How You Upload Writing Assistant Data Using Spreadsheets

Human resource (HR) specialists can upload and associate new Writing Assistant data for competencies using an application-generated spreadsheet.

Use the Export option on the Manage Content Items page in the Profiles work area to generate the spreadsheet for uploading writing assistant data. The uploaded data is associated with each separate competency.

The application-generated spreadsheet for uploading Writing Assistant data contains the following two worksheets:

  • Feedback Suggestions - Upload feedback suggestions for each proficiency level for each competency.

  • Development Tips - Upload development tips associated for each competency.

Generate the Spreadsheet

Here's how you generate the spreadsheet to upload and associate data for Writing Assistant with competencies:

  1. Navigate to the Profiles work area.

  2. Search for and select the Items Catalog task.

  3. In the Search Results region, click Actions > Open Writing Assistant Excel Template. A File Download dialog box appears.

  4. Click Save. Select a destination on your local hard disk to save the CompetencyFeedbackSuggestion.xlsx spreadsheet.

Upload and Update Feedback Suggestions

To upload feedback suggestions, specify all the required columns in the Feedback Suggestions worksheet and click Upload. After you click Upload, click Save to commit the feedback suggestions for proficiency levels for associated competencies into the application database.

To update an existing feedback suggestion, click Download to download all feedback suggestions for competencies into the spreadsheet. You can then update the suggested text and click Upload. After you click Upload, click Save to commit the feedback suggestions for proficiency levels for associated competencies into the application database.


You can enter the same suggestion text for multiple competencies and for multiple proficiency levels.

Upload and Update Development Tips

To upload development tips, specify all the required columns in the Development Tips worksheet and click Upload. After you click Upload, click Save to commit the development tips for associated competencies into the application database.

To update an existing development tip, click Download to download all development tips for competencies into the spreadsheet. You can then update the suggested text and click Upload. After you click Upload, click Save to commit the updated development tips for associated competencies into the application database.


You can enter the same suggestion text for multiple competencies.