Update the Public Certificate in the Live Experience Application

The public certificate contains a public key which is used to authenticate a signed IDCS access token by verifying its signature. Here’s how to update the public certificate in the Live Experience application.

  1. Sign in to Oracle Live Experience as an administrator.
  2. In the Navigator, click Integration.
  3. In the Integration page, click the IDP tab.
  4. In the Configure API access through IDCS section, Allow access to Live Experience API field, click On.
  5. In the IDCS Signing Certificate Public Key field, add the public certificate you downloaded in the Enable the API access and provide the public certificate in the Live Experience application section.
    Note: Make sure that the following lines are excluded in the public certificate:
    • -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
    • -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  6. Click Update Public Key.

This public key will be saved so that the Live Experience application can use it to verify signatures on runtime.

You’ve completed the IDCS authentication setup for external API.