Resources and Actions for Your Current Role

In the Excel in Your Current Role tab, you can see the following swim lanes with the corresponding actions or suggestions to close skill gaps and excel in your role. Some swim lanes have changed in upgrade 24D depending on whether the ORA_WLF_ENABLE_GROW_RECOMMENDATIONS profile option is set to Yes or No.

This table lists the swim lane titles and their order depending on the setting of this profile option. For more information, see the topic Additional Set Up for Excel In Your Current Role Tab.

Profile Option = Yes Profile Option = No
Position Swim Lane Position Swim Lane
1 Tasks to finish 1 Tasks to finish
2 Skills assigned by your manager 2 Suggested learning for you
3 Resources to meet job requirements
4 Your current learning 3 Your current learning
5 (Banner) Feeling inspired 4 (Banner) Feeling inspired
6 Your current development journeys 5 Your current development journeys
7 New learning in topics you follow 6 New learning in topics you follow
8 Learning based on your favorite gigs 7 Learning based on your favorite gigs
9 Learning popular with your coworkers 8 Learning popular with your coworkers
10 Popular in your role 9 Popular in your role
10a (No title) Learning items popular in your role 9a (No title) Learning items popular in your role
10b (No title) Learning topic communities popular in your role 9b (No title) Learning topic communities popular in your role
10c (No title) Skills popular in your role 9c (No title) Skills popular in your role
10d (No title) Gigs popular in your role 9d (No title) Gigs popular in your role
10e (No title) Development journeys popular in your role 9e (No title) Development journeys popular in your role
10f (No title) Connections popular in your role 9f (No title) Connections popular in your role

Actions or Suggestions Displayed in Swim Lanes

  • Tasks to finish – These are tasks from the Career Development journeys currently assigned to you. You can see the next set of pending tasks from these journeys and act on them as required.
  • Skills assigned by your manager – If this swim lane appears depending on the profile option setting, it displays resources for skills that your manager has assigned to you to fill skill gaps. You’ll see one or more tabs depending on how many skills your manager has assigned. Each tab represents a skill, and the cards that appear below are the learning resources that can help you close the gap.

  • Resources to meet job requirements – If this swim lane appears depending on the profile option setting, it displays learning resources to help fill gaps in skills and qualifications defined for your job or position profile by Human Resources. Each tab represents a skill or qualification where you have a gap, and the cards that appear below are the learning resources that can help you close the gap.

  • Suggested learning for you – If this swim lane appears depending on the profile option setting, it displays learning suggestions that can help fill any gaps between the skills defined in your position profile and the skills you’ve attained. If a position profile doesn’t exist, it can help fill skill gaps for your job profile. You'll also see learning suggestions for skills assigned by your manager. In addition to skill gaps, these suggestions also help fill competency, language, certification, membership, education, and honors gaps.
  • Your current learning – Learning items that you’re enrolled in and haven’t completed. Learning items such as courses, specializations, videos, or tutorials appear in this list. Required learning assignments show first, sorted by due date. So you'll see overdue learning items first, followed by learning that's due soonest. Voluntary learning assignments show next, sorted by assigned date, with the most recent assignments appearing first.
  • Your current development journeys – Journeys that are assigned to you, so you can plan what tasks to take on next. There's no predetermined display order for these journeys, so you can review them and plan your next steps.
  • New learning in topics you follow – Learning that was most recently featured in the topic communities you follow appears first, followed by learning that was most recently added to those communities.
  • Learning based on your favorite gigs – Learning that helps you qualify for your favorite gigs by developing skills that are marked as required for your current role.

  • Learning popular with your coworkers – Voluntary learning that’s completed recently by your manager and peers is considered as popular or trending.

  • Popular in your role – These are opportunities and resources that others in your role are engaging with or pursuing, so that you can access and take on items that are becoming increasingly popular and relevant for your role.

    • Learning courses or specializations that are popular among others in the organization in your job role or job family. Voluntary learning that’s completed recently is considered as popular or trending.
    • Topic communities that are popular in your job role across the organization.
    • Skills suggested for your current job role, specifically based on your job title, ranked by occurrence across the application.
    • Gigs that are popular among others and help you develop the skills required by your job role. Gigs are sorted based on the most skills matched against your job role. If there are no required skills in your current role, then the gigs that match your user preferences in Opportunity Marketplace will show, in the order of the most preferences that match.
    • All global journeys of the Career Development category that have been assigned to employees in your organization.
    • Connections popular with others in your primary job assignment. These are sorted based on those connections who have taken on the most development activities such as learning and gigs.