Example: Customize English Messages in Live Experience

This example explains how to customize the English messages in the Associate Desktop.

  1. From the Live Experience Admin Console navigation menu, select Settings > Localization > Localize Associate Desktop.
  2. In the Locale section next to English, select the download button and save the file to a convenient location.
    You may want to run the string file through a JSON pretty printer such as https://jsonformatter.org/json-pretty-print to make it easier to read and edit.
  3. Open the file in a text editor of your choice, make any changes required, and save the file.
  4. Return to the Admin Console and select Import.
  5. In the Import Localization File window, browse to your updated Associate Desktop string file.
  6. Select English (United States of America) from the locale drop-down list and then select Import.

    To override the default English messages, you must choose English as well as a locale (such as the United States of America). Live Experience will choose the most specific message file it can find for your locale, meaning that if you're in Great Britain, it prefers English (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) rather than the default English.