How Entries of Personal Calculation Cards Fit Together

Personal payroll calculation cards capture information specific to a particular payroll relationship. Payroll runs use this information to calculate earnings and deductions. Actions such as hiring a person or loading data may create some cards automatically.

Otherwise, you can create the card manually. You can also add components to cards and enter calculation values, which may override default values. Additionally, you can associate the card with a tax reporting unit.

To view and manage calculation cards, use the Calculation Cards task from the Payroll section.

Card Types

The types of calculation cards you can create and the type of information captured on a card vary by country or territory. Examples include cards for:

  • Statutory deductions

  • Involuntary deductions

  • Time card entries

  • Absences

  • Benefits and pensions

Additional cards may be available to capture information for reporting purposes.

Card Creation

In countries where all employees are subject to the same set of statutory deductions, the application automatically creates one or more statutory deduction calculation cards. These cards are created when you hire a new employee. In other countries, you must create calculation cards manually.

For other card types, you create calculation cards as needed for each employee. If you load absence, time card, or pension data from another application, the application automatically creates the calculation cards.

Calculation Components and Component Groups

The Calculation Card Overview pane shows a hierarchy of calculation components within component groups. For example, child support, education loan, and alimony are calculation components in the US involuntary deduction component group.

Each component relates to an element, such as an income tax deduction. Adding a calculation component to the card creates an entry for the related element.

A calculation component may have one or more references that define its context, such as the employee's place of residence or tax filing status.

Click a row in the Calculation Components table to see component details. Use the Component Details section to enter additional values used to calculate the component.


For some countries, the Calculation Cards page doesn't include the Calculation Components and Component Details sections. Instead, the layout of the page is specific to the data items required for the country.

Enterable Calculation Values

When you select a calculation component, you may see the Enterable Calculation Values on the Calculation Card tab. Here you can enter specific rates or other values for the person, which may override default values held on a calculation value definition. For example, if an employee qualifies for a special reduced tax rate, you enter the rate as an enterable value on their personal calculation card.

You can't override values loaded from another application, but you may be able to add values, such as adding additional contributions to a pension deduction.

Tax Reporting Unit Associations

Click the Associations node in the Calculation Card Overview pane to associate a tax reporting unit with the card. Associations determine:

  • Which rates and rules held at tax reporting unit level apply to the calculation of the components

  • How the calculations are aggregated for tax reporting

Rules about what you can enter here vary by country:

  • Typically, all components on a calculation card are associated with the same tax reporting unit by default.

  • You may be able to associate individual components with different tax reporting units.

  • If a person has multiple assignments, you may be able to associate specific assignments with calculation components.