Adding polls

Polls are a type of activity that allows you to reward members with points for casting a vote.

To add a poll:

  1. In Control Center, navigate to Activities > Polls.
  2. Click Add Poll.
  3. Configure the details for your poll:

    • Basic Information
      • Title: Specify a title for the poll. For example, this title appears in the poll widget, activity widget, and the member's activity history.
      • Description: Provide a description for this poll. This description appears in the poll and activity list widgets.
      • Point Value: Specify the number of points that are rewarded for completing the poll.
      • Image in Activity Widget: Click Choose Image to provide an image for this poll. This image appears in the poll and activity list widgets.
      • Tags: Specify tags that apply to this poll. Tags can be useful for reporting purposes.
      • Appears in a member's activity history: Enable this option if you want the poll completion to appear in the member's activity history.
      • Status: Choose whether this poll is Enabled or Disabled. The poll question cannot be modified after enabling a poll.
    • Poll Details
      • Specify the poll question and answer options:

        • Question: Type the question that you want to ask the member.
        • Answer Options: Specify the poll answer options. You can add as many options as you want by clicking Add Option. You can also add an image to each option.
      • After submitting, display:
        • Chart of live poll results: Enable this option to display a chart with live poll results after the member submits the poll.
          • Chart type: Choose the type of chart you want to display to the member after a poll is submitted.
          • Show percentage labels: Enable this option if you want percentage labels to display on the poll result chart.
        • Success message: Enable this option to display a configurable success message after the member submits the poll.
          • Specify the text to display to the member after the poll submission is successful.
    • Schedule
      • Start Date and Start Time: Specify the date and time in which you want this poll to begin.

        Note: The poll must also be set to Enabled.

      • Set end date and time: Enable this option if you would like the poll to automatically end at the specified End Date and End Time.
    • Eligibility and Locking
      • Restrict this poll to:
        • Specific Segment: Choose this option if you want to restrict the poll to members belongings to the specified segment.
        • Members who completed a prerequisite activity: Choose this option if you want to restrict the poll to members who have first completed the specified activity.

  4. Click Add Poll.

After you add a poll, you may want to monitor and view the poll results.

Learn more


Creating Poll widgets

Viewing poll results