The Associate Desktop Annotation Interface

Improve the effectiveness of your customer support with the real-time annotation capabilities of Oracle Live Experience.

The annotation tool is automatically enabled and available to you and your customers whenever you are on a video call together or are sharing a screen. The Live Experience annotation feature is not available when Co-browsing with a customer. When screen sharing, both you and the customer can use the annotation tool. When on a video call, only the associate can use the annotation tool. On mobile devices, use your finger to make annotations. On a computer, use your cursor.

Customers see annotations on their screen as you guide them through the engagement. When the call is ended, the annotations disappear from your customer's screen. Annotations are saved as part of recorded engagements.

Note: When a customer's call originates from a website, annotations can appear only on the browser page containing the Live Experience widget. If the customer navigates to another browser tab and either party attempts to annotate, the annotations won't appear.

Annotations Interface

Icon Description
Pencil The pencil icon is blue, indicating that you've selected it and enabled the annotation feature.
Camera To annotate when on a video call, you can click the camera icon to freeze the video to annotate on a still image. When you freeze the video, both you and the customer see the still image until you select to resume the video feed.
Annotation toolbar Click the color to open a color picker to choose a different color. Click the pen to choose a different tool, like a highlighter. Select the eraser icon and then click on an annotation to delete it.