Log Callbacks as Sales or Fusion Service Requests

You can configure Live Experience callbacks to be logged as incidents.

A callback is an option you provide to your customers to spare them from having to wait in a call queue. See Manage Engagement Scenarios.
  1. In IDCS, create a new OAuth SAML application for accessing Sales or Fusion Service REST APIs. The application needs to have the following specific configurations:
    • Set Allowed Grant Types to Client Credentials and JWT Assertion.
    • For Authorization Resources, select your Sales or Fusion Service server and scope.
  2. Note down the client credentials for this application.
  3. Contact your account manager and request to have a user account created in Fusion Apps.
    This user account needs to have an ID that matches your IDCS OAuth application and the tenant certificate from your IDCS OAuth application applied to it.
  4. In the Live Experience Admin Console, on the Activate Engagement Cloud Integration page, set Log Callbacks as Service Requests to On.
    If set to Off, and if you enable callbacks, then callback routing is handled in Live Experience rather than in Sales or Fusion Service.
  5. Enter the Sales or Fusion Service REST credentials for the application you created in IDCS.
    You need to enter the Sales or Fusion Service Server URL, the Client ID, and the Client Secret.
  6. Click Verify.

What to do next

Next, log in to Sales or Fusion Service using an account that has access to the Live Experience service. Using your Live Experience-enabled mobile app or website, start an engagement. Confirm that an incoming call-notification pops up in Sales or Fusion Service.

Using the Live Experience Admin Console, configure the user accounts for your Sales or Fusion Service agents with skills and assign them to teams to improve call routing. See How You Use Skills to Route Your Customers to the Right Team.