Create and Manage Organizations

Organizations are digital twin versions of your business. These are digital placeholders for the various heterogeneous entities that you have in your business, the locations where these entities operate from, and the associated users of these entities.

An organization contains digital versions of all the IoT-enabled assets that are part of your business operations. An organization is also associated with its authorized set of users. Predefined roles determine the privileges of each application user.

Your application can contain one or more organizations. For example, businesses often divide organizational operations based on geography. You may also want to have multiple organizations if you manage several clients, and you need to separate these clients into sub-tenants, so that each sub-tenant has its own set of assets and users.

Create a New Organization

Organizations are digital placeholders for the various heterogeneous entities that you have in your business, the locations where these entities operate from, and the associated users of these entities.

This operation is meant for application administrators only. Log in using the administrator account to create organizations in your application.
  1. In your IoT application, click Menu (Menu icon), and then click Settings.
    If you are in the Design Center, you need to click Previous (Previous icon) before you see the Settings option in the menu.
  2. Click IoT Organizations, and then click Manage Organizations.
  3. Click Create Organization in the Manage Organizations page.
    The Create Organization dialog appears.
  4. Specify a Name for your organization.
    For example, North America Operations.
  5. Specify an optional Description.
  6. Click Create.
    The new organization is created along with its required artifacts. The operation status appears on the IoT Organizations page until the organization is ready for use.

Change Your Current Organization

If you are part of more than one organization, then you can change your current organization in the application.

  1. In your IoT application, click Menu (Menu icon), and then click Settings.
    If you are in the Design Center, you need to click Previous (Previous icon) before you see the Settings option in the menu.
  2. Click IoT Organizations, and then click Manage Organizations.
  3. Click Switch Organization in the Manage Organizations page.
  4. Under Switch To, select the organization name that you wish to change to, and click Switch.
    The current organization is changed in the Design Center and Operations Center.

Assign Users to an Organization

Edit the organization to add or update the list of authorized users for the organization.

If you need to assign users to an organization other than your current organization, then make sure that you switch to the organization before performing the following steps. See Change Your Current Organization for more information on switching organization contexts.
  1. In your IoT application, click Menu (Menu icon), and then click Settings.
    If you are in the Design Center, you need to click Previous (Previous icon) before you see the Settings option in the menu.
  2. Click IoT Organizations, and then click your organization name.
  3. Click User Access Control on your organization page.
  4. Under Users, select the users that you wish to include in the organization, and click the right-arrow icon (Right Arrow icon).
    The selected user moves to the list of authorized users.
    Tip: You can hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple users at a time.
  5. Click Save to save the changes to the organization.