How do I manage my goals?
Start on the Home page.
In in this video, I’ll show you how to manage your goals. I’m signed in as an employee. I want to go through my goals before my meeting with my manager.
Click Career and Performance.
Click Goals.
Goals are organized by review period, and there are several different ways I can sort my goals, including by Completion Percentage and Goal Priority.
In the Sort By drop-down list, scroll to show all sort options.
Click Goal Name A to Z.
I can see goals for the selected plan and a brief overview, and I can click a goal to see and edit the goal details, including the basic information, measurements, and tasks. I can also see the goals that have been shared with me, and decide if I want to add them as my goals.
Expand Goals Shared with Me.
Here are the Manager, Colleague, and any Organization goals that have been shared. With the exception of organization goals, I can easily delete goals that don’t apply to me. I can also expand a goal if I need more information to help me decide if I want to delete a goal or add it to my goal plan.
Expand Developing the team goal.
Select the Developing the team goal checkbox.
Click Add as My Goal.
Once I’ve selected a goal I want to add, I can decide which goal plan to add it to.
In the Goal Plan drop-down list, select 2021 Performance Goals.
Click Save and Close.
And once I’ve added a goal, I can personalize it as needed.
Click the Developing the Team goal.
Click Edit.
In the Weight field, enter 20.
In the Description field, add to the current description Identify 2 potential management candidates.
I can also see various parts of the goal, including any notes that have been added.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page to show the Notes section.
If my manager has added a note to one of my goals, I’ll get a notification.
Click the Bell icon.
Close the notification list.
Click Save.
I can also share my goals, and decide who I want to share them with.
Click the Develop the Team checkbox.
Click the Actions menu and select Share.
For managers, direct and dotted-line reports are shown by default. I can then deselect anyone that this particular goal doesn’t pertain to, and add other employees as needed. I can also decide whether or not to share the tasks.
Deselect the Simon Gilbert checkbox.
Highlight the Add Worker drop-down list.
Click Save and Close.
I can quickly see which of my goals have already been shared and aligned. And I can align additional goals with my manager, colleagues, or organization.
Under the Bring Customer Satisfaction to 90% goal, highlight Shared and Aligned.
Select the Increase Employee Engagement checkbox.
Click Actions and select Align.
In the Goal drop-down list, select Developing the Team.
Click Save and Close.
This concludes the Managing Your Goals tutorial. Thanks for watching.