Using Reports

Use reports to find trends, monitor customer feedback, balance resourcing, monitor engagement durations, and monitor individual performance.

Using Reports to Find Trends

You can use Live Experience reports to identify trends that may indicate developing problems, allowing you to adjust your customer service resources before it's too late.
  • You can track the number of engagements per device type.
    In the example graph, one platform is greatly favored over another (Android far outstrips iOS).

    In the above example, one platform is greatly favored over another (Android far outstrips iOS), perhaps meaning that customers are finding one of your particular app platforms less functional.

  • You can track engagements by operating system version, which can help you prioritize support resources.
    In the example graph, engagements are being generated by Android 7.1 devices at almost 5 times the rate of iOS devices of any version.

    In the graph above, engagements are being generated by Android 7.1 devices at almost 5 times the rate of iOS devices of any version.

  • You can identify which locations in your app are generating the most engagements.
    In the example graph, the app location context attribute is used to identify which areas in your app are generating the most engagements.

    When you add Live Experience to your client app, you can tell Live Experience where the user is in your app by providing a value for the App Location context attribute. When you do this, you are able to track where in your application your customers are choosing to engage with you. For instance you might have an application location for product information, one for product support and another for product purchase and checkout. Using the Engagements Per App Location graph, you can identify at which points in your app your customers are choosing to engage with your associates.

For more details on integrating Live Experience into your own app, see Developing Live Experience.

Collecting and Reporting on Customer Feedback

You can configure Live Experience to ask your customers to rate their engagement experience. If you enable this feature, then Live Experience can use the customer feedback to populate the Call Quality report.
This example graph shows customer satisfaction metrics.

See Enable Engagement Quality Metrics. See also Search for Engagement Details and Recordings for information about how to search for engagements with a call quality customer feedback filter.

Using Team Reports to Balance Resourcing

The team reports on the Team Performance Report tab are great for helping you make resourcing decisions.

For example, the Associate Activity report shows you how often your associates are engaged with customers. Based on that data, you can determine whether your associates are over or under-utilized and prepare for growth in engagement volume.
Shows a sample Associate Activity graph. In the example, over a 40 hour period, associates were Away 8% of the time, Busy 72% of the time, and Available 10% of the time.
Using the Associate Utilization report, you can pinpoint the dates on which your associates have been busiest. You can use this information to anticipate when to have more staff online, and on which days to have fewer staff online.
Shows a sample Associate Utilization graph.
The Average Response Time report is also valuable for considering resource levels. Higher than desired response times means that your customers were waiting longer in queue to be connected with an associate.
Shows a sample Average Response Time graph.

Using Engagement Reports to Monitor Durations

Average engagement duration is a critical metric when you're evaluating your support channels. Spikes or steadily increasing average engagement durations can signal problems that you need to fix.
Shows a sample Average Engagement Duration graph.

For example, looking at the report above, the spike in average duration in August could be the result of new associates getting acclimated to your system and workflow, or that customers encountered a brand new product bug that your team hadn't any experience in resolving yet. If the average engagement duration is steadily increasing, it could mean that your team is becoming less efficient at handling certain kinds of issues and that your associates need more training. And if the average engagement duration stabilizes or trends down, it could mean that your new associates have acquired the necessary knowledge to fully contribute to your support operations.

Monitoring Individual Performance

In addition to all of the aggregate data Live Experience tracks, you can also focus on the performance metrics for individual team members.
Shows sample Team Member Performance data, revealing engagements, average duration, average response time, logged in time, and busy time by user.

Using the individual associate metrics you can easily identify which associates are performing exceptionally well and who might benefit from further training. You can also search for and select specific associates so that you can compare them side by side.