Team Performance Reports

The Team Performance Report tab displays reports about user and team performance.

The following reports are displayed.

Team Performance Reports

Report Name Description
Total Engagements Displays the total number of engagements that the team completed over the specified reporting period. Also shows the percentage that the total represents compared to engagements completed in the previous period of the same length.
Average Response Time Displays the average time that a customer waited in queue to be connected with an associate. Also shows the percentage that this value represents compared to the average wait time in the previous period of the same length.
Average Engagement Duration Displays the team's average engagement duration. Also shows the percent that this value represents of the average engagement duration in the previous period of the same length.
Maximum Queue Length Displays the most customers in the queue at one time over the specified period. Also shows the percentage that this value represents of the maximum queue length for the team in the previous period of the same length.
Team Utilization Displays the percentage of time that the team was busily engaged with customers (including wrap up time after the call). Also shows the percentage that this value represents of the utilization rating the team had in the same period of the same length.
Associate Activity Displays a pie chart that depicts the percentage of time associates on the team were either Busy, Available, or Away.
Associate Utilization Displays a line graph that shows the percentage of time that associates on the team were busy (on a call, including wrapping up an engagement) on each day during the specified period.
Average Engagement Duration Displays a bar graph that shows the average duration of engagements for each day during the specified period.
Average Response Time Displays a bar graph that shows the average time that a customer waited in queue to be connected with an associate for each day of the specified period.
Team Member Performance Displays a table of information broken down by associates belonging to the team. If all teams are being reported on, then this report provides information on all associates. The table includes information about number of engagements, average engagement duration, average response time, amount of logged-in time, and busy time. This report includes a search field so you can search for a specific user if you need.

Use the report filtering controls at the top of the Team Performance Report tab to dynamically regenerate the reports based on specific parameters. The Reporting Period filter regenerates all reports for the Last 24 Hrs, Last 7 days, Last 30 Days, or Last 90 Days, or you can use the date pickers to specify a custom reporting period. The Team filter regenerates all reports for a specific team of associates.

Some reports include additional filters. For example, the Engagements report allows you to report by device type, operating system version, and by app location.