List trips



This operation returns the list of all the trips existing for the current Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Application instance.


Query Parameters


Supported Media Types

200 Response

Successfully processed.
Body ()
Root Schema : Trip_receive_list
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : TripStops_receive
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : stops
Type: array
List of stops for the trip
Show Source
Nested Schema : tripContext
Type: array
List of Trip Context for the trip
Show Source
Nested Schema : Vehicle_receive
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : GeoPosition_receive
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : additionalElements
Type: array
Property description was not set
Show Source
Nested Schema : TripContext_receive
Type: object
Show Source

401 Response

Unauthorized. The request requires user authentication.

406 Response

Not Acceptable. The resource identified by the request is only capable of generating response entities which have content characteristics not acceptable according to the accept headers sent in the request.


curl -X GET 
   -u <username>:<password>
   -H 'Accept: application/json'

Example of Response Body

The following example shows the content of the response body in JSON format:

"items": [
"id": "D9B17614-5112-41B4-AA02-981C8F6C49F8",
"name": "HQ-SFO-SCA-Vehicle_Name",
"driverId": "7BE01256-8567-44BF-8DA3-8AEE26F33F35",
"vehicleId": "09DE39F0-A091-46B7-B0E9-3C21CC56EFE5",
"source": {
"address": "500 Oracle Parkway::Redwood City::CA::US::94065",
"geoLocation": [
"estimatedTimeToNextStop": 1945,
"distanceToNextStop": 23.997354694103965,
"expectedDurationFromStart": 0,
"city": "Redwood City",
"country": "US",
"plannedArrivalTime": 1519810576752,
"plannedDepartureTime": 1519810576752,
"postalCode": "94065",
"state": "CA",
"stopDurationInSeconds": 0,
"street": "500 Oracle Parkway",
"stopSequence": 0
"destination": {
"address": "4210 Network Circle::Santa Clara::CA::US::95054",
"geoLocation": [
"estimatedTimeToNextStop": 0,
"distanceToNextStop": 0,
"expectedDurationFromStart": 172800,
"city": "Santa Clara",
"country": "US",
"plannedArrivalTime": 1519983376752,
"plannedDepartureTime": 1519983376752,
"postalCode": "95054",
"state": "CA",
"stopDurationInSeconds": 0,
"street": "4210 Network Circle",
"stopSequence": 1
"stops": [
"address": "475 Sansome Street::San Francisco::CA::US::94111",
"geoLocation": [
"estimatedTimeToNextStop": 3100,
"distanceToNextStop": 44.78222147367256,
"expectedDurationFromStart": 43200,
"city": "San Francisco",
"country": "US",
"plannedArrivalTime": 1519853776752,
"plannedDepartureTime": 1519853776752,
"postalCode": "94111",
"state": "CA",
"stopDurationInSeconds": 0,
"street": "475 Sansome Street",
"stopSequence": 2
"tripStatus": "IN_PROGRESS",
"expectedDuration": 5046,
"startTime": 1519810577014,
"endTime": -1,
"tripLength": 68.35083089999999,
"lastModifiedTime": 1519810577304,
"stopsCompleted": 0,
"totalStops": 1,
"stopsClassification": "SINGLE_STOP",
"tripLengthClassification": "SHORT",
"tripContext": [
"value": "D9B17614-5112-41B4-AA02-981C8F6C49F8",
"name": "HQ-SFO-SCA-Vehicle_Name",
"type": "TRIP"
"links": [
"href": "https://iotserver/fleetMonitoring/clientapi/v2/vehicles/09DE39F0-A091-46B7-B0E9-3C21CC56EFE5",
"rel": "vehicle"
"href": "https://iotserver/fleetMonitoring/clientapi/v2/drivers/7BE01256-8567-44BF-8DA3-8AEE26F33F35",
"rel": "driver"
"id": "DA50A721-5F06-4D3D-ACDB-BE85F10BB696",
"name": "HQ-SFO-SCA-Vehicle_Name",
"driverId": "E8E8B1E4-0D8A-4ECB-95CA-A555510D3D49",
"vehicleId": "9E921611-F05A-4356-BE40-107E63CA480F",
"source": {
"address": "500 Oracle Parkway::Redwood City::CA::US::94065",
"geoLocation": [
"estimatedTimeToNextStop": 1945,
"distanceToNextStop": 23.997354694103965,
"expectedDurationFromStart": 0,
"city": "Redwood City",
"country": "US",
"plannedArrivalTime": 1519811366198,
"plannedDepartureTime": 1519811366198,
"postalCode": "94065",
"state": "CA",
"stopDurationInSeconds": 0,
"street": "500 Oracle Parkway",
"stopSequence": 0
"destination": {
"address": "4210 Network Circle::Santa Clara::CA::US::95054",
"geoLocation": [
"estimatedTimeToNextStop": 0,
"distanceToNextStop": 0,
"expectedDurationFromStart": 172800,
"city": "Santa Clara",
"country": "US",
"plannedArrivalTime": 1519984166198,
"plannedDepartureTime": 1519984166198,
"postalCode": "95054",
"state": "CA",
"stopDurationInSeconds": 0,
"street": "4210 Network Circle",
"stopSequence": 1
"stops": [
"address": "475 Sansome Street::San Francisco::CA::US::94111",
"geoLocation": [
"estimatedTimeToNextStop": 3100,
"distanceToNextStop": 44.78222147367256,
"expectedDurationFromStart": 43200,
"city": "San Francisco",
"country": "US",
"plannedArrivalTime": 1519854566198,
"plannedDepartureTime": 1519854566198,
"postalCode": "94111",
"state": "CA",
"stopDurationInSeconds": 0,
"street": "475 Sansome Street",
"stopSequence": 2
"tripStatus": "IN_PROGRESS",
"expectedDuration": 5046,
"startTime": 1519811366319,
"endTime": -1,
"tripLength": 68.35083089999999,
"lastModifiedTime": 1519811366415,
"stopsCompleted": 0,
"totalStops": 1,
"stopsClassification": "SINGLE_STOP",
"tripLengthClassification": "SHORT",
"tripContext": [
"value": "DA50A721-5F06-4D3D-ACDB-BE85F10BB696",
"name": "HQ-SFO-SCA-Vehicle_Name",
"type": "TRIP"
"links": [
"href": "https://iotserver/fleetMonitoring/clientapi/v2/vehicles/9E921611-F05A-4356-BE40-107E63CA480F",
"rel": "vehicle"
"href": "https://iotserver/fleetMonitoring/clientapi/v2/drivers/E8E8B1E4-0D8A-4ECB-95CA-A555510D3D49",
"rel": "driver"
"links": [
"href": "https://iotserver/fleetMonitoring/clientapi/v2/trips?offset=0&limit=10",
"rel": "self"
"href": "https://iotserver/fleetMonitoring/clientapi/v2/trips",
"rel": "canonical"
"href": "https://iotserver/fleetMonitoring/clientapi/v2/trips?offset=0&limit=10",
"rel": "first"
"href": "https://iotserver/fleetMonitoring/clientapi/v2/trips?offset=0&limit=10",
"rel": "last"
"offset": 0,
"limit": 10,
"count": 2,
"hasMore": false

Complete cURL Example

The following example shows a complete cURL command that you can use to perform the described operation:

curl -X GET 
   -u <username>:<password>
   -H 'Accept: application/json'

Note that in the request, https://iotserver will be replaced by the name and port of your assigned IoT Cloud Service instance. The format of the Cloud Service instance is and the default port is 443.