Add or Modify a Team

Add or modify a team.

After you create users, you can then assign them to teams.
  1. On the Admin Console navigation menu, click Users > Teams.
  2. On the Teams screen, click Add New Team and enter the name of the team in the Name field, or search for an existing team in the Search field.
    The name in the title automatically updates to match the value you enter. To modify an existing team, click the pencil icon.
  3. Enable the Shared Queue feature to set this team's call queue as a shared queue.
    When shared, incoming engagements are presented to all available associates in the team and anyone can answer. If all associates are busy, then engagements are withheld from being routed until at least one associate is available. When disabled, incoming engagements are routed to the associate in the team who has been idle the longest.
  4. Use the up and down arrows in the Max Wait Time in Queue field to select how long a customer can wait in this team's call queue.
    The default time is three minutes. When the limit is reached, the customer is disconnected and has to call again.
  5. Use the up and down arrows in the Agent Re-assign Timeout field to select when to reroute a routed engagement that hasn't been answered yet.
    The default time is one minute. If a call is routed to an available associate, but that associate doesn't answer the engagement, this timeout automatically reassigns the engagement to another available associate.
  6. Enable Limit Max Queue Length to limit the number of customers who can wait in the call queue for this team.
    When the limit is reached, new callers are shown a message asking them to call back later. With this option, your customers don't need to wait on a call too long when call volumes are high.
  7. Enable Limit Availability to set times when this team is available for incoming engagements.
    Live Experience will then only route engagements to this team during the configured time.
  8. Add or delete members of this team.
    Remember, only users with the Associate role can be assigned to a team.
    1. Click Add Members to add users to the team.
    2. Click X in the Action column of the displayed member list to remove a member from the team.
  9. To delete a team, click the trash icon.
    If the team is used in a routing rule, you will be prevented from deleting the team. If you still want to delete a team, you will first have to edit the routing rule to unreference the team you want to delete.