Trip Management REST Endpoints

Trip Management
The Trip Management API provides methods to add new trips, update, and retrieve the trip details from Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service.
Create trip
Method: post
Path: /fleetMonitoring/clientapi/v2/trips
List trips
Method: get
Path: /fleetMonitoring/clientapi/v2/trips
Retrieve trip count
Method: get
Path: /fleetMonitoring/clientapi/v2/trips/count
Retrieve trip details
Method: get
Path: /fleetMonitoring/clientapi/v2/trips/{tripId}
Retrieve trip metrics by ID
Method: get
Path: /fleetMonitoring/clientapi/v2/trips/{id}/metrics
Update trip by ID
Method: post
Path: /fleetMonitoring/clientapi/v2/trips/{tripId}