Add Common Lookups to a Content Section Property

This example illustrates how to use common lookup types to create a list of values for a content section property.

Development Readiness

The Human Resource (HR) department at InFusion Corporation wants to track development readiness for employees using the person profile. They would also like to indicate whether a worker is a candidate for serving as a mentor to another worker.

Values for Development Readiness

The HR department has decided on three possible levels for a worker's development readiness:

  • 1 to 2 years

  • 3 to 5 years

  • Ready Now

To indicate whether a worker is a candidate for being a mentor, they want three choices:

  • Yes

  • No

  • Maybe

InFusion analyzes the existing content types in the content library, and decides that none of the content types works. They must create a free-form content type called Development Readiness. The content type is free-form because content items aren't needed, and the information needn't be stored in the content library.

Next, they analyze the existing common lookups, and determine that they can use an existing lookup type, HRT_READINESS but add lookup codes and meanings to suit their needs. For the indicator for mentorship, they must create a common lookup.

After creating the content type and lookup and changing the lookup codes for HRT_READINESS, they must add the content type as a content section to the person profile. Adding the content section to the person profile enables HR Specialists and managers to add the section to workers' profiles. they can then rate workers on their readiness level and ability to be a mentor.


You can attach lookup values to only these content section properties: ITEM_TEXT30_6 through ITEM_TEXT30_15.

Resulting Setup

To track development readiness for workers, InFusion must complete the following setup:

  1. Using the Manage Common Lookups task in the Setup and Maintenance work area, locate the HRT_READINESS lookup type.

  2. Add codes for 1 to 2 years, 3 to 4 years, and Ready Now.

  3. Using the Manage Common Lookups task, create a common lookup called HRT_MENTOR, and add the three values of Yes, No, and Maybe.

  4. Using the Manage Content Types task in the Setup and Maintenance work area, create a free-form content type called Development Readiness. Add HRMS and TM as the content subscribers.

  5. Using the Manage Profile Types task in the Setup and Maintenance work area, select the Person profile type and add Development Readiness to it.

  6. Using the Manage Profile Types task, select the Development Readiness content section to access the Content Section page.

    Set up the content section by adding two properties as described in this table.




    Value Set Name


    Development Readiness




    Potential Mentor



  7. In the Content Section Access region on the Content Section page, add the HR Specialist and Manager roles. Select the option for each role to be able to edit the content section.


    Don't add the Employee role.

HR specialists and managers can then access worker profiles and add the Development Readiness content section to the profiles.