Engagement Reports

The Engagement Report tab displays the reports about Live Experience engagements.

The following reports are displayed.

Engagement Reports

Report Description
Total Engagements Displays the total number of completed engagements for the application and period that you specified.
Average Engagement Duration Displays the average duration of engagements.
Average Wait Time Displays the average time customers wait in queue to be connected with an associate.
Engagement Volume Displays a bar graph showing the number of engagements by day for the reporting period.
Engagements Per Displays a line graph showing the number of engagements by Device Type, O/S Version, or App Location.
Engagements per Channel Displays a bar graph showing the volume of engagements for each of the engagement channels: audio, video, and screen share.
Call Quality Displays a line graph that summarizes call quality ratings for the specified reporting period.

Use the report filtering controls at the top of the Engagement Report tab to dynamically regenerate the reports based on specific parameters. The Reporting Period filter regenerates all reports for the Last 24 Hrs, Last 7 days, Last 30 Days, or Last 90 Days, or you can use the date pickers to specify a custom reporting period. The Application filter regenerates all reports for a specific Live Experience application.

Some reports include additional filters. For example, the Engagements report allows you to report by device type, operating system version, and app location.