Deleting data

If privacy regulations or individual requests require you to delete customer data from Oracle Audience Segmentation, you can process the request by running an ingest job with the Data Deletion Request data object and then creating the data deletion jobs with the Oracle Audience Segmentation API. To complete the request, you will need to contact Oracle Support.

Deleting data involves the following tasks:

Step 1: Create the source

You will need to define the source that has the file identifying the records that need to be deleted.

Follow the steps for Creating sources.

Step 2: Create the ingest job

  1. Follow the steps for Creating ingest jobs.
  2. When completing Step 2: Field mapping, make sure you configure field mapping for the following attributes in the DataDeletionRequest data object in the data model:

    • Column - SourceDataDeletionRequestID: Unique identifier for the deletion request.
    • Object Class: The type of object (Table) where data must be deleted from.
    • Object Name: The data object in the data model that has the record that needs to be deleted. This must be set to Customer, as data can only be removed from the Customer data object and all data objects that are linked to the Customer data object.
    • SourceObjectID: Unique ID for the record that needs to be deleted.
    • An image of the field mapping section of a data deletion request

  3. Follow the steps for Publishing changes.

Step 3: Run the ingest job

After creating and publishing the ingest job, run the job to import the details on the specific records to delete.

To run the ingest job:

  1. Run the ingest job from the Data feeds page.
  2. Monitor its progress from the Jobs dashboard and make sure it completes successfully.

Step 4: Contact Oracle Support

After successfully running the ingest job, contact Oracle Support. In your support request, include all the data objects that are linked to the Customer data object and have the customer records you need to delete.

Once we receive the request, our team will complete the following:

  • Identify all appropriate SourceID attributes in the data objects included in the deletion request and process the request.

  • Complete the deletion request by Publishing changes.

Important: When publishing changes for the deleted records, please be aware that any other pending changes will be included with the publish request. Make sure you are aware of these pending changes when sending your request to delete records.

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Oracle Audience Segmentation system requirements

data privacy, security, account, single sign on, provision, user account, user, delete data, delete customer records, gdpr