4Manage Program Members

This chapter contains the following:

After the loyalty manager has set up programs and promotions, you can add program members. To set up loyalty members, you must be either a Loyalty Program Administrator or a Loyalty Program Manager.

Let's look at the general steps involved in setting up members.

Step Description Topics Where You Can Find More Information


When you enroll a member in a program, the member is automatically enrolled in all active promotions, except for enrollment promotions, in the program. Enrolled promotions are excluded from automatic enrollment because these require manual enrollment. The member automatically is in the default tier for the program.

Enroll Members in Loyalty Programs


If you have created a company member, you can view the employees of the company, if you have already added them.

Add and View Employees of Company Members


If you have created an individual member, you can view the all the companies that the individual is associated with.

View Information About Members


You can view and add accounts for individual members.

Add and View Company Accounts of Individual Members


You can add an individual member to a household and specify whether earned points roll up to the household.

View and Add Members to a Household

Data Masking Loyalty Member Names

Data masking, also known as static data masking, is the process of permanently replacing sensitive data with fictitious yet realistic looking data. It helps you generate realistic and fully functional data with similar characteristics as the original data to replace sensitive or confidential information. In Oracle Loyalty Cloud, data masking is applied to loyalty members' names by default. For more information on data masking, see Using Oracle Data Safe guide on the Help Center (docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/saas/).

When you enroll a member in a program, the member is automatically enrolled in all active promotions in the program. The member is automatically in the program's default tier. Program managers and administrators can add members to enrollment-required promotions as well.

Enrollment is often done in the customer-facing application, rather than in Oracle Loyalty. To make this possible, you must use the REST API to integrate Oracle Loyalty with the customer-facing application.

Loyalty programs have the following types of members:

  • Individual. People join programs on their own behalf and make purchases themselves to earn points. This type of membership supports business-to-consumer promotions.

  • Household. You can create a Household member, and then associate individual members with the household. A Household member provides a way to roll up points earned by individual members of a household as a family or community.

  • Company. Companies join programs. When employees of the company make purchases, they can earn points for the company and for themselves. This type of membership supports business-to-business promotions.

To enroll a member in a loyalty program

  1. Open Loyalty Members.

  2. On the member screen, click Create Member and complete the necessary fields:

    • Individual. To create an individual member, choose Individual in the Type field and choose an existing Contact or create a new Contact.

    • Household. To create a household, choose Household in the Type field, then select a primary contact, specify a household name, and specify the address details.

    • Company. To create a company member, choose Company in the Type field, choose an existing Account in the Account field or create a new Account, and choose your primary contact at the account in the Contact field. In addition, in the Accrual Type field, choose one of the following:

      • Individual Only. Select this if you want only employees to be able to earn points.

      • Both. Select this if you want both employees and the company to earn points.

      Note: In addition to choosing the value in the Accrual Type field, you must create the promotions that award points to the employee and optionally to the company.

Add and View Employees of Company Members

If you have created a company member, then you can add, or associate, employees with the company. You can then view a list of employees that are associated with the company.

To view and add employees of company members

  1. Open Loyalty Members.

  2. Click the name of the company member.

  3. Click the Employees icon.

    A list of employees appears.

  4. To add a new employee, click Add Employee and complete the necessary fields.

View and Add Members to a Household

Oracle Loyalty lets you create a member of type Household to pool earned points of individual members belonging to the same family or community, and redeem the points according to the objectives of the household only.

Membership in a household allows individuals, also called child members, to choose whether their earned points (qualifying and non-qualifying) roll up to the household or accrue to the individual member only. This provides the flexibility to retain accrued points for personal use or release the points for group use.

Note: When you select the Accrue to Household option for a member, all points accrued roll up only to the household, with no option for partial assignment of points to both member and household.

Once you associate an individual member to a household and set the option to accrue points to the household, all existing points will remain with the individual, but the points earned after the association will roll up to the household. Qualifying points and lifetime points display for both the individual and household members, but accrue to the household.

A child member can't already be a member of another household.

You can add members to a household in two ways:

  • For a household member, either select individual members to associate with the household, or create new members to automatically activate and associate with the household.

  • For an individual, choose a household to join, and set the option to accrue points to the household.

To add individual members to a household

  1. Open Loyalty Members.

  2. Associate individual members at either the household or individual level:

    • Household - Search for the name of the household member, and then click the Individuals icon. Search for and select individual program members. If a member doesn't yet exist, click the Add Individual button and enter the required details. Specify the start date if you don't want to use the system date. Then go to the member page for each individual member, and set the Accrual to Household option.

    • Individual - Search for the name of the individual member that you want to add to the household. On the Edit Member screen, select the name of the household to join, and set the Accrual to Household option.

To view a list of members in a household

  1. Open Loyalty Members.

  2. Search for the household.

  3. Click the Members icon.

To change point accrual back to the individual member

  1. Open Loyalty Members.

  2. End point roll-up at either the household or individual level:

    • Household - Search for the household member, click the Members icon, and then specify an end date to expire point roll-up for the individual.

    • Individual - Search for the individual member, and then remove the Accrual to Household option.

Note: When you set the Accrue to Household option, 100% of points roll up to the household; there's no option to partially roll up points.

Add and View Company Accounts of Members

If you have created an individual member, you can view the all of the companies with which the individual is associated.

The individual may be associated with one or more companies. For example, an individual member may be associated with two companies if the member works part-time for two businesses, and both businesses are in an airline loyalty program.

To view and add employees of company members:

  1. Open Loyalty Members.

  2. Click the name of the individual member.

  3. Click the Company icon.

    A list of companies appears.

  4. To add a new company, click the Add Company button and complete the necessary fields.

View Information About Members

A list of members is displayed on the Loyalty Members page. Here you can search for a member by name, sort members' names alphabetically, or filter the list of members by using refined search criteria. On this page, you can also search for a specific member based on a membership card number. To enable the Membership Card Search button, and for more information on extending your Loyalty program, see the Oracle Loyalty Extending Guide.

When you click on a member's name, you can view the following information:

  • Profile: The member's name, type, program, point balances, member attributes, and other details.

    Note: You can add and organize supplementary member information on the Member Profile page by using field groups to categorize and display member attributes. For more information, see the Field Groups chapter in Oracle Applications Cloud Configuring Applications Using Applications Composer.
  • Tier: The current tier, all the past tier changes for the member, the next qualifying tier, and the number of points required for the next qualifying tier.

  • Transactions: All past transactions for the member. Clicking on a transaction takes you to the Transaction page, where you can copy, cancel, or process the transaction.

  • Referrals: All referrals the member has made.

  • Point Items: Details about how many points a member got because of a specific transaction, the promotion that triggered the points, when the points will expire, and so on.

  • Promotion Attributes: If a Member has enrolled in a promotion and has at least one qualifying transaction for the promotion, then the attribute appears in this view. In addition to using attributes in rules, you can use them to track many types of behavior, such as the number of flights a member took, the number of times a member purchased a specific product, and the number of nights a member stayed in a hotel. For marketing purposes, you can see all attributes that are being tracked for a given member and see the member's progress against these attributes.

  • Vouchers: All the vouchers the member has available and that the member has used.

  • Membership Cards: All the membership cards the member has.

  • Household Information: The name of the household that the member is part of, if any, and whether points earned accrue to the household.

  • Company: If the member belongs to a company, then company information appears in this view.

  • Enrollment Promotions: All the promotions in which the member is enrolled (enrollment promotions only).

To view information about a member:

  1. Open the Edit Member page for your member.

  2. Click a tab to view member information:

    • Tier

    • Transactions

    • Referrals

    • Point Items

    • Promotion Attributes

    • Vouchers

    • Membership Cards

    • Company

    • Promotions Enrolled

View a Member's Qualifying Points

You can check how many qualifying points a member currently has, how many more they need to qualify for a tier upgrade, and details about how they earned the point grants.

To view a member's qualifying point information:

  1. Open Loyalty Members.

    The points shown on this page are a member's total available points, which include qualifying and other points and can be used for redemptions.

  2. Click the member's name.

  3. Click Profile to view the member's total qualifying points, available, future, and lifetime points for each point type.

  4. To view details about the member's current tier, such as the number of qualifying points they need for an upgrade, click Tier.

  5. To view chronological details about point grants the member received, click Point Items.

Note: Members earn tier upgrades in real time from program promotions. The Loyalty Batch Engine Main Job, when configured for the tier attribute, handles tier re-qualify or tier downgrades. For details, see Overview of Batch Processing.

For more information about qualifying points, see Loyalty Points.

Create Members' Referrals

You can give members rewards for referring other people who become members. You can view a list of all the referrals made by the member, and you can use the same screen to create a new referral record.

Note: You can also create referrals when you enroll new members, by selecting the referring member in the Referred By field.

To create a member's referrals:

  1. Open Loyalty Members.

  2. Open the Edit Member page for your member.

  3. Click the Referrals icon.

  4. Click the Create Referral button and complete the necessary fields.

Assess a Member's Tier

You can perform tier assessment on a loyalty program member to determine whether the member's tier qualifying balance is sufficient to re-qualify the present tier, upgrade the tier, or downgrade the member's tier (often for development or demonstration purposes). Tier assessment displays details about the next tier a member can achieve, including the next tier name, number of qualifying points required for that tier, the number qualifying points the member currently has, the number of qualifying points still needed to upgrade, and the tier qualifying end date (Till Date). To use the tier assessment feature, a tier assessment model must be defined in the tier class attributes.

Typically, tier assessment and upgrades occur automatically at runtime when a member acquires enough qualifying points. The Oracle Loyalty engine checks the member's qualifying point balance and the promotion rules, and upgrades the member with a tier promotion action if the point balance is sufficient. Similarly, the Oracle Loyalty engine can downgrade or requalify a member's tier at the tier end date.

You can cancel transactions that qualify members to upgrade to higher tiers without affecting a member's tier status. For example, a member upgrades to a higher tier by earning sufficient qualifying points through transactions, but those transactions are later canceled. The member's qualifying point balance is deducted; however the member isn't downgraded to their original or previous tier.

To assess a member's tier:

  1. Open Loyalty Members.

  2. Open the Edit Member page for your member.

  3. Click the Tier icon.

  4. Click Assess Tier.

  5. Review the member's tier assessment details.

For details about manually changing a member's tier, see the Change Members' Tiers Manually topic.

Change Members' Tiers Manually

Usually, member tiers are changed by promotions when they have accumulated the necessary number of points or some other necessary action needed to qualify for a different tier. These tier changes occur automatically during a batch process. You can also change a member's tier manually, if necessary.

Before changing a member's tier manually, you can optionally perform a tier assessment for a loyalty program member to determine whether the member's tier qualifying balance is sufficient to upgrade to a higher tier. For details, see the Assess a Member's Tier topic.

To change a member's tier manually:

  1. Open Loyalty Members.

  2. Open the Edit Member page for your member.

  3. Click the Tier icon.

  4. Click the Change Current Tier button, and complete the necessary fields.

Give Vouchers to Members Manually

Members might receive a voucher for a number of reasons, depending on the business model. For example, if a flight was delayed, then all members on that flight might get a voucher for an upgrade on a future flight.

To give a voucher to a member manually:

  1. Open Loyalty Members.

  2. Open the Edit Member page for your member.

  3. Click the Voucher icon.

  4. Click the Create Voucher button, and complete the necessary fields.

Create Membership Cards Manually

Usually, membership cards are issued automatically when a member joins a program, or has a tier change, if you associate a card type when defining a tier. A loyalty manager or customer service can also create membership cards manually, and view information about a member's cards. This is useful if members lose their membership cards.

To create a membership card manually:

  1. Open Loyalty Members.

  2. Open the Edit Member page for your member.

  3. Click the Membership Cards icon.

    A list of the member's membership cards appears.

  4. Click the Create Membership Card button, and complete the necessary fields on the Create Membership Cards page.

Restrict Transactions According to Membership Status

Loyalty program managers can restrict the accrual and redemption transactions of all members according to their membership status. For example, you may need to restrict all transactions for members in a Merged status until the merge is complete, or, for members whose status is Potentially Fraudulent until validation is complete.

Note: Transaction restriction is applicable only for the transaction types Accrual, or Redemption, and for the transaction subtype Product.

To restrict transactions according to membership status:

  1. Open the loyalty program with the restriction.

  2. To deactivate the program, click the Active check box.

  3. Click the Transaction Restrictions icon.

  4. Add a new record to the Transaction Restrictions list and complete the following fields:

    • Status. Select the membership status to which the restrictions apply.

    • Restrict Accrual. If this check box is selected, then members in the selected status don't accrue points for their activities.

    • Restrict Redemption. If this check box is selected, then members in the selected status are unable to redeem points.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Click the Summary icon.

  7. To reactivate the program, click the Active check box.

Merge Members

Overview of Merging Members

You can merge up to five Oracle Loyalty member accounts into another member account. For example, a merge can be useful if someone enrolled in the same program twice by mistake and accrued points in both memberships. A merge combines these two memberships into one, adding the number of points, last transaction, and other information.

During the member merge, there are two kinds of members:

  • Remaining Member. The member that remains after the merge. You select this member before you confirm the merge.

  • Deactivated Members. The members that don't remain after the merge. Once the merge is complete, the status of the deactivated members changes to Merged and these members can't be merged again.

You must follow these guidelines for the merge to be successful:

  • All the members must be enrolled in the same program.

  • Member merge is only supported for individual members.

Results of the Member Merge

When you complete a member merge, data from all selected records are merged into the remaining record as follows:

  • Points. Oracle Loyalty adds up the Available, Lifetime and Qualifying Points of all members, and it gives the total to the remaining member.

  • Last Transaction. Oracle Loyalty compares the dates when the last transaction was processed for all members, and it uses the latest date as the last transaction of the remaining member.

  • Transactions, Vouchers, and Membership Cards. Oracle Loyalty gives the transactions, vouchers, and membership cards of all the members to the remaining member. Oracle Loyalty combines the transaction history of all the members into a single transaction history.

  • Tiers. Oracle Loyalty allows the remaining member to retain the highest tier or the two tiers. In addition, the member's tier is recalculated based upon the new combined point total at the next regularly scheduled tier recalculation.

  • Tier History. Oracle Loyalty gives the combined tier histories of all the members to the ing member. This means that the tier history shows overlapping tiers in the same tier class for the same date.

  • Contact-Level Information. For information stored at the contact level, then the following conditions apply:

    • If the same contact was used for all memberships, then Oracle Loyalty keeps the remaining member's information.

    • If different contacts were used and these are individual memberships, then Oracle Loyalty keeps the remaining member's information.

  • Enrolled Promotions. All enrolled promotions are combined.

  • Member Attributes. During the member merge process, member attributes are merged, however member field attributes aren't. For more information, see the topic Results of Merged Member Attributes.

  • Incentive Choices. In the event where different incentive choices are selected in a promotion enrollment, then the data is merged as follows:

    • If the remaining member has enrollments, then the most recent incentive choice of the remaining member's most recent enrollment is selected.

    • If the remaining member has no enrollments, then the most recent incentive choice among the other deactivated members' enrollments is selected.

During the member merge process, member attributes are merged but member field attributes aren't.

Note: Before you perform a member merge, you must enable the Merge Action field in your Member Dynamic attribute. The Merge Action field defines how the merge dynamic attribute is processed. For more information, see the topics Attributes for Promotions and Create Program-Level Attributes.

By default, the member merge has the following results for member attributes:

  • If member dynamic attributes can't be added together, then Oracle Loyalty keeps the attribute value of the remaining member. For example, this applies to member attributes with values such as Yes or No.

  • If member attributes can be added together, for example, numeric totals, then they're added.

You can specify how member dynamic attributes are added by selecting values from the Merge Action menu in the Member Dynamic Attributes section of the Program-Level Attributes view. For example:

  • If Sum is selected in the Merge Action field, then the merge sums the values for that attribute for all the members and gives the total to the remaining member. This feature is useful, for example, if there's a member attribute to store the number of miles traveled by a member and you want the merge to sum the miles given by all the members and give the total to the remaining member.

  • If Standard is selected in the Merge Action field, then the merge gives the remaining member the same value that the remaining member had for this attribute before the merge. This setting is useful, for example, when the attribute is text for which an operation such as Sum has no meaning.

The following table shows data type attributes and their corresponding values in the Merged Action field.

Date Type Values for the Merge Action Field


Earliest. Replaces date with the earliest date for the attribute.

Latest. Replaces date with the latest date for the attribute.

Standard. Keeps the date for the attribute that the remaining member had before the merge.

Integer, Number

Maximum. Replaces number with the maximum number for the attribute.

Minimum. Replaces number with the minimum number for the attribute.

Sum. Replaces number with the sum of the numbers for the attribute for all members.

Standard. Keeps the number for the attribute that the remaining member had before the merge.


Standard. Keeps the value for the string that the remaining member had before the merge.

Merge Members

To perform a member merge, do the following:

  1. Open Loyalty Members.

  2. Click Actions, and select Merge.

  3. In the members list, select all the members you want to merge while holding down the Shift key.

    Note: You can merge up to a maximum of 5 members at one time.
  4. Click the Merge Selected button.

  5. In the Member Merge window, select the remaining member.

    Oracle Loyalty merges all the selected records into this record.

  6. Click the Merge button.

The Members screen displays only the remaining member. The deactivated members' points, vouchers, promotions, member attributes, and referrals are added to the remaining member's existing items. Member field attributes aren't merged.

Note: Deactivated members' records are retained with the Merged status.

Import and Export Member Information Using the Application

Let's say you need to transfer certain Oracle Loyalty information. You can import and export data to and from the database in Comma-Separated Value (CSV) format.

You can:

  • Import member and transaction data to Oracle Loyalty during the initial deployment.

  • Import data as needed to Oracle Loyalty on an ongoing basis, such as transactions.

  • Export member and transaction data from an Oracle Loyalty instance and import it to another application, or another instance of Oracle Loyalty. Exporting programs and promotions is supported.

You can export a member information directly from a Oracle Loyalty member page to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. When you open the Edit Member page, you can export specific member data, including:

  • Transactions

  • Referrals

  • Point Items

  • Promotion Attributes

  • Vouchers

  • Membership Cards

  • Companies

  • Enrollment Promotions

  • Service Requests

Exporting member data lets you provide loyalty managers and customer-facing representatives with concisely-formatted data for decision-making, such as resolving accrual disputes or suspected fraud, or for sharing with an end user. You can also share exported member data externally for archiving or for interpreting using separate tools.

To export data for a member:

  1. Open Loyalty Members.

  2. Open the Edit Member page for your member.

  3. Click the required tab to select the type of member data you want to export, such as transactions or vouchers.

  4. On the list view, click Export.

Note: For more information on importing and exporting member data, see the Import and Export Management for Loyalty and Understanding Import and Export Management for CX Sales and B2B Service guides. If you want to know more about best practices to help you improve performance in Oracle Loyalty, familiarize yourself with the Oracle Sales Cloud Optimizing Performance (Document 2420396.2) available on My Oracle Support.

View a Member's Audit Report

You use audit trail to identify changes to attributes of the Loyalty Member object made using the application pages, web services, or other processes. The audit history shows you how a business object obtained its current value, and lists old and new values. You can view the history, or create an audit report from the Audit History work area, using appropriate duty roles and privileges. When you want to extract a specific audit trail report, you can download the required report using the Oracle BI Cloud Connector Console. For more information, see the section Extract the Data Store for the Loyalty Offering in the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports for Loyalty guide.

For more information on configuring audit trail, see the Oracle Loyalty Implementing Loyalty and Oracle Applications Cloud Using Common Features guides.

When you need to review a member's audit activity, you can take a look at how and when all these changes were processed. For example, you can look for a change in member status, or the currency conversation rate for a specific member in a certain time period.

Here's how you review a member's audit report::

  1. Open Tools, and then Audit Reports.

  2. Set the filters for the audit report:

    • Date

    • User

    • Product

    • Event Type

  3. Click Search.