Configure Co-browse

You can configure Oracle Live Experience to use your Oracle Co-browse account for screen sharing with your customers.

You need to have a Co-browse account before you can configure Live Experience to use it.
Note: When Co-browse is enabled for an engagement scenario, Co-browse replaces Live Experience's own screen sharing functionality. Live Experience can't record the customer's screen when it's shared using Co-browse. See Manage Engagement Scenarios.
  1. From the Admin Console navigation menu, select Settings.
  2. Select the Co-browse tab.
  3. Download the Live Experience certificate.
    This certificate contains a public key that identifies the Live Experience tenant to a Co-browse Site.
  4. Provide the Live Experience certificate to your Oracle Account Manager and inform them that you either need to edit an existing Co-browse Company, or create a new Company, and to apply the Live Experience certificate.
  5. Open the Co-browse Admin interface.
    1. Copy the Co-browse company site ID for the company with the Live Experience certificate.
    2. Paste the company site ID in the Site ID field in the Live Experience Admin Console.
      This site ID identifies the Co-browse site ID to Live Experience.
  6. In the Live Experience Admin Console, save your Co-browse configuration settings.


Now you can configure specific engagement scenarios to use Co-browse.