Customize and Localize the Messages and Text in Live Experience

Oracle Live experience fully supports multi-language localization and customization.

If you are distributing your app in multiple countries, you'll want to localize for native languages. Live Experience provides comprehensive localization support from Abkhazian to Zulu, including double-byte and right-to-left languages like Arabic. You may want to customize the text in Live Experience for any number of reasons. For instance, there may be legal requirements in your country requiring very specific wording when asking a customer to share their screen, or to advise a customer that their engagement is going to be recorded. And, you may want to use local idioms, spellings, and specific industry terms.
You can customize and localize text and labels for each of the following interfaces:
  • Customize and localize the messages and labels for:
    • The Live Experience Meetings application
    • Your Live Experience applications, whether they are integrated into a website or a mobile app
    • The Associate Desktop
    • The Admin Console
  • Customize and localize the automated email messages such as those they receive when they are onboarded, or change or reset their passwords.

Virtually any message can be customized or localized by editing a plain, human-readable text file.

  1. From the Live Experience Admin Console, find the default language file for the interface you want to localize or customize.
    1. For the Meetings application, select Settings from the navigation menu, select the Localization tab, and then select Localize Meetings App.
    2. For one of your Live Experience applications, select Applications from the navigation menu, select your application, and then select the Localization tab.

      The message that displays on the widget to the customer is not part of the application's language file. Instead, it is part of the engagement scenario. To localize or customize it, go to the Engagement Scenarios tab. The greeting message is locale independent. That is, it'll be displayed regardless of device or browser locale settings.

    3. For the Associate Desktop, select Settings from the navigation menu, select the Localization tab, and then select Localize Associate Desktop.
    4. For the Admin Console, select Settings from the navigation menu, select the Localization tab, and then select Localize Administration.
    5. For automated email messages, select Settings from the navigation menu, select the Localization tab, and then select Localize Administration. Search the file for "welcomeEmail," "resetPasswordEmail," or "changePasswordEmail".
  2. Download the file to your computer and customize or localize it.
  3. Upload the file into Live Experience and specify the locale to which it applies.
  4. To delete a customized or localized message file, select the X icon next to the message file in question and select OK when prompted.


The updated language file is immediately applied, though users might need to refresh their browsers.