Install the Live Experience Demo App on Android

The Oracle Live Experience demo app for Android is on the Google Play store.

  1. On your Android device, open the Google Play store.
  2. Search for and install Oracle Live Experience.
  3. Open the app.

    The first time you open the app, you're presented with the end-user license agreement (EULA). Read it and agree to it. You can't use the Live Experience demo app unless you agree to the terms. See Oracle Live Experience Demo App End-User License Agreement for Android.

  4. Set the Tenant setting to your allocated tenant name.
    If you haven't already created a Live Experience application, create a new one as described in Manage Your Applications, note down the client ID and client secret and skip to step 6.
  5. Do the following only if you already have an existing application, and you've forgotten the client ID and client secret:
    1. Navigate to the Live Experience Admin Console:, or for EMEA customers,, replacing your_tenant_name with your assigned tenant name.
    2. Choose your application from the application list, and then select the Details tab.
    3. Make a note of the Client ID.
    4. Click Display Secret and then click Generate, making a note of the new secret.
      Warning: Generating a new secret may cause any authorization configuration you have in place to be invalidated. If you've got any other Android or iOS apps, you'll also need to update the client secret for them as well.
  6. Enter your client ID in the Client ID text box.
  7. Enter your client secret in the Secret text box.
  8. Relaunch and try out the demo app features.