Create a Personal Calculation Card for the US

In this example, you want to create a Tax Withholding calculation card at the payroll relationship level.

This card captures info for an income tax deduction that varies depending on a person's tax filing status.

Create the Calculation Card

To create the Tax Withholding card:

  1. Search for the employee.

  2. Start the Calculation Cards task.

    This lists all cards already defined for the person.

  3. Click Create.

  4. Select Tax Withholding as the calculation card type.

  5. Click Continue.


    Use the Calculation Card Overview section to view the component groups associated with this calculation card. In this example, you see Federal and Regional component groups.

Create Calculation Components

Define regional nodes for the appropriate states, counties, and cities.

  1. In Calculation Card Overview, select Regional.

  2. Click Create from Calculation Card Overview Actions.

  3. Select the employee's work state, and click OK.


    For the new entry to appear, you might have to click Save and Close and then open the card again.

  4. Repeat for each state in which the employee works.

  5. For each state, select its node and click Create from the Actions menu. Select the appropriate work county.

  6. For each county, select its node and click Create from the Actions menu. Select the appropriate work city.

  7. Click Save and Close.

Define Federal and Regional Tax Info

For each node in Calculation Card Overview:

  1. Select Update from the Action menu.

  2. In Calculation Card Overview, select the node you want to modify.

  3. Define the values for the node as needed.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Select the next node, and complete the values.


    Component details vary for each calculation component. For some components, you can enter amounts, rates, or other values. If you can enter values, Enterable Values on Calculation Cards appears.

Create a Tax Reporting Unit Association

Associations link a calculation card or component with a tax reporting unit (TRU). The hire process automatically creates an association to a TRU on the tax card for the employee if you specify one.

If the person experiences an organization change, such as a transfer to a new LRU, you might have to change their TRU association.

  • If you select a TRU during the process, it creates the association if one doesn't exist.

  • If you don't select a TRU, and a single TRU association exists on the card, the process uses that association.

  • If you don't select a TRU, and multiple TRU associations exist, the process doesn't establish any association for the assignment.

  • If you don't provide any payroll info at all, the process doesn't create the TRU association.

This involves creating a record for the new TRU and end dating the original record.

  1. In Calculation Card Overview, select Associations.

  2. In Associations, click Create from the Actions menu.

  3. Select the TRU, and click OK.

  4. Select the new association in Associations, and click Create in the Actions menu in Association Details.

  5. Select the assignment number and calculation component.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Click Save and Close.

  8. Verify the following values on the Federal component of the Tax Withholding card.

    • State for Unemployment Calculation

    • State for Disability Calculation

    • Primary Work Address

    After you create the tax card association, the process automatically populates these fields with default values.

Change the Tax Reporting Unit for an Assignment

The Associations section of the card identifies the TRUs associated with the person's assignment. If the person experiences an organization change, such as a transfer, you must change their TRU association. This involves creating a record for the new TRU and end dating the original record.

  1. In Associations on the card, select Create Association.

  2. Select the TRU you want to add, and click Go.

  3. Select the link for the TRU you just added.

  4. In Association Details, click Create Association Details.

  5. Select the appropriate assignment number, and click Go.

  6. Navigate back into the card.

  7. For the original TRU, select Edit Associations from the menu icon.

  8. Click End Date.