How You Use Rules to Fine Tune Engagement Scenarios

The key to getting the most out of your engagement scenarios is controlling exactly when they apply to any particular engagement.

If you're creating just a few general categories, such as Sales, Support, and Administration, you probably won't need to work with rules very much and can just specify an Application Location. But if your business needs are more advanced, you'll find yourself needing more control, and you will want to create engagement scenario rules.

When creating an engagement scenario rule, you first choose the type of rule set you'd like, either AND or OR, and then add a variety of conditions depending on your requirements. An engagement scenario rule condition consists of the following components:
  • A context Attribute containing the data you'd like to examine.
  • An Operation determining how you'd like to process the attribute's data (either equals or reg exp [regular expression]).
  • A Value that you want to compare to the data contained in the attribute through the Operation.

Live Experience provides some default context attributes, but you have the ability to pass any information you collect in your app or on your website to Live Experience and to capture that as a context attribute. For example, if you allow your customers to log into your site or app, you can communicate whether your customer is logged in to Live Experience. If you have a customer database that ranks your customer by prestige or tier, you can inform Live Experience whether a given customer is a bronze, silver, or gold tier customer. You can then use that information in Live Experience when creating rules for your engagement scenarios.

Custom context attributes and certain default context attributes are not automatically populated by Live Experience. You have to gather the context you're interested in when you create your Live Experience-enabled app or website.