Oracle Retail Order Broker Integration Prerequisites

Prerequisites include creating an application and creating requesting location in Oracle Retail Order Broker, and updating tenant configuration.

Create an Application in Oracle Retail Order Broker for Integration

Here’s how you can create an application in Oracle Retail Order Broker for integration:

  1. Go to Oracle Retail Order Broker application.
  2. Click System.
  3. Click Manage External Application Access.
  4. Click New Client button.
  5. Select Application Type as External and enter appropriate value for Application Description.
  6. Click Generate Client.
  7. Copy the client ID and Secret, paste it in a text file for reference.
    Note: Client ID and Secret generated in the steps must be shared with the provisioning team for TMF687 adapter deployment.
  8. Click Done
  9. Click Edit Access in the created application.
  10. Select Locate.
  11. Click OK.

Create Requesting Location for Agent Care and Update Tenant Configuration

For Oracle Retail Order Broker webservice call, requesting_location is required. You must create a location for agent care application client in the Oracle Retail Order Broker application.
  1. Here’s how you can create a location:
    1. Click Locations under Locations tab.
    2. Select the appropriate organization, select Type as Retail Store. Enter appropriate value for Location and Name. Select XSTORE as system and click New.
    3. Provide values for all required fields and click Save.
  2. Update tenant configuration buyingConfigurations.salesCatalog.inStorePickup.relatedPartywith the location created in step 1.
  3. Update tenant configuration buyingConfigurations.salesCatalog.inStorePickup.mileRangeUnit with the unit of distance configured in the Oracle Retail Order Broker.

See Oracle Maps Cloud home page for more information.