test for all export unit test objects

Role: Geography Administration

Privilege: Manage Export Unit Test (Data)

Resource: File Export Object

Geography File Import Activity

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view geography file import activity object type for all geography file import activities of object type geography

Role: Geography Administration

Privilege: View Geography File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Geography File Import Activity

Geography File Import Mapping

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view geography file import mapping object type for all geography file import mappings of object type geography

Role: Geography Administration

Privilege: View Geography File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Geography File Import Mapping

Geography File Import Object

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view geography file import object type for all geography file import objects of object type geography

Role: Geography Administration

Privilege: View Geography File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Geography File Import Object

Guided Journey Response

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage guided journey response for guided journey responses that i have provided

Role: Use REST Service - Guided Journey Responses

Privilege: Manage Guided Journey Response (Data)

Resource: Guided Journey Response

Guided Journey Response

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view guided journey response for guided journey responses that i have provided

Role: Use REST Service - Guided Journey Responses

Privilege: View Guided Journey Response (Data)

Resource: Guided Journey Response

HCM Approval Process Definition

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can review approval transactions for transactions in their transactions security profile

Role: Review HCM Approval Transactions as Administrator

Privilege: Review Approval Transactions (Data)

Resource: HCM Approval Process Definition

HCM Extract Definition

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage hcm extract definition for extract definitions in a legislative data group in their legislative data group security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: Manage HCM Extract Definition (Data)

Resource: HCM Extract Definition

HCM Pending Transaction Header

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can review approval transactions for transactions initiated by persons in their person security profile

Role: Review HCM Approval Transactions as Administrator

Privilege: Review Approval Transactions (Data)

Resource: HCM Pending Transaction Header

HCM Rate

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose payroll rate definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Payroll Rate Definition List of Values

Privilege: Choose Payroll Rate Definition (Data)

Resource: HCM Rate

HCM Rate

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage hcm rate for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage HCM Rates

Privilege: Manage HCM Rate (Data)

Resource: HCM Rate

HCM Spreadsheet Loader Data Set

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose hcm spreadsheet loader data-set for all data sets for templates that have been granted to their roles with view all data sets access

Role: Load Data using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader

Privilege: Choose HCM Spreadsheet Loader Data-Set (Data)

Resource: HCM Spreadsheet Loader Data Set

HCM Spreadsheet Loader Data Set

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose hcm spreadsheet loader data-set for data sets that i created

Role: Load Data using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader

Privilege: Choose HCM Spreadsheet Loader Data-Set (Data)

Resource: HCM Spreadsheet Loader Data Set

HCM Spreadsheet Template

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can run hcm spreadsheet loader for all templates that have been granted to their roles

Role: Access HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates

Privilege: Run HCM Spreadsheet Loader (Data)

Resource: HCM Spreadsheet Template

HCM User-Defined Table

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: HCM User-Defined Table

HCM User-Defined Table

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: HCM User-Defined Table

HCM User-Defined Table

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: HCM User-Defined Table

HCM User-Defined Table

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: HCM User-Defined Table

HCM User-Defined Table User Column

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: HCM User-Defined Table User Column

HCM User-Defined Table User Column

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: HCM User-Defined Table User Column

HCM User-Defined Table User Column

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: HCM User-Defined Table User Column

HCM User-Defined Table User Column

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: HCM User-Defined Table User Column

HCM User-Defined Table User Column Instance

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: HCM User-Defined Table User Column Instance

HCM User-Defined Table User Column Instance

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: HCM User-Defined Table User Column Instance

HCM User-Defined Table User Column Instance

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: HCM User-Defined Table User Column Instance

HCM User-Defined Table User Column Instance

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: HCM User-Defined Table User Column Instance

HCM User-Defined Table User Row

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: HCM User-Defined Table User Row

HCM User-Defined Table User Row

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: HCM User-Defined Table User Row

HCM User-Defined Table User Row

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: HCM User-Defined Table User Row

HCM User-Defined Table User Row

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: HCM User-Defined Table User Row

HR Document Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage document type for document types in their document type security profile

Role: Manage HR Document Type

Privilege: Manage Document Type (Data)

Resource: HR Document Type

HR Document Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view document type for document types in their document type security profile

Role: Manage HR Document Type

Privilege: View Document Type (Data)

Resource: HR Document Type

HR Document Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view document type for document types in their document type security profile

Role: Manage Person Documentation

Privilege: View Document Type (Data)

Resource: HR Document Type

HR Job

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose hr job for all jobs in the enterprise

Role: Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

HR Job

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose hr job for all jobs in the enterprise

Role: Manage Schedule Generation Profiles by Schedule Administrator

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

HR Job

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose hr job for all jobs in the enterprise

Role: Use REST Service - Workforce Structure List of Values

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

HR Job

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage hr job for all jobs in the enterprise

Role: Workforce Structures Management

Privilege: Manage HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

HR Job

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage hr job for all reference data sets in the enterprise

Role: Workforce Structures Management

Privilege: Manage HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

HR Name Format

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage hr name format for countries in their country security profile

Role: Person Configuration

Privilege: Manage HR Name Format (Data)

Resource: HR Name Format

Help Topic

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view help topic for all secured help content they are authorized

Role: Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Privilege: View Secured Custom Help Content

Resource: Help Topic


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can assign journey for checklists to which they have been granted access

Role: Manage Worker Checklist

Privilege: Assign Journey (Data)

Resource: Journey


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can assign journey for journeys to which they have been granted access

Role: Manage Journey

Privilege: Assign Journey (Data)

Resource: Journey


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can assign journey to self for checklists to which they have been granted access

Role: Manage Worker Checklist

Privilege: Assign Journey to Self (Data)

Resource: Journey


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can assign journey to self for journeys to which they have been granted access

Role: Manage Journey

Privilege: Assign Journey to Self (Data)

Resource: Journey


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage journey for journeys to which they have been granted access

Role: Manage Guided Journeys

Privilege: Manage Journey (Data)

Resource: Journey


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage journey for journeys to which they have been granted access

Role: Manage Journey

Privilege: Manage Journey (Data)

Resource: Journey


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view journey for checklists to which they have been granted access

Role: Manage Worker Checklist

Privilege: View Journey (Data)

Resource: Journey


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view journey for journeys to which they have been granted access

Role: Manage Guided Journeys

Privilege: View Journey (Data)

Resource: Journey


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view journey for journeys to which they have been granted access

Role: Manage Journey

Privilege: View Journey (Data)

Resource: Journey


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view journey for journeys to which they have been granted access

Role: Use REST Service - Guided Journeys Read Only

Privilege: View Journey (Data)

Resource: Journey

Journey Allocation Occurrence

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view journey allocation occurrence for allocations of journey templates to which they have been granted access that have been initiated by persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Access Journey Console

Privilege: View Journey Allocation Occurrence (Data)

Resource: Journey Allocation Occurrence

Journey Category

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose journey category for journey categories to which they have been granted access

Role: Use REST Service - Journey Categories List of Values

Privilege: Choose Journey Category (Data)

Resource: Journey Category

Journey Category

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage journey category for journey categories to which they have been granted access

Role: Manage Journey Categories

Privilege: Manage Journey Category (Data)

Resource: Journey Category

Journey Category

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view journey category for journey categories to which they have been granted access

Role: Manage Journey Categories

Privilege: View Journey Category (Data)

Resource: Journey Category

Journey Scheduled Allocation

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage journey allocation for allocations of journey templates to which they have been granted access that have been initiated by persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Journey Scheduled Allocations

Privilege: Manage Journey Allocation (Data)

Resource: Journey Scheduled Allocation

Journey Scheduled Allocation

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view journey allocation for allocations of journey templates to which they have been granted access that have been initiated by persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Journey Scheduled Allocations

Privilege: View Journey Allocation (Data)

Resource: Journey Scheduled Allocation

Journey Task

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage journey task library for all tasks in the journey task library

Role: Manage All Tasks in Journey Task Library

Privilege: Manage Journey Task Library (Data)

Resource: Journey Task

Journey Task Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage journey task groups for all journey task groups

Role: Manage All Journey Task Groups

Privilege: Manage Journey Task Groups (Data)

Resource: Journey Task Group

Legal Employer

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose legal employer for legal employers in their organization security profile

Role: Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Privilege: Choose Legal Employer (Data)

Resource: Legal Employer

Legal Employer

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose legal employer for legal employers in their organization security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Workforce Structure List of Values

Privilege: Choose Legal Employer (Data)

Resource: Legal Employer

Legislative Data Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose legislative data group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Access HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates

Privilege: Choose Legislative Data Group (Data)

Resource: Legislative Data Group

Legislative Data Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose legislative data group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Privilege: Choose Legislative Data Group (Data)

Resource: Legislative Data Group

Legislative Data Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose legislative data group for legislative data groups within their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Costing Details at Department Level

Privilege: Choose Legislative Data Group (Data)

Resource: Legislative Data Group

Legislative Data Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose legislative data group for legislative data groups within their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Costing Details at Element Level

Privilege: Choose Legislative Data Group (Data)

Resource: Legislative Data Group

Legislative Data Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose legislative data group for legislative data groups within their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Costing Details at Job Level

Privilege: Choose Legislative Data Group (Data)

Resource: Legislative Data Group

Legislative Data Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose legislative data group for legislative data groups within their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Costing Details at Payment Source Level

Privilege: Choose Legislative Data Group (Data)

Resource: Legislative Data Group

Legislative Data Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose legislative data group for legislative data groups within their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Costing Details at Payroll Level

Privilege: Choose Legislative Data Group (Data)

Resource: Legislative Data Group

Legislative Data Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose legislative data group for legislative data groups within their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Costing Details at Position Level

Privilege: Choose Legislative Data Group (Data)

Resource: Legislative Data Group

Legislative Data Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose legislative data group for legislative data groups within their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Costing of Element

Privilege: Choose Legislative Data Group (Data)

Resource: Legislative Data Group

Legislative Data Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose legislative data group for legislative data groups within their legislative data group security profile

Role: View Costing Details at Element Level

Privilege: Choose Legislative Data Group (Data)

Resource: Legislative Data Group

Legislative Data Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose legislative data group for legislative data groups within their legislative data group security profile

Role: View Costing Details at Job Level

Privilege: Choose Legislative Data Group (Data)

Resource: Legislative Data Group

Legislative Data Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose legislative data group for legislative data groups within their legislative data group security profile

Role: View Costing Details at Payment Source Level

Privilege: Choose Legislative Data Group (Data)

Resource: Legislative Data Group

Legislative Data Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose legislative data group for legislative data groups within their legislative data group security profile

Role: View Costing Details at Payroll Level

Privilege: Choose Legislative Data Group (Data)

Resource: Legislative Data Group

Legislative Data Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose legislative data group for legislative data groups within their legislative data group security profile

Role: View Costing Details at Position Level

Privilege: Choose Legislative Data Group (Data)

Resource: Legislative Data Group

Legislative Data Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose payroll reference for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Payroll Reference Data Lists of Values

Privilege: Choose Payroll Reference (Data)

Resource: Legislative Data Group

Legislative Data Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage costing details at location level for legislative data groups within their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Costing Details at Location Level

Privilege: Manage Costing Details at Location Level (Data)

Resource: Legislative Data Group

Legislative Data Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view costing details at location level for legislative data groups within their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Costing Details at Location Level

Privilege: View Costing Details at Location Level (Data)

Resource: Legislative Data Group

Legislative Data Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view costing details at location level for legislative data groups within their legislative data group security profile

Role: View Costing Details at Location Level

Privilege: View Costing Details at Location Level (Data)

Resource: Legislative Data Group

Legislative Position Attribute

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage legislative position attribute for countries in their country security profile

Role: Maintain Positions

Privilege: Manage Legislative Position Attribute (Data)

Resource: Legislative Position Attribute

Legislative Position Attribute

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view legislative position attribute for countries in their country security profile

Role: View Positions

Privilege: View Legislative Position Attribute (Data)

Resource: Legislative Position Attribute


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose location for all locations in the enterprise

Role: Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Privilege: Choose Location (Data)

Resource: Location


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose location for all locations in the enterprise

Role: Use REST Service - Workforce Structure List of Values

Privilege: Choose Location (Data)

Resource: Location


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage costing details at location level for all locations in the enterprise

Role: Manage Costing Details at Location Level

Privilege: Manage Costing Details at Location Level (Data)

Resource: Location


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage location for all locations in the enterprise

Role: Workforce Structures Management

Privilege: Manage Location (Data)

Resource: Location


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage location for all reference data sets in the enterprise

Role: Workforce Structures Management

Privilege: Manage Location (Data)

Resource: Location


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view costing details at location level for all locations in the enterprise

Role: Manage Costing Details at Location Level

Privilege: View Costing Details at Location Level (Data)

Resource: Location


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view costing details at location level for all locations in the enterprise

Role: View Costing Details at Location Level

Privilege: View Costing Details at Location Level (Data)

Resource: Location


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage worker union for worker unions in their organization security profile

Role: Manage Worker Unions

Privilege: Manage Worker Union (Data)

Resource: Organization

Organization Payment Method

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payment method preferences for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Payment Method Preferences

Privilege: Manage Payment Method Preferences (Data)

Resource: Organization Payment Method

Organization Payment Method

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll payment for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Payment (Data)

Resource: Organization Payment Method

Organization Payment Method

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll payment for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Payment (Data)

Resource: Organization Payment Method

Organization Payment Method

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll payment for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: Manage Payroll Payment (Data)

Resource: Organization Payment Method

Organization Payment Method Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll payment for payrolls in their payroll security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Payment (Data)

Resource: Organization Payment Method Usage

Organization Payment Method Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll payment for payrolls in their payroll security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Payment (Data)

Resource: Organization Payment Method Usage

Organization Payment Method Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll payment for payrolls in their payroll security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: Manage Payroll Payment (Data)

Resource: Organization Payment Method Usage

Payroll Balance Category

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll balance definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Balance Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Category

Payroll Balance Category

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll balance definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Balance Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Category

Payroll Balance Category

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll balance for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Balance (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Category

Payroll Balance Category

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll balance for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Balance (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Category

Payroll Balance Classification

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll balance definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Balance Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Classification

Payroll Balance Classification

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll balance definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Balance Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Classification

Payroll Balance Classification

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll balance for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Balance (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Classification

Payroll Balance Classification

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll balance for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Balance (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Classification

Payroll Balance Definition

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll balance definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Balance Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Definition

Payroll Balance Definition

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll balance definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Balance Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Definition

Payroll Balance Definition

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll balance for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Balance (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Definition

Payroll Balance Definition

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll balance for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Balance (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Definition

Payroll Balance Dimension

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll balance definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Balance Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Dimension

Payroll Balance Dimension

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll balance definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Balance Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Dimension

Payroll Balance Dimension

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll balance for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Balance (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Dimension

Payroll Balance Dimension

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll balance for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Balance (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Dimension

Payroll Balance Dimension Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll balance definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Balance Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Dimension Usage

Payroll Balance Dimension Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll balance definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Balance Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Dimension Usage

Payroll Balance Dimension Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll balance for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Balance (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Dimension Usage

Payroll Balance Dimension Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll balance for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Balance (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Dimension Usage

Payroll Balance Exception

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll balance definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Balance Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Exception

Payroll Balance Exception

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll balance definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Balance Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Exception

Payroll Balance Exception

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll balance for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Balance (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Exception

Payroll Balance Exception

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll balance for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Balance (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Exception

Payroll Balance Exception Report

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll balance definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and for payrolls in their payroll security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Balance Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Exception Report

Payroll Balance Exception Report

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll balance definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and for payrolls in their payroll security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Balance Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Exception Report

Payroll Balance Exception Report

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll balance for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and for payrolls in their payroll security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Balance (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Exception Report

Payroll Balance Exception Report

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll balance for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and for payrolls in their payroll security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Balance (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Exception Report

Payroll Balance Feed

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll balance definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Balance Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Feed

Payroll Balance Feed

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll balance definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Balance Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Feed

Payroll Balance Feed

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll balance for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Balance (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Feed

Payroll Balance Feed

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll balance for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Balance (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Feed

Payroll Balance Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll balance definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Balance Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Group

Payroll Balance Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll balance definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Balance Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Group

Payroll Balance Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll balance for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Balance (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Group

Payroll Balance Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll balance for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Balance (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Group

Payroll Balance Group Attribute

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll balance definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Balance Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Group Attribute

Payroll Balance Group Attribute

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll balance definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Balance Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Group Attribute

Payroll Balance Group Attribute

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll balance for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Balance (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Group Attribute

Payroll Balance Group Attribute

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll balance for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Balance (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Group Attribute

Payroll Balance Group Attribute Default

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll balance definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Balance Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Group Attribute Default

Payroll Balance Group Attribute Default

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll balance definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Balance Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Group Attribute Default

Payroll Balance Group Attribute Default

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll balance for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Balance (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Group Attribute Default

Payroll Balance Group Attribute Default

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll balance for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Balance (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Group Attribute Default

Payroll Balance Group Attribute Definition

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll balance definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Balance Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Group Attribute Definition

Payroll Balance Group Attribute Definition

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll balance definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Balance Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Group Attribute Definition

Payroll Balance Group Attribute Definition

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll balance for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Balance (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Group Attribute Definition

Payroll Balance Group Attribute Definition

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll balance for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Balance (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Group Attribute Definition

Payroll Balance Group Inclusion

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll balance definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Balance Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Group Inclusion

Payroll Balance Group Inclusion

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll balance definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Balance Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Group Inclusion

Payroll Balance Group Inclusion

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll balance for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Balance (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Group Inclusion

Payroll Balance Group Inclusion

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll balance for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Balance (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Group Inclusion

Payroll Balance Group Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll balance definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Balance Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Group Usage

Payroll Balance Group Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll balance definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Balance Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Group Usage

Payroll Balance Group Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll balance for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Balance (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Group Usage

Payroll Balance Group Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll balance for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Balance (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Group Usage

Payroll Balance Group Usage Item

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll balance definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Balance Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Group Usage Item

Payroll Balance Group Usage Item

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll balance definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Balance Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Group Usage Item

Payroll Balance Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll balance definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Balance Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Type

Payroll Balance Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll balance definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Balance Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Type

Payroll Balance Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll balance for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Balance (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Type

Payroll Balance Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll balance for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Balance (Data)

Resource: Payroll Balance Type

Payroll Checklist

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll flow patten for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: Manage Payroll Flow Patten (Data)

Resource: Payroll Checklist

Payroll Checklist

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll flow patten for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Flow Patten (Data)

Resource: Payroll Checklist

Payroll Checklist

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Checklist

Payroll Checklist

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Checklist

Payroll Checklist

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: Submit a Payroll Flow

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Checklist

Payroll Checklist

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: Submit a Payroll Process or Report

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Checklist

Payroll Checklist Annotation

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll flow patten for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: Manage Payroll Flow Patten (Data)

Resource: Payroll Checklist Annotation

Payroll Checklist Annotation

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll flow patten for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Flow Patten (Data)

Resource: Payroll Checklist Annotation

Payroll Checklist Annotation

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Checklist Annotation

Payroll Checklist Annotation

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Checklist Annotation

Payroll Checklist Annotation

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Submit a Payroll Flow

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Checklist Annotation

Payroll Checklist Annotation

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Submit a Payroll Process or Report

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Checklist Annotation

Payroll Consolidation Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Consolidation Group

Payroll Consolidation Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Consolidation Group

Payroll Consolidation Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Consolidation Group

Payroll Consolidation Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Consolidation Group

Payroll Context Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll balance definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Balance Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Context Usage

Payroll Context Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll balance definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Balance Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Context Usage

Payroll Context Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll balance for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Balance (Data)

Resource: Payroll Context Usage

Payroll Context Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll balance for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Balance (Data)

Resource: Payroll Context Usage

Payroll Cost Allocation

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll costing for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Costing (Data)

Resource: Payroll Cost Allocation

Payroll Cost Allocation

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll costing for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Costing (Data)

Resource: Payroll Cost Allocation

Payroll Cost Classification

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll costing for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Costing (Data)

Resource: Payroll Cost Classification

Payroll Cost Classification

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll costing for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Costing (Data)

Resource: Payroll Cost Classification

Payroll Cost Information

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll costing for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Costing (Data)

Resource: Payroll Cost Information

Payroll Cost Information

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll costing for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Costing (Data)

Resource: Payroll Cost Information

Payroll Database Item Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Fast Formula

Privilege: Manage Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: Payroll Database Item Group

Payroll Database Item Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Fast Formula

Privilege: View Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: Payroll Database Item Group

Payroll Database Item Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view fast formula for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Fast Formula (Data)

Resource: Payroll Database Item Group

Payroll Deduction Allow Override

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll deduction for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Value Defined by Criteria

Privilege: Manage Payroll Deduction (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Allow Override

Payroll Deduction Allow Override

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll deduction for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Deduction (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Allow Override

Payroll Deduction Allow Override

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll deduction group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Value Defined by Criteria

Privilege: View Payroll Deduction Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Allow Override

Payroll Deduction Allow Override

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll deduction group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Deduction Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Allow Override

Payroll Deduction Autoindirect

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Autoindirect

Payroll Deduction Autoindirect

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Autoindirect

Payroll Deduction Autoindirect

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Autoindirect

Payroll Deduction Autoindirect

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Autoindirect

Payroll Deduction Calculation

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll deduction for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Value Defined by Criteria

Privilege: Manage Payroll Deduction (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Calculation

Payroll Deduction Calculation

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll deduction for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Deduction (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Calculation

Payroll Deduction Calculation

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll deduction group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Value Defined by Criteria

Privilege: View Payroll Deduction Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Calculation

Payroll Deduction Calculation

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll deduction group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Deduction Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Calculation

Payroll Deduction Calculation Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll deduction for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Value Defined by Criteria

Privilege: Manage Payroll Deduction (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Calculation Group

Payroll Deduction Calculation Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll deduction for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Deduction (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Calculation Group

Payroll Deduction Calculation Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll deduction group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Value Defined by Criteria

Privilege: View Payroll Deduction Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Calculation Group

Payroll Deduction Calculation Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll deduction group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Deduction Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Calculation Group

Payroll Deduction Calculation Method

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll deduction for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Value Defined by Criteria

Privilege: Manage Payroll Deduction (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Calculation Method

Payroll Deduction Calculation Method

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll deduction for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Deduction (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Calculation Method

Payroll Deduction Calculation Method

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll deduction group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Value Defined by Criteria

Privilege: View Payroll Deduction Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Calculation Method

Payroll Deduction Calculation Method

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll deduction group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Deduction Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Calculation Method

Payroll Deduction Calculation Part

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll deduction for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Value Defined by Criteria

Privilege: Manage Payroll Deduction (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Calculation Part

Payroll Deduction Calculation Part

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll deduction for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Deduction (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Calculation Part

Payroll Deduction Calculation Part

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll deduction group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Value Defined by Criteria

Privilege: View Payroll Deduction Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Calculation Part

Payroll Deduction Calculation Part

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll deduction group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Deduction Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Calculation Part

Payroll Deduction Calculation Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll deduction for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Value Defined by Criteria

Privilege: Manage Payroll Deduction (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Calculation Type

Payroll Deduction Calculation Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll deduction for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Deduction (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Calculation Type

Payroll Deduction Calculation Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll deduction group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Value Defined by Criteria

Privilege: View Payroll Deduction Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Calculation Type

Payroll Deduction Calculation Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll deduction group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Deduction Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Calculation Type

Payroll Deduction Calculation Unit

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll deduction for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Value Defined by Criteria

Privilege: Manage Payroll Deduction (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Calculation Unit

Payroll Deduction Calculation Unit

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll deduction for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Deduction (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Calculation Unit

Payroll Deduction Calculation Unit

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll deduction group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Value Defined by Criteria

Privilege: View Payroll Deduction Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Calculation Unit

Payroll Deduction Calculation Unit

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll deduction group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Deduction Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Calculation Unit

Payroll Deduction Context Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll deduction for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Value Defined by Criteria

Privilege: Manage Payroll Deduction (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Context Usage

Payroll Deduction Context Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll deduction for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Deduction (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Context Usage

Payroll Deduction Context Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll deduction group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Value Defined by Criteria

Privilege: View Payroll Deduction Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Context Usage

Payroll Deduction Context Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll deduction group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Deduction Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Context Usage

Payroll Deduction Range Item

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll deduction for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Value Defined by Criteria

Privilege: Manage Payroll Deduction (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Range Item

Payroll Deduction Range Item

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll deduction for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Deduction (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Range Item

Payroll Deduction Range Item

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll deduction group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Value Defined by Criteria

Privilege: View Payroll Deduction Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Range Item

Payroll Deduction Range Item

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll deduction group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Deduction Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Range Item

Payroll Deduction Report Use

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll deduction for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Value Defined by Criteria

Privilege: Manage Payroll Deduction (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Report Use

Payroll Deduction Report Use

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll deduction for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Deduction (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Report Use

Payroll Deduction Report Use

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll deduction group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Value Defined by Criteria

Privilege: View Payroll Deduction Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Report Use

Payroll Deduction Report Use

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll deduction group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Deduction Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Report Use

Payroll Deduction Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll deduction for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Value Defined by Criteria

Privilege: Manage Payroll Deduction (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Type

Payroll Deduction Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll deduction for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Deduction (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Type

Payroll Deduction Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll deduction group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Value Defined by Criteria

Privilege: View Payroll Deduction Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Type

Payroll Deduction Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll deduction group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Deduction Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Deduction Type

Payroll Definition

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose payroll definition for payrolls in their payroll security profile

Role: Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Privilege: Choose Payroll (Data)

Resource: Payroll Definition

Payroll Definition

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose payroll for payrolls in their payroll security profile

Role: Manage Costing Details at Payroll Level

Privilege: Choose Payroll (Data)

Resource: Payroll Definition

Payroll Definition

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose payroll for payrolls within their payroll security profile

Role: View Costing Details at Payroll Level

Privilege: Choose Payroll (Data)

Resource: Payroll Definition

Payroll Definition

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payrolls in their payroll security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Definition

Payroll Definition

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payrolls in their payroll security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Definition

Payroll Definition

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payrolls in their payroll security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Definition

Payroll Definition

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payrolls in their payroll security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Definition

Payroll Element Classification

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Element Classification

Payroll Element Classification

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Element Classification

Payroll Element Classification

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Element Classification

Payroll Element Classification

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Element Classification

Payroll Element Criteria

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Element Criteria

Payroll Element Criteria

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Element Criteria

Payroll Element Criteria

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Element Criteria

Payroll Element Criteria

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Element Criteria

Payroll Element Link

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Element Link

Payroll Element Link

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Element Link

Payroll Element Link

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Element Link

Payroll Element Link

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Element Link

Payroll Element Run Result

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for legal employers in their organization security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Element Run Result

Payroll Element Run Result

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for legal employers in their organization security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Element Run Result

Payroll Element Status Processing Rule

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Element Status Processing Rule

Payroll Element Status Processing Rule

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Element Status Processing Rule

Payroll Element Status Processing Rule

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Element Status Processing Rule

Payroll Element Status Processing Rule

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Element Status Processing Rule

Payroll Element Subclassification Rule

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Element Subclassification Rule

Payroll Element Subclassification Rule

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Element Subclassification Rule

Payroll Element Subclassification Rule

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Element Subclassification Rule

Payroll Element Subclassification Rule

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Element Subclassification Rule

Payroll Element Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Element Type

Payroll Element Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Element Type

Payroll Element Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Payroll Element

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Element Type

Payroll Element Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Element Type

Payroll Element Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Element Type

Payroll Element Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: View Payroll Element

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Element Type

Payroll Event

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll event group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Event Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Event

Payroll Event

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll event group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Event Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Event

Payroll Event

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll event group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Event Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Event

Payroll Event

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll event group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Event Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Event

Payroll Event Definition

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll event group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Event Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Event Definition

Payroll Event Definition

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll event group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Event Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Event Definition

Payroll Event Definition

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll event group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Event Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Event Definition

Payroll Event Definition

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll event group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Event Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Event Definition

Payroll Event Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll event group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Event Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Event Group

Payroll Event Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll event group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Event Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Event Group

Payroll Event Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll event group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Event Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Event Group

Payroll Event Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll event group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Event Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Event Group

Payroll Event Qualifier

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll event group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Event Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Event Qualifier

Payroll Event Qualifier

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll event group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Event Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Event Qualifier

Payroll Event Qualifier

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll event group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Event Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Event Qualifier

Payroll Event Qualifier

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll event group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Event Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Event Qualifier

Payroll Event Value Change

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll event group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Event Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Event Value Change

Payroll Event Value Change

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll event group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Event Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Event Value Change

Payroll Event Value Change

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll event group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Event Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Event Value Change

Payroll Event Value Change

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll event group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Event Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Event Value Change

Payroll Flow Definition

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose payroll flow definition for payroll flow patterns in their payroll flow pattern security profile

Role: Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Privilege: Choose Payroll Flow Pattern Data OBSOLETE

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition

Payroll Flow Definition

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll flow patten for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: Manage Payroll Flow Patten (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition

Payroll Flow Definition

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll flow patten for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Flow Patten (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition

Payroll Flow Definition

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition

Payroll Flow Definition

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition

Payroll Flow Definition

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: Submit a Payroll Flow

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition

Payroll Flow Definition

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: Submit a Payroll Process or Report

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition

Payroll Flow Definition Parameter

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll flow patten for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: Manage Payroll Flow Patten (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Parameter

Payroll Flow Definition Parameter

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll flow patten for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Flow Patten (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Parameter

Payroll Flow Definition Parameter

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Parameter

Payroll Flow Definition Parameter

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Parameter

Payroll Flow Definition Parameter

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: Submit a Payroll Flow

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Parameter

Payroll Flow Definition Parameter

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: Submit a Payroll Process or Report

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Parameter

Payroll Flow Definition Task

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll flow patten for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: Manage Payroll Flow Patten (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Task

Payroll Flow Definition Task

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll flow patten for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Flow Patten (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Task

Payroll Flow Definition Task

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Task

Payroll Flow Definition Task

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Task

Payroll Flow Definition Task Interaction

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll flow patten for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: Manage Payroll Flow Patten (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Task Interaction

Payroll Flow Definition Task Interaction

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll flow patten for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Flow Patten (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Task Interaction

Payroll Flow Definition Task Interaction

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Task Interaction

Payroll Flow Definition Task Interaction

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Task Interaction

Payroll Flow Definition Task Parameter

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll flow patten for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: Manage Payroll Flow Patten (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Task Parameter

Payroll Flow Definition Task Parameter

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll flow patten for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Flow Patten (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Task Parameter

Payroll Flow Definition Task Parameter

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Task Parameter

Payroll Flow Definition Task Parameter

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Task Parameter

Payroll Flow Definition Task Property

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll flow patten for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: Manage Payroll Flow Patten (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Task Property

Payroll Flow Definition Task Property

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll flow patten for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Flow Patten (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Task Property

Payroll Flow Definition Task Property

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Task Property

Payroll Flow Definition Task Property

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Task Property

Payroll Flow Task Action

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll flow patten for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: Manage Payroll Flow Patten (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Task Action

Payroll Flow Task Action

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll flow patten for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Flow Patten (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Task Action

Payroll Flow Task Action

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Task Action

Payroll Flow Task Action

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Task Action

Payroll Frequency Rule

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payrolls in their payroll security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Frequency Rule

Payroll Frequency Rule

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payrolls in their payroll security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Frequency Rule

Payroll Frequency Rule

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payrolls in their payroll security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Frequency Rule

Payroll Frequency Rule

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payrolls in their payroll security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Frequency Rule

Payroll Frequency Rule Period

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Frequency Rule Period

Payroll Frequency Rule Period

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Frequency Rule Period

Payroll Frequency Rule Period

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Frequency Rule Period

Payroll Frequency Rule Period

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Frequency Rule Period

Payroll Iterative Rule

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Iterative Rule

Payroll Iterative Rule

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Iterative Rule

Payroll Iterative Rule

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Iterative Rule

Payroll Iterative Rule

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Iterative Rule

Payroll Object Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll object group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Object Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Object Group

Payroll Object Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll object group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Object Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Object Group

Payroll Object Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll object group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Object Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Object Group

Payroll Object Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll object group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Object Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Object Group

Payroll Object Group Rule Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll object group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Object Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Object Group Rule Type

Payroll Object Group Rule Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll object group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Object Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Object Group Rule Type

Payroll Object Group Rule Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll object group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Object Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Object Group Rule Type

Payroll Object Group Rule Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll object group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Object Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Object Group Rule Type

Payroll Period

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll definition for payrolls in their payroll security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Period

Payroll Period

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll definition for payrolls in their payroll security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Period

Payroll Period

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll definition for payrolls in their payroll security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Period

Payroll Period

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll definition for payrolls in their payroll security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Period

Payroll Processing Rule

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Processing Rule

Payroll Processing Rule

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Processing Rule

Payroll Processing Rule

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Processing Rule

Payroll Processing Rule

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Processing Rule

Payroll Relationship

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can access element entries for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile.

Role: Manage Payroll Element Entry

Privilege: Access Element Entries (Data)

Resource: Payroll Relationship

Payroll Relationship

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element entry for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile.

Role: Manage Payroll Element Entry

Privilege: View Payroll Element Entry (Data)

Resource: Payroll Relationship

Payroll Retropay Component Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Retropay Component Usage

Payroll Retropay Component Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Retropay Component Usage

Payroll Retropay Component Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Retropay Component Usage

Payroll Retropay Component Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Retropay Component Usage

Payroll Retropay Element Span Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Retropay Element Span Usage

Payroll Retropay Element Span Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Retropay Element Span Usage

Payroll Retropay Element Span Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Retropay Element Span Usage

Payroll Retropay Element Span Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Payroll Retropay Element Span Usage

Payroll Rule

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll costing for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Costing (Data)

Resource: Payroll Rule

Payroll Rule

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll costing for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Costing (Data)

Resource: Payroll Rule

Payroll Run Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Run Type

Payroll Run Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Run Type

Payroll Run Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Run Type

Payroll Run Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Run Type

Payroll Run Type Classification Rule

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Run Type Classification Rule

Payroll Run Type Classification Rule

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Run Type Classification Rule

Payroll Run Type Classification Rule

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Run Type Classification Rule

Payroll Run Type Classification Rule

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Run Type Classification Rule

Payroll Run Type Element Type Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Run Type Element Type Usage

Payroll Run Type Element Type Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Run Type Element Type Usage

Payroll Run Type Element Type Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Run Type Element Type Usage

Payroll Run Type Element Type Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Run Type Element Type Usage

Payroll Run Type Organization Method

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Run Type Organization Method

Payroll Run Type Organization Method

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Run Type Organization Method

Payroll Run Type Organization Method

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Run Type Organization Method

Payroll Run Type Organization Method

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Run Type Organization Method

Payroll Run Type Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Run Type Usage

Payroll Run Type Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Run Type Usage

Payroll Run Type Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Run Type Usage

Payroll Run Type Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Run Type Usage

Payroll Statutory Unit

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose payroll statutory unit for payroll statutory units in their organization security profile

Role: Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Privilege: Choose Payroll Statutory Unit (Data)

Resource: Payroll Statutory Unit

Payroll Statutory Unit

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose payroll statutory unit for payroll statutory units in their organization security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Workforce Structure List of Values

Privilege: Choose Payroll Statutory Unit (Data)

Resource: Payroll Statutory Unit

Payroll Task

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll flow patten for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: Manage Payroll Flow Patten (Data)

Resource: Payroll Task

Payroll Task

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll flow patten for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Flow Patten (Data)

Resource: Payroll Task

Payroll Task

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Task

Payroll Task

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Task

Payroll Task Parameter

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll flow patten for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: Manage Payroll Flow Patten (Data)

Resource: Payroll Task Parameter

Payroll Task Parameter

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll flow patten for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Flow Patten (Data)

Resource: Payroll Task Parameter

Payroll Task Parameter

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Task Parameter

Payroll Task Parameter

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Task Parameter

Payroll Taxability Rule

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll deduction for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Value Defined by Criteria

Privilege: Manage Payroll Deduction (Data)

Resource: Payroll Taxability Rule

Payroll Taxability Rule

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll deduction for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Deduction (Data)

Resource: Payroll Taxability Rule

Payroll Taxability Rule

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll deduction group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Value Defined by Criteria

Privilege: View Payroll Deduction Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Taxability Rule

Payroll Taxability Rule

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll deduction group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Deduction Group (Data)

Resource: Payroll Taxability Rule

Payroll Template Rule Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Rule Group

Payroll Template Rule Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Rule Group

Payroll Template Rule Group

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Rule Group

Payroll Template Rule Group Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Rule Group Usage

Payroll Template Rule Group Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Rule Group Usage

Payroll Template Rule Group Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Rule Group Usage

Payroll Template Solution

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution

Payroll Template Solution

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution

Payroll Template Solution

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution

Payroll Template Solution Classification Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Classification Usage

Payroll Template Solution Classification Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Classification Usage

Payroll Template Solution Classification Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Classification Usage

Payroll Template Solution Column Information

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Column Information

Payroll Template Solution Column Information

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Column Information

Payroll Template Solution Column Information

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Column Information

Payroll Template Solution Column Instance

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Column Instance

Payroll Template Solution Column Instance

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Column Instance

Payroll Template Solution Column Instance

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Column Instance

Payroll Template Solution Design Pattern

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Design Pattern

Payroll Template Solution Design Pattern

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Design Pattern

Payroll Template Solution Design Pattern

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Design Pattern

Payroll Template Solution Entity Rule Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Entity Rule Usage

Payroll Template Solution Entity Rule Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Entity Rule Usage

Payroll Template Solution Entity Rule Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Entity Rule Usage

Payroll Template Solution Functional Area

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Functional Area

Payroll Template Solution Functional Area

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Functional Area

Payroll Template Solution Functional Area

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Functional Area

Payroll Template Solution Pattern Entity Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Pattern Entity Usage

Payroll Template Solution Pattern Entity Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Pattern Entity Usage

Payroll Template Solution Pattern Entity Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Pattern Entity Usage

Payroll Template Solution Pattern Rule Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Pattern Rule Usage

Payroll Template Solution Pattern Rule Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Pattern Rule Usage

Payroll Template Solution Pattern Rule Usage

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Pattern Rule Usage

Payroll Template Solution Pattern Selection

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Pattern Selection

Payroll Template Solution Pattern Selection

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Pattern Selection

Payroll Template Solution Pattern Selection

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Pattern Selection

Payroll Template Solution Row Instance

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Row Instance

Payroll Template Solution Row Instance

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Row Instance

Payroll Template Solution Row Instance

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Row Instance

Payroll Template Solution Rule

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Rule

Payroll Template Solution Rule

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Rule

Payroll Template Solution Rule

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Rule

Payroll Template Solution Rule Dependency

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Rule Dependency

Payroll Template Solution Rule Dependency

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Rule Dependency

Payroll Template Solution Rule Dependency

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Rule Dependency

Payroll Template Solution Table Information

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Table Information

Payroll Template Solution Table Information

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Table Information

Payroll Template Solution Table Information

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Table Information

Payroll Template Solution Table Relation

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Table Relation

Payroll Template Solution Table Relation

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Table Relation

Payroll Template Solution Table Relation

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll template for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Template (Data)

Resource: Payroll Template Solution Table Relation

Payroll Time Definition

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Time Definition

Payroll Time Definition

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Time Definition

Payroll Time Definition

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Time Definition

Payroll Time Definition

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll definition for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Definition (Data)

Resource: Payroll Time Definition

Performance Document

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage performance document for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Performance Management Administration

Privilege: Manage Performance Document (Data)

Resource: Performance Document

Performance Document

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can monitor performance document missing for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Performance Management Administration

Privilege: Monitor Performance Document Missing (Data)

Resource: Performance Document

Performance Document

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can monitor performance evaluation section step late tasks for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Performance Management Administration

Privilege: Monitor Performance Evaluation Section Step Late Tasks (Data)

Resource: Performance Document


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Privilege: Choose Person (Data)

Resource: Person


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can search person live for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Manage Worker Time Entry Setup Profile

Privilege: Search Person Live (Data)

Resource: Person


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can search person live for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Manage Worker Time Processing Profile

Privilege: Search Person Live (Data)

Resource: Person

Person Allocated Checklist

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage worker journey for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile and journey templates to which they have been granted access

Role: Use REST Service - Journey Scheduled Allocations

Privilege: Manage Worker Journey (Data)

Resource: Person Allocated Checklist

Person Assignment

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can access element entries for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile.

Role: Manage Payroll Element Entry

Privilege: Access Element Entries (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose worker for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Worker Assignments List of Values

Privilege: Choose Worker (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage person document delivery preferences for document types in their document types security profile belonging to persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Manage Person Document Delivery Preferences

Privilege: Manage Person Document Delivery Preferences (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage person documentation for document types in their document types security profile belonging to persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Manage Person Documentation

Privilege: Manage Person Documentation (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can search worker for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Manage Users

Privilege: Search Worker (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element entry for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile.

Role: Manage Payroll Element Entry

Privilege: View Payroll Element Entry (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view person assignment for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Manage Users

Privilege: View Person Assignment (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view person document delivery preferences for document types in their document types security profile belonging to persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Manage Person Document Delivery Preferences

Privilege: View Person Document Delivery Preferences (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view person documentation for document types in their document types security profile belonging to persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Manage Person Documentation

Privilege: View Person Documentation (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Benefit Balance

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage person benefits balance for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Benefits Elections

Privilege: Manage Person Benefits Balance (Data)

Resource: Person Benefit Balance

Person Benefit Balance

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage person benefits balance for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Benefits Setup

Privilege: Manage Person Benefits Balance (Data)

Resource: Person Benefit Balance

Person Benefit Balance

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage person benefits balance for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Compensation Eligibility Management

Privilege: Manage Person Benefits Balance (Data)

Resource: Person Benefit Balance

Person Benefit Balance

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage person benefits balance for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Person Benefit Balances

Privilege: Manage Person Benefits Balance (Data)

Resource: Person Benefit Balance

Person Benefit Balance

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view person benefits balance for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Person Benefit Balances

Privilege: View Person Benefits Balance (Data)

Resource: Person Benefit Balance

Person Documentation

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage person documentation for document types in their document types security profile belonging to persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Manage Person Documentation

Privilege: Manage Person Documentation (Data)

Resource: Person Documentation

Person Documentation

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage person documentation for document types in their document types security profile belonging to persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Use REST Service - HR Document Types List of Values

Privilege: Manage Person Documentation (Data)

Resource: Person Documentation

Person Documentation

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view person documentation for document types in their document types security profile belonging to persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Manage Person Documentation

Privilege: View Person Documentation (Data)

Resource: Person Documentation

Person Documentation

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view person documentation for document types in their document types security profile belonging to persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Use REST Service - HR Document Types List of Values

Privilege: View Person Documentation (Data)

Resource: Person Documentation

Person Life Event

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage person life event for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Benefits Elections

Privilege: Manage Person Life Event (Data)

Resource: Person Life Event

Person Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose person type for person types in their person type security profile

Role: Manage Users

Privilege: Choose Person Type (Data)

Resource: Person Type

Person Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view person type for any person type

Role: Person Configuration

Privilege: View Person Type (Data)

Resource: Person Type

Personal Payment Method

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll payment for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Payment (Data)

Resource: Personal Payment Method

Personal Payment Method

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll payment for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Payment (Data)

Resource: Personal Payment Method

Personal Payment Method

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll relationship for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Relationship (Data)

Resource: Personal Payment Method

Personal Payment Method

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll relationship for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Relationship (Data)

Resource: Personal Payment Method


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose position for positions in their position security profile

Role: Compare HCM Information

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose position for positions in their position security profile

Role: Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose position for positions in their position security profile

Role: Manage Costing Details at Position Level

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose position for positions in their position security profile

Role: Manage Schedule Generation Profiles by Schedule Administrator

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose position for positions in their position security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Workforce Structure List of Values

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose position for positions in their position security profile

Role: View Costing Details at Position Level

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can maintain position for positions in their position security profile

Role: Maintain Positions

Privilege: Maintain Position (Data)

Resource: Position


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can request a position change for positions in their position security profile

Role: Request a Position Change

Privilege: Request a Position Change (Data)

Resource: Position


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view position for positions in their position security profile

Role: Maintain Positions

Privilege: View Position (Data)

Resource: Position


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view position for positions in their position security profile

Role: Request a Position Change

Privilege: View Position (Data)

Resource: Position


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view position for positions in their position security profile

Role: View Positions

Privilege: View Position (Data)

Resource: Position

Professional Body

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage professional body information organization for organizations in their organization security profile

Role: Workforce Structures Management

Privilege: Manage Professional Body Information Organization (Data)

Resource: Professional Body

Public Person

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose public person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Public Person

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view person deferred for persons and assignments in their public person and assignment security profile

Role: Use User Details Service

Privilege: View Person Deferred (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Questionnaire Subscribers

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose questionnaire subscriber for all questionnaire subscribers in the enterprise

Role: Manage Questionnaire Subscriber Access

Privilege: Choose Questionnaire Subscriber (Data)

Resource: Questionnaire Subscribers

Reporting Establishment

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage reporting establishment for organizations in their organization security profile

Role: Workforce Structures Management

Privilege: Manage Reporting Establishment (Data)

Resource: Reporting Establishment

Schedule Generation Profile

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage schedule generation profiles for all schedule generation profiles in the enterprise

Role: Manage Schedule Generation Profiles by Schedule Administrator

Privilege: Manage Schedule Generation Profiles (Data)

Resource: Schedule Generation Profile

Schedule Generation Profile

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view schedule generation profiles for all schedule generation profiles in the enterprise

Role: Manage Schedule Generation Profiles by Schedule Administrator

Privilege: View Schedule Generation Profiles (Data)

Resource: Schedule Generation Profile

Secured Payroll Element Classification

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose payroll element classification for payroll element classifications in their element security profile that are in legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Payroll Element

Privilege: Choose Payroll Element Classification (Data)

Resource: Secured Payroll Element Classification

Secured Payroll Element Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can access element entries for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile and for elements in their element security profile

Role: Manage Payroll Element Entry

Privilege: Access Element Entries (Data)

Resource: Secured Payroll Element Type

Secured Payroll Element Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose payroll element type for elements in their element security profile that are in legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Payroll Reference Data Lists of Values

Privilege: Choose Payroll Element Type (Data)

Resource: Secured Payroll Element Type

Secured Payroll Element Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll element for elements in their element security profile that are in legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Costing Details at Element Level

Privilege: Manage Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Secured Payroll Element Type

Secured Payroll Element Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll element for elements in their element security profile that are in legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Costing of Element

Privilege: Manage Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Secured Payroll Element Type

Secured Payroll Element Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll element for elements in their element security profile that are in legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Payroll Element

Privilege: Manage Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Secured Payroll Element Type

Secured Payroll Element Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll element for elements in their element security profile that are in legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Secured Payroll Element Type

Secured Payroll Element Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage payroll element for elements in their element security profile that are in legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation

Privilege: Manage Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Secured Payroll Element Type

Secured Payroll Element Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element entry for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile and for elements in their element security profile

Role: Manage Payroll Element Entry

Privilege: View Payroll Element Entry (Data)

Resource: Secured Payroll Element Type

Secured Payroll Element Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for elements in their element security profile that are in legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Manage Payroll Element

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Secured Payroll Element Type

Secured Payroll Element Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for elements in their element security profile that are in legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Common HCM Implementation

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Secured Payroll Element Type

Secured Payroll Element Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for elements in their element security profile that are in legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Payroll Implementation View

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Secured Payroll Element Type

Secured Payroll Element Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for elements in their element security profile that are in legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: View Costing Details at Element Level

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Secured Payroll Element Type

Secured Payroll Element Type

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view payroll element for elements in their element security profile that are in legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: View Payroll Element

Privilege: View Payroll Element (Data)

Resource: Secured Payroll Element Type

Talent Profile

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view talent profile model for jobs in their job security profile

Role: Workforce Profile Administration

Privilege: View Talent Profile Model (Data)

Resource: Talent Profile

Talent Profile

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view talent profile person for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Profile Administration

Privilege: View Talent Profile Person (Data)

Resource: Talent Profile

Tax Reporting Unit

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose tax reporting unit for tax reporting units in their organization security profile

Role: Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Privilege: Choose Tax Reporting Unit (Data)

Resource: Tax Reporting Unit

Tax Reporting Unit

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose tax reporting unit for tax reporting units in their organization security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Workforce Structure List of Values

Privilege: Choose Tax Reporting Unit (Data)

Resource: Tax Reporting Unit

Territory Geography Export Object

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view territory geography export object for all territory geography export objects

Role: Geography Administration

Privilege: View Territory Geography Export Object (Data)

Resource: Territory Geography Export Object

Territory Geography File Import

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view territory geography file import for all territory geography file imports of object type territory_geographies

Role: Geography Administration

Privilege: View Territory Geography File Import (Data)

Resource: Territory Geography File Import

Territory Geography File Import Mapping

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view territory geography file import mapping for all territory geography file import mappings of object type territory_geographies

Role: Geography Administration

Privilege: View Territory Geography File Import Mapping (Data)

Resource: Territory Geography File Import Mapping

Territory Geography File Import Metadata

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view territory geography file import metadata for all territory geography file import metadata of object type territory_geographies

Role: Geography Administration

Privilege: View Territory Geography File Import Metadata

Resource: Territory Geography File Import Metadata

Trading Community Organization Party

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Employee Bank Account Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Party

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view trading community organization party for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Party

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view trading community party for all people in the enterprise

Role: Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Employee Bank Account Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Relationship

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise

Role: Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship


A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can choose worker for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Human Capital Management Application Administrator

Privilege: Choose Worker (Data)

Resource: Worker

Worker Document Delivery Preferences

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can manage person document delivery preferences for document types in their document types security profile belonging to persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Manage Person Document Delivery Preferences

Privilege: Manage Person Document Delivery Preferences (Data)

Resource: Worker Document Delivery Preferences

Worker Document Delivery Preferences

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view person document delivery preferences for document types in their document types security profile belonging to persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Manage Person Document Delivery Preferences

Privilege: View Person Document Delivery Preferences (Data)

Resource: Worker Document Delivery Preferences

Worker Journey

A Human Capital Management Application Administrator can view worker journey for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile and checklists to which they have been granted access

Role: Manage Worker Checklist

Privilege: View Worker Journey (Data)

Resource: Worker Journey