Default Namespace
type description
accessTokenResponseV1 Model class for access token response.
apiResponseV1 Model class for a generic response from the LX REST API.
applicationFinalResponseV1 model class to send clientId and clientSecret.
applicationRecodringV1 model class to update tenant SI application.
enable Model class for recording.
applicationResponseV1 Model class for the response.
applicationV1 Model class for creating tenant application.
appRecordingV1 Model class for recording.
contextMetrics Model class for Context Metric.
ECConfigV1 Model class for Engagement Cloud integration configuration.
engagementListV1 Model class for Engagements List.
engagementScenarioConfigurationV1 Model class for engagement scenario configuation.
behavioursV1 Model class for engagement scenario behaviours.
configurationV1 Model class for engagement scenario message.
mediaOption Enum of Media Option.
messageV1 Model class for engagement scenario message.
engagementScenarioListV1 Model class for EngagementScenario list.
engagementScenarioRuleV1 Model class for engagement scenario rule.
engagementScenarioConditionV1 Model calss for engagement scenario condition.
operation Operation enum.
ruleType enum RuleType.
engagementScenarioV1 Model class for EngagementScenario.
engagementUserV1 Model class for engagement user.
engagementV1 Model class for engagement.
meetingV1 Model class for meeting.
metricsListV1 Model class for Metrics List.
metricsV1 Model class for report metrics.
users A user (associate) uri and associated metrics.
qualityMetricsV1 Model class for Quality Metric.
recordingV1 Model class for recording data contained within an engagement.
SIContextV1 Model class for service instance context required for tenant provisioning.
entitlement Model sub class for entitlement.
SIParametersV1 Model class for service instance parameters required to provision a tenant.
internalSku Valid Live Experience internal sku names for mapping feature sets.
seatType Valid Live Experience seat license types.
serviceComponentId Recognized service component ids (B-Part numbers).
SIPropertiesV1 Model class for properties of service instance provisioned tenant.
SIServiceV1 Model class for retrieving provisioned service instance.
serviceState Possible service states.
SSOConfigV1 Model class for SSO configuration.
serviceInstanceV1 Model class for service instance provisioning.
statusResponseV1 Model class for Status Response.
state Possible status states.
subTenantLimitsV1 Model class for the Limits object (used inside subTenantConfig).
subTenantV1 Model class for sub-tenant.
userListV1 Model class for Users list.
userV1 Model class for user.