Use Correlation Analysis for Your IoT Sensor Attributes

Use correlation analysis for your asset sensor attributes to visualize and understand the relationships between the various attributes. Correlation analysis can help determine optimal operating and maintenance parameters for your asset. Correlation analysis can also help determine the variables that correlate with unexpected asset failure.

Correlation analysis lets you explore the relationships between the available IoT data measurements and get insights into asset behavior. Correlation analysis also helps perform what-if scenario analyses and root cause diagnostics. Use correlation analysis to help set up your control systems, set up multivariate anomaly detection, and state-aware anomalies.

In addition to sensor attributes, you can also include dynamic custom attributes in your correlation analysis.

Create a Correlation Analysis for an Asset Type

Create a correlation analysis for an asset type to study the correlation between a target sensor attribute and one or more influencing sensor attributes.

You can apply the correlation analysis to all assets of the asset type, or apply it to specific assets that you wish to study. Use the Asset Type page in Design Center to create the correlation analysis.
  1. Click Menu (Menu icon), and then click Design Center.
  2. Select Asset Types from the Design Center sub-menu.
  3. Select an asset type from the Asset Types list.
    You can also search for an asset type.
  4. Click Correlation Analysis.
  5. Select Create Correlation Analysis from the Correlation Analysis menu.

    Correlation Analysis menu

    The Correlation Analysis editor appears.

  6. In the Correlation Analysis editor, specify a Name and Description for the correlation analysis under the Details section.
  7. Select a value for the Publish Results To field.
    When first creating a correlation analysis, you may want to publish it to Design Center only. After you have viewed and analyzed the results, you may want to edit the value to Operations Center, so that the results appear in the Operations Center view as well.
  8. Under Target, choose whether you want the analysis to apply to all assets or specific assets of the asset type.
    Select All assets of type: AssetType to apply the analysis to all assets. Alternatively, select Specific assets of type: AssetType to choose the specific assets to analyze.
  9. Under Time Period, choose the time duration for which to analyze the data.
    For example, choosing One Hour will analyze the last hour's data for the chosen assets when you run the analysis.
  10. Under Target Attribute, select the sensor attribute that you wish to analyze.
    You may also choose a dynamic custom attribute to analyze.
  11. Choose the data Type for the target attribute.
    Choose Continuous if the attribute can take continuous real numbered values. For example, 10.6. Choose Categorical if the attribute can take only discrete values. For example, values such as 'High', or '100'.
  12. Under Influencing Attributes, select one or more sensor attributes that can influence the target attribute.
    You may also include dynamic custom attributes under influencing attributes.
    After selecting an attribute, select the corresponding type, continuous or categorical, before adding another influencing attribute.
    You can add both continuous and categorical influencing attributes.
  13. Click Save to create the correlation analysis.
The correlation analysis appears as a new row on the Correlation Analysis page for the asset type.

Run and View a Correlation Analysis

Run a correlation analysis in Design Center to study the correlation between the selected target and influencing attributes. Depending on your correlation settings, the results of the analysis can also be viewed in the Operations Center.

You can run a previously created correlation analysis from the Correlation Analysis page for the asset type.
  1. Navigate to the Correlation Analysis page for your asset type.
    Click Menu > Design Center > Asset Types > Asset Type Name > Correlation Analysis to navigate to the correct page.
  2. Select Run Analysis from the Actions menu for the correlation analysis row.

    Run Correlation Analysis


    You can also Edit the correlation analysis settings from the Actions menu.
    The Last Analysis column status changes to Computation in Progress.
    The computation takes between a few seconds to a few minutes. If you navigate away from the page and navigate back to it, you should see the last analysis status as complete along with the timestamp when the analysis completed.
  3. To view a completed analysis, click the Actions menu against the correlation analysis row, and select View Analysis.
    The results of the correlation analysis between the target attribute and each influencing attribute appears. For each pair of target and influencing attribute, a correlation value between 0 (no observable correlation) and 1 is returned.

    For each pair of target and influencing attribute, a chart of correlation data is returned. You can also perform additional range analysis by manually selecting the range of values of interest.

    The following example shows a correlation analysis between the Pressure and Volume sensor attributes.

    Correlation analysis between pressure and volume attributes

    A close correlation can be seen between the attributes, as the pressure decreases with increasing volume.

    Selecting the Range Analysis button lets you manually select the values of interest.

    Range Analysis

    The following example shows the correlation analysis for a motor. The correlation of the Vibration attribute is studied against influencing attributes, such as Voltage, Load, and operation Mode.

    Correlations for Multiple Influencing Attributes

    As highlighted in the correlation chart for Vibration/Load, the vibration is consistently high beyond a load value of about 350. This may help you decide on optimum operating modes.

    The correlation of vibration against mode of operation shows that the vibration remains low under the maintenance mode. You may want to use operation mode as a partition key when setting up state aware anomalies.

  4. To view the correlations in Operations Center, click Correlations in the Operations Center menu bar.
    To navigate to Operations Center, click Menu > Operations Center.


    The Correlations button appears in the Operations Center menu bar if you have chosen to publish the results of the correlation analysis to the Operations Center in the correlation analysis settings.

    Correlations in Operations Center

    Click the View Show Details icon icon under Target Entities to select and view the correlation analysis for a specific asset.