Set Up Proxy User Credentials

Here's how you'll set up user credentials for the proxy users.

  1. Sign in to your service application as an administrator.

  2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Service

    • Functional Area: Digital Customer Service

    • Task: Manage Proxy User Configuration Data

  3. Search for these proxy user keys:




  4. Perform these steps for the proxy user keys:

    1. Select the proxy user key and click Edit.

    2. In the Edit Proxy User Configuration Data workspace, enter the proxy user name if it's different from the default name. We recommend that you retain the proxy user names.

    3. Enter password for the proxy users.

    4. Click Save and Close.

Because the same proxy user key is used by multiple URLs, you can edit any one of the URLs that use this proxy user key to set the proxy user credentials associated with that key. The proxy user configuration data is cached for a duration specified by the SVC_CSS_PUDS_CACHE_DURATION profile option.