Calculation Entries

The Calculation Entries page consolidates all the payroll entries for an employee within a single page.

You can view element categories such as Standard Entries, Time, and Absence. Click on an entry to view the earnings and deductions processed for an employee for a payroll period and the enabled calculation cards.

To view a calculation card, you must configure them as per your localization. These additional cards are accessible depending on whether data has been transferred or localizations have enabled them such as Time and Absence related information.

View the following additional reserved input values in the Standard Entries section of the Calculation Entries page:
  • Primary Input
  • Percentage
  • Hours
  • Days
  • Units
  • Rate

You can create an entry, or update, correct, or delete entries from the Standard Entries page. You can also add and amend costing information from this page and view the history of an element entry. There are also date range options available to change the selection of element entries that are viewable.

Use the Creator Type field to identify the origin of an element entry on the collapsed Standard Entries page. For example, an entry displayed on the page can be a Salary Proposal, Element Entry, Balance Adjustment, and so on. View the Time and Absence Entries region to identify if an entry has been processed or not processed by a QuickPay or Payroll process.

Calculation card information such as taxation and involuntary deductions can be accessed with the provided links. Some Calculation Cards such as Absence and Time, are read-only, while other calculation cards such as taxation are editable. You can also create a new card from the Calculation Entries page using the actions drop down. For example, in the UK localization, you can create a new Court Order entry from the Calculation Entries page.

Security Info for the Calculation Entries Page

The following table shows the function privilege that secure access to the Calculation Entries Quick Action:

Page Privileges Job Roles
Calculation Entries Manage Payroll Calculation Entries PAY_MANAGE_CALCULATION_ENTRIES
  • Payroll Manager
  • Payroll Administrator
  • Payroll Interface Coordinator
  • Human Resource Manager
  • Human Resource Specialist
  • Human Resource Analyst

Within the Calculation Entries UI, you have access to various types of Calculation Entries, such as Standard Entries, Absences, and Time Cards. Access to those type of entries are secured independently by the following aggregate privileges:

Entery Type Aggregate Privileges Job Roles
Standard Entries

Manage Payroll Element Entry


  • Payroll Manager
  • Payroll Administrator
  • Payroll Interface Coordinator
  • Human Resource Manager
  • Human Resource Specialist
Standard Entries (View Only)

View Payroll Element Entry


  • Human Resource Analyst

View Payroll Absence Entries


  • Payroll Manager

  • Payroll Administrator
  • Payroll Interface Coordinator
Time Cards

View Payroll Time Entries (NEW)


  • Payroll Manager

  • Payroll Administrator

  • Payroll Interface Coordinator
Other Entries held in Calculation Cards

Manage Payroll Calculation Cards


  • Payroll Manager

  • Payroll Administrator
  • Payroll Interface Coordinator

If you’re using predefined roles, ensure you generate your data roles. If you’re using custom roles, add the new privilege as well as aggregate privileges depending on what types of Calculation Entries users should have access to.


To have access to the Calculation Entries Quick Action, you need the new function privilege (Manage Payroll Calculation Entries) and at least one of the aggregate privileges above-mentioned.


Access is not secured independently for Calculation Entries held in Calculation Cards (such as Benefits and Pension or Involuntary Deductions).

Support for Assignment Level Security

The application supports Assignment-level security for the following calculation entry types:

  1. Standard Entries (in both Manage and Read-only mode)

  2. Absences
  3. Time Cards

When you enable assignment-level security, the Person Search will only return those assignments in the user’s person security profile.

When navigating to any of those Calculation Entries types, the following entries are displayed:

  1. Entries for the selected assignment
  2. Entries for the select assignment's payroll relationship
  3. Entries for other assignments in the user's person security profile