Adding code redemption campaigns

With code redemption campaigns, members can log into their rewards dashboard and redeem a code for points.

To add a code redemption campaign:

  1. In Control Center, navigate to Activities > Code Redemption.
  2. Click Add Campaign.
  3. Configure the details for your redemption code campaign:

    • Basic Information
      • Campaign Name: Specify a name for your campaign.
      • Description: Provide a description for your campaign. This description appears in the code redemption widget.
      • Tags: Specify tags that apply to this campaign. Tags can be useful for reporting purposes.
      • Appears in a member's activity history: Enable this option if you want this activity to appear in a member's activity history after the activity is completed by the member.
      • Status: Set the status to Enable to activate this campaign.

        Note: You can also use the Start Date and Start Time to control when this campaign becomes activated.

    • Codes: Upload one or more lists of unique codes for members to enter. Click Add Code List to upload a CSV file that contains your redemption codes. If you are unsure of the correct CSV file format, you can download an example code list.
      • Members per Code: Specify the number of members who can redeem the same code:
        • Unlimited: Any number of members can redeem the code.
        • Limit number of members: Specify the number of members who can redeem the code before that particular code becomes inactive.
    • Redemption Group
      • Code Redemption Group: Specify the code redemption group for this campaign. Learn more about adding code redemption groups.
        • No Group: Choose this option if this campaign is not associated with a code redemption group.
        • Include in Group: Choose this option and select the desired code redemption group for this code redemption campaign.
    • Campaign Display Options: These display details are shown when you use this single campaign in code redemption widget
      • Activity Icon: Click Choose Image to upload an activity icon for this campaign. This icon appears in an activity list widget when the code campaign is selected as one of the activities in that list. (It does not show if the campaign is part of a campaign group and that campaign group is selected for display in the widget)
      • Show a point value: Enable this option if you want to show a point value in the redemption code widget. The Display-Only Point Value is for display purposes only and does not impact the number of points awarded to the member.
      • Code Input field name: Specify the text that you want to appear in the widget for the code input field name (e.g. Enter your Code here)
      • Additional Questions: Click Add Question to include required or optional questions in the code redemption widget.
      • Show an image of a sample receipt: Enable this option to upload and display an image of a sample receipt. This is used by clients that print codes on receipts. A client can highlight where the code appears on the receipt to help the member complete the code redemption.
      • Require users to agree to Terms of Service when redeeming.: Enable this option to include Terms of Service information and require that members accept the terms prior to submitting their code.
    • Confirmation Email
      • Send a confirmation email to a member when a code is redeemed.: Enable this option to send a confirmation email to the member after the code is redeemed. You can modify the content of the email and use a variety of variables to personalize the message.
    • Frequency Caps
      • Code Frequency Cap: Specify the amount of times a member can redeem the same code from this campaign within a defined time period.
        • Once (no repeat redemptions): If enabled, a member can only redeem the same code once.
        • Allow repeat redemptions: If enabled, a member can redeem the same code a specified number of times in the specified time period (e.g. Allow 2 times per Calendar Week)
      • Campaign Frequency Cap: Specify the overall number of times a member can redeem codes from this campaign.
        • Unlimited: If enabled a member can redeem unlimited codes from this campaign.
        • Limit number of redemptions per member: If enabled, each member is limited to a specified number of redemptions. (e.g. Allow 4 codes per Calendar Month).
    • Duration
      • Start Date and Start Time: Specify the date and time in which you want this campaign to automatically start.

        Note: The Status of the campaign must also be set to Active. A disabled/inactive campaign that is scheduled for the future will remain disabled/inactive in the platform.

      • Set end date and time: Enable this option if you would like the campaign to automatically end at the specified End Date and End Time.
    • Additional Data (optional): Click Add Entry to add additional data.
      • Name and Value: Specify the name and value for the additional data. This additional data can be used for reporting purposes.

  4. Click Create Campaign.

Learn more

Code redemption

Adding code redemption groups