Adding a Service Administrator user in Oracle Cloud

We highly recommend that you create at least one backup administrator for Oracle Cloud – My Services.

Tip: Oracle Cloud users are separate from user seats that can be purchased for your Oracle Marketing product. If you ordered a user seat, please do the following:

  1. Update your service environment
  2. Wait for the email from Oracle confirming that the service environment was updated
  3. Log in to your Oracle Marketing product, such as Responsys, and add the user.

To add a Service Administrator user:

  1. Log in to Oracle Cloud using the My Services Administration URL in the Access Details section of the “Welcome to Oracle Cloud” email. See Step 1: Activate your Oracle Public Cloud Services account and log in to Oracle Cloud Dashboard for login instructions.
  2. From the Dashboard, click the navigation menu, then select Users.
  3. TIP: You can enlarge any image in the online help by clicking it. Click the image again to return it to the original size.

    How to get to the Users page: From Oracle Cloud Dashboard, click the navigation menu button, and then select Users.

  4. From the Users page, click Add.
  5. Image of Users page with Add button highlighted

  6. Complete the details on the Add User dialog.
    1. Complete the user information. For Manager Email, use the search button to search for a manager email addresses. In Oracle Cloud, “manager” is a role, not necessarily your HR manager. You may need to use the email address of the administrator who received the “Welcome to Oracle Cloud” email.
    2. For the Roles section, select the Advanced Roles section, and then move all of the roles shown into the Selected Roles box. Note that the role names will vary from the image below, depending on your service environment names.
    3. Click Add.
  7. Image of Add User dialog with callout 1 on required fields, callout 2 on Available Roles list, and callout 3 on the Add button.

The new user should be displayed on the page.

Users page with a second admin user added.

Learn more

Oracle Cloud Portal users

Managing users in Oracle Cloud