Create a Progression Grade Ladder for Batch Processing

Here's how you create a progression grader ladder to use with the Run Grade Step Progression and Synchronize Grade Step Rate processes. All the tasks you need are in the Compensation work area.

Before you start

Make sure of the following:
  • The group that you want to associate the ladder with exists. Selecting a group for the ladder is optional, but if needed, add the group to the ORA_CMP_GSP_GRADE_LADDER_GRP lookup using the Lookups task.
  • The grades exist. If needed, create them using the Grades task.
  • The progression rules exist. If needed, create participant eligibility profiles using the Eligibility Profiles task.

Here's what to do

  1. Create the ladder.
    1. On the My Client Groups > Compensation page, click Progression Grade Ladder.
    2. On the Progression Grade Ladders page, click Create Grade Ladder.

      Or you can duplicate an existing grade ladder. The Duplicate action ignores any historical and future versions of the ladder. It uses the version that’s in effect on the date specified in your search criteria. For example, you've a grade ladder with three effective-dated versions: January 1, 1951, January 1, 2015, and January 1, 2021. You search for grade ladders using the date January 1, 2014. Since the January 1, 1951 ladder is effective then, that’s the ladder that gets duplicated.

    3. On the Create Progression Grade Ladder page, Progression Ladder tab, complete the ladder details. Keep these key considerations in mind when making certain selections.
      Field Considerations
      Grade Type Specify whether the grade ladder has only grades or grades with steps. Your selection filters the Progression Increment drop-down list options.
      Progression Increment

      When Grade Type is Grade, you can specify whether to evaluate only the next grade in the ladder or all grades.

      When Grade Type is Grade with step, you can specify how many steps to evaluate and whether to stop at the ceiling step.

      Transaction Date Set the date for the updated assignment record created by the Run Grade Step Progression process. To make it the same date as the effective date of the process, select Process run date.
      Confirmation Type

      To have people accept or reject proposed progressions as part of their review, select Manual.

      To have the Run Grade Step Progression process accept the proposals and updates as part of its processing, select Automatic.

      Assignment Action If people leave the actions blank when they submit a process, it uses this action.
      Grade Ladder Group To include the ladder with other progression grade ladders in a single batch for progression processing, select the appropriate group.
    4. Complete the salary update details. Keep these key considerations in mind when making certain selections.
      Field Considerations
      Include Salary Updates

      You're specifying how the Run Grade Step Progression process updates a person's assignment and salary records.

      • No (default): The process updates the grade or step value on the assignment, but not the salary amount.
      • Yes: The process updates the grade or step value on the assignment record. It also updates the salary record with the associated rate from the grade or step.
      • When you select Yes, you can configure more attributes related to salary updates and rate synchronization.

      Salary Calculation Method To calculate salary using the rates from your progression grade ladder, select Use grade step rate.
      Transaction Date To use the assignment date as the date for the updated salary record the Run Grade Step Progression process creates, select Grade step change date.
      Salary Adjustment Type To prorate the rates from the grade ladder according to the person's assignment FTE value, select an adjustment type.
    5. Complete the rate synchronization details. Keep these key considerations in mind when making certain selections.
      Field Considerations
      Transaction Date

      Set the date for the updated salary record created by the Synchronize Grade Step Rates process:

      • To make it the same date as the effective date of the process, select Process run date.
      • To make it the same date as when the rate changed on the grade ladder, select Grade step rate change date.
      Confirmation Type To have people accept or reject salary updates as part of their review, select Manual.

      To have the Synchronize Grade Step Rates process accept the proposals and updates as part of its processing, select Automatic.

  2. Add grades.
    1. On the Grades and Steps tab, Actions menu, select Add Grade.
    2. On the Add Grade dialog box, search for and select the grade to add. Your Grade Type selection decides which grades that you see in the list--basically, if the grades have steps or not.
    3. Enter the sequence for where to position the grade on the grade ladder.
    4. To see any existing steps, expand the grade. The Expand icon isn't present if no steps exist.
    5. Add a value for each step of the grade.
  3. Add rules at the ladder, grade, and step levels.
    1. Optionally, on the Progression Rules tab, in the Grade Ladder Rules section, add progression rules that apply to the entire grade ladder.
    2. In the Grade Rules section, add the rule that applies to the grade. If the grades have steps, you might want to add rules at the step level rather than the grade level.
    3. Optionally, add the progression rule that applies to a specific step.
    4. Save your changes.
    5. To add rules to the remaining grades in the ladder, repeat steps 2 through 4.
    6. When you finish adding rules, save and close the progression grade ladder.
  4. Validate the progression grade ladder by selecting Validate on the Actions menu. You need to fix any validation errors before your ladder processing of grade step progressions or rate synchronizations can include it.