Enable Audit for Oracle Platform Security Services

You can record and later retrieve audit information about changes that are made to role definitions and changes to user role assignments. This audit information is stored without user intervention. This topic summarizes how to enable Oracle Platform Security Services audit, and how to access the audit reports.

Enabling and Disabling Audit

By default, auditing is disabled for all applications. To enable auditing for Oracle Platform Security Services, follow these steps:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for and click the Manage Audit Policies task.
  2. On the Manage Audit Policies page, set Audit Level to Low - Critical Events Only for Oracle Platform Security Services.
  3. Click Save and Close to close the Manage Audit Policies page.

To disable auditing for Oracle Platform Security Services, set Audit Level to None.

To manage audit, you must have the Manage Audit Policies (FND_MANAGE_AUDIT_POLICIES_PRIV) function security privilege. The predefined Application Implementation Consultant job role has this privilege.

Audit Reports

Use the Security - Audit Real Time subject area to access the Oracle Platform Security Services audit data. To access this Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) subject area you must have the FBI_SECURITY_TRANSACTION_ANALYSIS_DUTY duty role. The predefined IT Security Manager job role has this duty role. You can also use this subject area to report on data security audit data for the Oracle Fusion Middleware Extensions for Applications product.