Set Up Redirect URL in Oracle Identity Cloud Service

Configure the redirect URL to access your digital assistant environment.

  1. Find your Oracle Digital Assistant URL using details in the Access Your Pre-Provisioned Digital Assistant Environment topic in the Related Topics section and then append /connectors/v2/callback Record this redirect URL.

    Record this redirect URL which will be in the following format: https://<domain>:<port>/connectors/v2/callback

  2. Sign in to Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS) as an administrator.

  3. On the IDCS console, click Navigation Drawer > Applications.

  4. Search for DX4C Self Service Client Application.

  5. Click Edit.

  6. Click Configuration and then General Information.

  7. Record the Client ID and Client Secret. You will use this when setting up the IDCS endpoint.

  8. Go to Client Configuration.

  9. Set the redirect URL that you had recorded in step 1.

  10. Click Save.