Data Push Overview


Oracle CrowdTwist offers a data push feature where data within the CrowdTwist platform can be fed into other systems. Your Oracle CrowdTwist support team can assist with configuration & testing.

Types of Push

The platform supports two methods of data push:

Live Data Push: Data can be pushed from the CrowdTwist platform via API to a client-defined endpoint in near real-time.

Note: Unsuccessful data push requests will be attempted five times an hour for up to eight hours, after which they are recorded in an error log. Your support team can assist in providing an export of failed requests if needed.

Batch Data Push: Data can be pushed from the CrowdTwist platform via daily batch file export to an SFTP location. By default, this is enabled and exported to the CrowdTwist SFTP. It can be sent to multiple downstream systems, supporting integrations with multiple parts of the marketing stack such as CX Audience.

Data Push Feeds

You can configure the following data push types:

  • User Profile: Includes creations of new profiles and updates to existing profiles (live or batch).
  • User Activity: Includes data on user activity completions (live or batch).
  • User Redemption: Includes data on user reward redemptions (live or batch).
  • Points Expiration: Includes points expiration details of a member (live or batch).
  • User Segmentation: Includes details of members as they enter and exit segments (live)

Live Push Security Types

Oracle CrowdTwist Live Push supports several types of security authentication:

  • Basic Authentication: Includes a client provided username and password for access to the defined endpoint. The value of username:password is Base64 encoded and included in the message header.
  • X-API-Key Authentication: Requires a client provided API key for access to the defined endpoint. This is included in the message header with the key name of “x-api-key”.
  • IP Whitelisting: A client can set firewall rules to only accept API calls from specific IP addresses. CrowdTwist can provide a list of IP addresses from which our data feeds originate for a client to add to their firewall security.
  • General API Key: If a client endpoint requires a pre-shared key for authentication, that can be included within the URL of the configured API endpoint. Such as
  • Site Authentication: If a client endpoint requires site authentication (username and password), this can be included within the URL of the configured API endpoint. Such as

Note: All endpoints must be HTTPS encrypted with a valid SSL Certificate. Self-generated SSL certificates are not permitted and will cause calls to fail.

Batch Push Security Types

  • PGP Encryption: CrowdTwist supports PGP encryption for all batch push integration types. This will require the client to generate a PGP key pair and provide CrowdTwist with their PGP public key. CrowdTwist will use the PGP public key to encrypt batch push files. Upon downloading an encrypted file, the client will use their PGP private key to decrypt the file before proceeding to ingest the data.