Adding additional data to custom activities

Additional data fields can be added to custom activities by editing the activities after initial creation.

CrowdTwist can add any custom attributes to custom activities that could provide you with additional reporting value. Then as the activities are completed, we can include those custom attributes in our reporting. The custom attributes are included in the activities data push as well.

To add additional data to custom activities:

  1. In Control Center, navigate to Activities > Custom.
  2. Locate the custom activity to which you want to add additional data.
  3. Click the edit icon located in the right-most column of the custom activities list.
  4. Additional Data (optional): Click Add Entry to add additional data.
    • Name and Value: Specify the name and value for the additional data. This additional data can be used for reporting purposes.

  5. Click Preview.
  6. Click Submit.

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Custom activities

Getting started with activities