The Associate Desktop Conversations (SMS) Interface

The Conversations interface is available only if your administrator configured the SMS service.

An incoming SMS engagement is routed to you or your team similarly to other types of engagements. New SMS engagements are included in the Incoming Engagements queue and are distinguished from other engagement types by a small text bubble icon. After the SMS engagement is answered by one associate, the engagement leaves the queue and belongs to that associate.

Each tab of the Conversations interface is an open SMS conversation between you and a customer. The tab labels are the customer's SMS phone number. The active tab is identified with bold text on the tab label, underlined in dark blue.

Conversations Interface

Icon Description
Status Participating in an SMS conversation does not count as being on a call, so your status remains Available. Video or audio calls will still be routed to your queue.
Home Click Home to return to the Welcome Screen.
New unread message A blue dot next to the customer's SMS number indicates there is a new unread message in the conversation.
X Click X to end the SMS conversation and close the tab. If the customer writes back, a new conversation starts.
Pencil Click the pencil icon to start a new conversation. This opens a dialog where you specify a phone number and compose a first message. When you send this new SMS message, a new tab appears in the Conversations interface.
Type a message Compose a message to add to the conversation on the active tab.
Send Click Send to send the composed message to the customer and add the message to the conversation on the active tab.