Testing Live Experience with B2C Service

Test your B2C Service access to the Live Experience Associate Desktop.

Make sure everything is working properly:
  • Log into B2C Service using a new account that includes the Live Experience profile. On the left of the B2C Service interface, expand the Live Experience Associate Desktop extension. The new account should authenticate with Live Experience, and a new Live Experience user should get automatically created. Open the Live Experience Admin Console and confirm a user account with the same user name now exists.

    You can configure each new Live Experience account with skills or assign them to teams to adjust or improve call routing. See How You Use Skills to Route Your Customers to the Right Team.

  • Log into B2C Service using an account that includes the Live Experience profile. Using your Live Experience-enabled mobile app or website, start an engagement. Confirm that an incoming call notification displays in B2C Service.

    If you don't have access to a Live Experience-enabled app or website, use the Live Experience demo app instead. See Present a Live Experience Demonstration.
  • Answer an incoming engagement. Notice that B2C Service automatically creates a corresponding incident to track the engagement.

    When you end the engagement in B2C Service, an engagement record is saved in Live Experience. You can search for engagements and review their details. If engagements are configured to be recorded, then you can also replay the engagement. See Manage Recordings and Quality Options and Search for Engagement Details and Recordings.

Agents use the Live Experience Associate Desktop extension for initiating and answering engagements.

Live Experience Associate Desktop Extension

Icon or Field Description
X Click to minimize the Associate Desktop extension
Agent avatar Click to run diagnostics
Incoming Calls queue The queue tells you how many calls are in queue waiting to be answered. You can click the chevron to expand the queue and answer an incoming engagement.
Engagement options Use these options to initiate an engagement of your own. Depending how your Live Experience is set up, you might not have access to all these options which include Start a Meeting, Generate a Meeting Link, Conversations, and Place a Call.
Availability Click to change your availability status.