Live Push User Segmentation

Request Details

Item Value
Description Sends a segmentation event whenever a user enters or exits a segment or segment group.
Method POST
Endpoint Client provided, must begin with https://
Content Type application/json

Recommended Request Authentication

See Data Push Overview for supported authentication types.

Request Body

Field Name

Sample Value




10 Integer CrowdTwist user ID.
email_address String User’s email address.
third_party_id user-123 String User’s third-party ID.
type segment String Will be “segment” if the event pertains to a single segment or “group” for a segment group.
name Users in New York String The name of the segment or segment group.




Unique identifier for the segment or segment group.

event entered String Will be either “entered” or “exited” if the member has been added or removed from the segment or segment group.
trigger segment criteria String The trigger for the event. Will be “segment criteria” or “segment disabled.”
date_occurred 2022-07-27T18:29:18Z String (ISO 8601) The time the event occurred.

Sample Request

{ "user_id": 10, "email_address": "", "third_party_id": "user-123", "type": "segment", "name": "Users in New York", "subscription_id": 200, "event": "entered", "trigger": "segment criteria", "date_occurred": "2022-07-27T18:29:18Z" }